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Index to Adoption Application of:-

Thai Adoption Group



A. Covering Letter.



B. Completed Application Form

Department of Public Welfare, Child Adoption Centre



C. Home Study & Adoption Supervision Materials.

(i) Home Study Report from Health Board or Adoption Society.

(ii) Consent of Health Board/Adoption Society to oversee pre-adoption placement



D. Irish Adoption Board Documentation.

(i) Adoption Board Declaration of Eligibility & Suitability of                                      to adopt.

(ii) Adoption Board Confirmation of recognition of Thai Adoption Order in Ireland.





E. Medical / Infertility Reports.

(i) Report of Dr.                 ;

(ii) Report of Dr.                 ;

(iii) Report of Dr.                 ;



F.  Certificates of Marriage & Birth.

(i) Birth Certificate (long form) of Mr.                                 ;

(ii) Birth Certificate (long form) of Ms.                      (formerly             ):

(iii) Marriage Certificate of                 &                                    ;

(iv) [where applicable]  Decree of Divorce of             and                 dated         ;



G.    Occupation & Income Materials.

(i) Certificate of Occupation of Ms.                 issued by                             ;

(ii) Certificate of Occupation of Mr.                  issued by                             ;

(iii) P60 for   Mr/Ms.                       for year ended 5th April 2000;

(iv)  Audited Accounts for Mr/Mrs.                for year ended 5th April 2000 as prepared by Messrs.   Bloggs & Associates,  Chartered Accountants.



H. Assets & Liabilities.

(i) Certified copy of Land Registry Folio No.              Co. of                 ;

(ii)  Certificate of valuation of home insured by                             ,  Insurance Co.;

(iii) Valuation of Motor vehicle registration number                     ; prepared by XXX Garage Ltd.

(iv)  Certificates of balances on the following bank/credit union/building society accounts:   [insert a/c no.'s and institutions concerned]

(vii)  Certificate of              Bank,  in respect of home loan account no.            ;

(v)  Certificates of stock/shareholdings in respect of the following companies/organisations:-


(vi) Current Certificates of Home & Motor Insurances issued by                ;

(vii) Certificate from                  in respect of Mr/Ms.          membership of Pension Scheme;

(viii) Certificate from             in respect of Superannuation Scheme membership of Mr/Ms.            ;

(ix) Statements of medical insurance of  Mr            &  Ms.                 issued by V.H.I./Bupa



I. Copy of Immigration Clearance for a Thai Child.



J. Certificates of Character & Personal References.

(i) Certificate of Good Character issued by   An Garda Siochana (the Irish Police Force)

(ii)  Clerical reference prepared by Fr.                 ,   with typed transcript;

(iii) Personal reference prepared by Mr/Ms                        ;

(iv) Personal reference prepared by Mr/Ms                        ;



M. Certificate of Currency Exchange Rate

(Irish Pounds - Bahts)



N. Photographs of Applicants and their Home.

(i) Introduction;

(ii) Photographs 1 to 14;

(iii) Passport size photographs of Mr.          &  Ms.                ;