

Friday 3 May - Monday 6 May 2002

Reclaiming Democracy

This year's weekend builds on the success of the previous two conferences. In the spirit of Thompson, the theme this year is 'Reclaiming Democracy': from the local to the global; the national and the transnational; within socialism, feminism and environmentalism; society and culture.

Our keynote speaker is Dolores Dooley, author of a ground-breaking book on Thompson's feminism, who will deliver the annual William Thompson Lecture: 'Democratic Community: Pitfalls and Promises'.

Against the background of growing anti-capitalist movements world-wide, we are proud to be honouring a leading early critic of capitalism and advocate of participatory democracy, William Thompson. The past, present and future of democracy and democratic movements will be explored from a variety of perspectives and among those addressing the conference will be historian Vincent Geoghegan, political geographer Jim MacLaughlin, English left-wing activist and author Hilary Wainwright, and Eddie Holt of the 'Irish Times'. Saturday will see sessions on democracy in local and global contexts, while on Sunday the interaction between democracy and Irish history will be explored. A particular focus of the weekend will be on the media, both mass and alternative, and its role in contemporary society. Radical and progressive groups and campaigns will also have space to offer literature and perspectives at stalls throughout the weekend.

Weekend Fee: E25 (waged) E12 (unwaged)

Session Fee: E7.50 (waged) E3.00 (unwaged)

If your group wishes to have a stall for the weekend, please contact us.

For more information on the weekend write to

William Thompson School,
PO Box 178, Eglington St, Cork

Email thompsonschool@hotmail.com


The William Thompson Weekend School is organised by Praxis. This Cork-based group is dedicated to facilitating radical critique and creating space for dialogue, discussion and joint action among progressive forces in Irish society. We are not affiliated to any political party or group.


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