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      There are many reasons for becoming vegan.   I call these reasons the beliefs of vegans.   There are a few of them, the most prominent being that vegans do not believe we should make animals suffer just to provide food for us, when we could easily survive on food not derived from them.  Vegans know and care a lot about the suffering the animal goes through.  Take for example the cow.  To produce milk for us, the cow is forced to have a cow every year.  A few days after birth, her calf is taken away from her.   The cow's milk is then taken for us to drink, when the calf should really be getting it.  The calf might be slaughtered for suede.  Cows sometimes have an udder that can weigh a huge amount.  This can lead to them becoming lame.  If cows do become lame, they are slaughtered for burgers.  Or if they don't become lame but don't provide as much milk as they should, they are slaughtered at 7 - 8 years for burgers also.  None of this is really necessary because meat or milk is not vital in our diet.  We can get the nutrients from other sources like peas, beans, nuts, lentils or green vegetables.

      Other reasons for becoming vegan, or beliefs that vegans have are that veganism is better for the enviroment.  If you take a field and put cows on that field, to provide people with meat, you will feed very few people.  But if you use that same field for growing soya beans or other vegetables you could feed many more people.  If everyone in Britain was vegan, they would only need 25% of the land they now use to feed everyone.  It's a growing problem, feeding everyone.  We're finding it increasingly harder and so this is a very valid reason.

      One of the more important reasons to me for becoming vegan is the fact that it is supposed to be healthier.  Being vegan reduces your risk of heart disease and cancer.  It has also been thought to help ease other small ailments such as asthma.   When you're vegan you have very little saturated fat in your diet so it helps lower cholesterol and make you healthier.  All the healthcare proffesionals are always telling us to reduce our saturated fat intake, so veganism is an obvious option.   There are many more reasons for becoming vegan but these are the primary ones.  I hope it reveals a little more about veganism!

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