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Procedure for Endorsement of Documents [R. of I.].

Thai Adoption Group


Now that you have all the necessary documents as per the Guidelines from the Adoption Board, proceed as follows:

Bring all your documents to the Adoption Board for checking – phone for an appointment. Ms. Eileen Keogh usually handles these checks.

Having confirmed that your documents are in order, make two copies of every document and in the case of the Immigration Clearance and the Adoption Board Declaration make 3 copies. Prepare 3 bound booklets: One booklet of original documents (the "original booklet"); and 2 identicial copy booklets. Paradoxically, in your original booklet include only a copy of your Adoption Board Declaration and a copy of your Immigration Clearance. (ie the originals of these two documents should be retained separately by you outside of the original booklet)

Attend at a Notary Public (NB not a Commissioner for Oaths) in your locality and get each booklet (the original and both copies) notarised. Check costing in advance and expect a fee for each booklet. A template form for notarizing which can be inserted in the front of each booklet prior to notarizing can be seen under the NOTARY button.

You now have 3 booklets (1 original; 2 copy) securely bound and notarised. The notarizing of at least the original booklet must now be authenticated by specific State Offices (for ultimate use abroad). These offices must be visited in the sequence set out below. With a little advance planning it is possible to visit all offices in a single morning so phone ahead, check that the personnel are available and make an appointment if possible. Our members have generally found the offices efficient and helpful.

The Supreme Court Office, Four Courts, The Quays, Dublin. Phone 01-872 5555. 1st Floor – Current contact is Richard Kelly. Current Office Hours 10.30am – 4.30pm Mon. – Fri. You can expect to leave your documents with this office for approx. 1 hour. They authenticate your documents by attaching a form with an official stamp. There is no charge. They don’t take copies.

Department of Foreign Affairs, 69 – 71 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2. Phone 01-4780822. Office Hours 10.00am – 1.00pm and 2.30pm – 4.00pm. Ask for directions to the Authentication of Documents hatch. Here they put a stamp on the back of the Supreme Court Document. Cost £10.00 per booklet Approx. 15 minutes. No copies needed.

Royal Thai Consulate, 18 – 19 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2 . Phone 01-4753928. Contact Soibhan McDonagh for appointment. Cost £5.00 per booklet. Approx. 10 minutes. No copies needed.

Some Thai Adoption Applicants have only notarised and authenticated the original booklet.   TAG on balance recommends that Applicants at least notarise the 3 booklets and authenticate at least the original.   If travelling from outside of Dublin for authentication of documentation,   it might be advisable to take the opportunity to authenticate all notarised documents.

Your Declaration is the most important document you have. Do not let it expire until after you have been to the Thai Embassy in London to complete the adoption (ie approximately 1 year after returning with your child).