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1994 Wales
1995 Wales
1996 France
1997 France
1998 Manchester Velodrome: Isle of Man: Manchester International Youth Tour.
1999 Manchester Velodrome: Isle of Man: World Championships, Italy: Manchester International Youth Tour.

The following is a Diary of the club visit to Rostrennon, Brittany, in 1996.

Tuesday, 25th. June Depart Kanturk with 27 junior cyclists ranging in age from 9 to 16, and seven adults. The group is transported in club bus and one car.

Wednesday, 26th. June Arrive in Rostrennon in late afternoon and attend a reception hosted by town twinning committee and Rostrennon cycling club. The group is formally welcomed and given lunch. Drive to Mellineck, a small village10 km. away where the club is based in self.-catering accommodation. Everybody tired.

Thursday, 26th. June Training at 9a.m. Training routes identified and riders familiarised with local roads. Meet with secretary of Rostrennon cycling club and racing licenses, paperwork etc. are arranged for competition during the visit. PM. visit to swimming pool and local sight-seeing.

Friday 28th. June 9 a.m. light training. Children begin to mix with local Mellenick children. P.m. visit to Glomel Lake and park for picnic. Everybody tense at prospect of racing against the French. Bed early.

Saturday 29th. June Early start for race in Plumeliau, 70km. away. Much preparation to feed 35 on the road for the day. The four under 9 girls are very nervous before their first "race", (racing in Ireland begins at under twelve). Everybody is impressed at the way the French organise and encourage the under seven and nine riders.

These are short, controlled tours with a short sprint at the end. The Kanturk girls are delighted with the attention they get. Things get more serious at the under 12 race and everyone is thrilled when Paudi O'Brien takes the sprint finish to win our first race. The under fourteen team looked strong in a bunch much bigger than they would have been used to. A group of four Kanturk riders break away along with a local rider who is dropped on the last lap. Michael Dennehy, Barry Meade and Steven O' Sullivan get the first three places. Helen Curtin wins the girls race against the biggest field she has yet met. Various objections are raised by some local supporters about licences, gears etc. but the results are upheld after investigation by the commissaries.

Sunday, 30th. June 9a.m. departure for race in Plougarvest. The under nine girls are much more relaxed for their second event and enjoy it. The under twelve's are tired and Paudi O'Brien is best placed in fourth position. The under sixteen's are highly motivated for their first race and dominate the large peleton from the start, sending off regular attacks and keeping the speed up. After nine of the fourteen laps, Simon Dennehy gets away from the front. His brilliant riding combined with superb control of the bunch by the rest of the team saw Simon increasing his lead by one minute per lap to give him a stunning five minute victory. To round off a tremendous team performance third, fourth and sixth places are taken by Daniel Murphy, Dennis Lynch and Germiah Murphy respectively. Again, various objections are dismissed by the commissaries.

Monday, 1st. July Everyone is very tired. Training, racing and travelling on two consecutive days, catering for 35 people and the maintenance of 33 bikes and gear proves to be demanding work.

Tuesday, 2nd. July 9a.m. training. Visit to local market. Afternoon visit by adults to reception hosted by Rostrennon twinning committee.

Wednesday, 3rd. July Morning interview on regional radio station. Some children perform traditional Irish music and singing on the programme. Afternoon Joint training session with Rostrennon cycling club.

Thursday, 4th July 9 a.m. training. Afternoon shopping in Gourac and visit to a large French cycling shop!

Friday, 5th June In the morning the younger riders do a tour along the Nantes-Brest canal towpath. Afternoon training session with Rostrennon club in three different groups. Coaches meet and compare methods of developing and encouraging young riders. The club is met by the Mayor of Rostrennon and presented with a commemorative medallion. That night, the club attends an International Folk Dance performance in Rostrennon and gives an un-programmed performance including tin-whistle playing, set-dancing and singing - very well received. Saturday, 6th June Rest day before race. Under 9 girls do skill training with younger members of Rostrennon club. Adults from both clubs meet to discuss future exchanges of young riders. Sunday, 7th July 8 a.m. Adults take part in 100 k.m. Randondeur Tour with the local club. Afternoon race in St. Gourec, 60 k.m. away. Thelma Hayes comes best in the under 9s. in sixth place despite a fall. Paudi O' Brien is also sixth in the under 12s. and Michael Dennehy was 7th. in the under 14 race where three Kanturk riders unfortunately crashed.

In the under 16s., Dennis Lynch came 5th. in a very tough, competitive race. The best result of the day was another win for Helen Curtin in the girls under 14 category. The children attend a Breton Folk Concert in Carhec on the journey home.

Monday, 8th. July Rest day. Afternoon spent at swimming pool. Tuesday, 9th. July Morning training. Younger riders do a tour and visit some Roman remains. In the evening, a large group from Rostrennon and Mellenick come to the centre to cook crepes, a local speciality, for the children. Six local women cook continuously for over two hours to provide a variety of six local crepes! The mayor of Mellenick said, in a speech, that it was an honour for the village to have hosted the Kanturk group which had made a great impact in a small village of mainly elderly people. He emphasised that small communities such as Kanturk and Mellenick should maintain links in a changing Europe. In reply, Con O' Brien, chairman of Kanturk Cycling Club, said that the group had come not just to cycle but also to expose the children to a different social and cultural experience. He also said that we had not anticipated the level of help and support that we had received and that the links and friendships that had been established would be maintained and developed.

Wednesday, 10th. July Big clean-up and packing. A large group of local people come to the village square to give a big send-off. Addresses, kisses and tears exchanged. Visit to the medieval town of St. Poel de Leone on the journey to Roscoff.