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An Overview of Procedures for Republic of Ireland.

Thai Adoption Group


[For a general outline of the legal framework of Thai - Irish adoptions,   click the Legal Framework button]

The following  10 step overview  may at first sight seem a little daunting.  In fact it is not.  Over 30 Irish couples have traveled this path without undue distress.  Indeed, much of the procedures outlined below apply in respect of any foreign adoption application.  If you are interested in adopting from Thailand, don’t be put off by procedures.  If you are at an advanced stage of the process, seek help from TAG (go to Contact TAG).

1. Apply to local Health Board or approved Agency for an Adoption Assessment;  A written application should be made to the Adoption / Fostering-Adoption section of your Health Board or to an approved Adoption Agency. Once the application is made, the Health Board or Agency deal with your application in due course and guidance in respect of preparation etc. for the assessment should be sought from your local Health Board or Adoption Agency.  In general terms, the assessment amounts to the compilation of information about the prospective adoptive couple. One could certainly anticipate coverage of the couple’s individual and joint personalities and backgrounds (detailed individual & joint interviews), their financial security (P.60s, trading accounts, schedule of assets etc.), their health/infertility(medical reports), their good character (Garda Clearance & personal testimonials) etc. At present, the assessment procedure is being standardized for all Health Board areas.

2. Take up Declaration of Suitability and Eligibility from the Adoption Board: Upon completing an adoption assessment, the Health Board or Adoption Agency will forward it’s Assessment Report (or Home Study) to the Adoption Board who then consider it. If satisfied with the applicants’ suitability and eligibility to adopt, the Adoption Board issues a Declaration of Suitability to adopt. This document, along with the Health Board or Adoption Agency’s report should then be forwarded to the applicant(s). The Declaration of Suitability expires after 12 months and consequently should be continually renewed until the final Irish Adoption order is made.

3. Compile an Application to Adopt from Thailand: Applicants must complete a Thai Adoption Application Form (copies available for TAG (£5.00 for form,  post,  ancillary materials etc.) or the Irish Adoption Board) and compile a series of ancillary documents which the Thai authorities require. This completed application entails a considerable degree of duplication with materials sought by the Health Board or Adoption Agency for it’s assessment (most, or all of which, will not have been returned to applicants and will have to be obtained a second time). A list of the required materials set out in an Index to Booklet format can be seen at the LIST button. When compiling the Application, applicants would be well advised to liaise with the Adoption Board to ensure you are up to date with the Thai requirements. It is vital to appreciate that an Application does not really enter the system in Thailand until it is full and complete. If there are difficulties, it will delay an application for as long as such difficulties remain. This phase is the only one where an applicant has any real input into the efficiency of the application. Do this well.

4. Furnish the Application to the Adoption Board for checking. This is a facility whereby assembled application documentation can be reviewed to ensure that it is in order and therefore unlikely to encounter difficulties in Thailand. Applicant’s would obviously be well advised to heed the guidance from the Adoption Board following such a check.

5. Copy, Bind, Notarise and Authenticate the Application. This entails the attendance at a series of Official Agencies in Dublin in order to have an Application properly certified for forwarding to and recognition in a foreign country: ie Thailand. A detailed guide through this procedure is set out under the ENDORSEMENTS button. Upon completion of this phase, applicants should possess 3 notarised application booklets (1 original; 2 copies)

6. Place the Application with the Adoption Board for forwarding to Thailand. Applicants should present the original booklet and one of the copies with the Adoption Board. The Adoption Board forwards the original booklet to Thailand on your behalf and retains one copy booklet. You retain the other copy booklet. You should check with the Adoption Board after about 1 to 2 weeks to ensure that the documents have arrived in Thailand and are in order.

7. Matching & Traveling to Thailand. Notification of being matched with a Thai child is received by applicants from Thailand via the Adoption Board. If applicants accept the matching (which,   at this stage is for the purposes of pre-adoption placement with the Applicant(s)), travel arrangements are put in place. Bring the 3rd Copy Booklet with you along with the original Immigration Clearance and original Declaration of Eligibility and Suitability.  In Thailand, the child is initially placed in the custody of the adoptive parents by the child home management. Before leaving Thailand however, it is necessary to attend and be approved by a Child Adoption Centre Panel Meeting of the Thai Department of Public Welfare in Bangkok. This meeting is usually brief and informal. Following this meeting, the child is placed formally in the parents custody and documentation is executed for that purpose and to enable parents bring the child out of Thailand. This is not however a final adoption order:  it is a pre-adoption placement.

8. Returning to Ireland with your child. For this purpose, parents will require all necessary documentation to enable the child to be brought out of Thailand (as furnished after the Board Meeting in Bangkok) and into Ireland (Immigration Clearance from Dublin).

9. Post-Placement Monitoring & the Final Thai Adoption Order. The final Thai adoption order issues from the Royal Thai Embassy in London. Before that occurs, a Health Board or Adoption Agency Social Worker will have visited and prepared for forwarding to Thailand, 3 bi-monthly post-placement reports confirming that the placement has been proceedings satisfactorily. The last of these reports must be dated at least 6 months after returning to Ireland. The Royal Thai Embassy, upon being advised to so do by the Department of Public Welfare in Bangkok, will invite the parents and the child to make an appointment to travel London for the execution of the Final Adoption Order. To date, no TAG couple has encountered difficulties at this phase.

10. Recognition & Registration in Ireland. The Final Thai Adoption order with an officially recognised translation can be furnished to the Adoption Board and saving very exceptional difficulties, the adoption will be entered in the Register of Foreign Adoptions and an Adoption Certificate will issue to the parents. Such a foreign adoption order has equal status to a domestic adoption order. . To date, no TAG couple has encountered difficulties at this phase. Indeed, the Adoption Certificate has generally arrived, if not by return,  then certainly within a week or two.

REMEMBER: Do not be nervous about these procedures. They are very manageable, particularly with a little timely help and moral support from TAG.