Visitors Photo Contributions

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These pages are reserved for pictures contributed by visitors to Steve Saunders Goldwing Page living outside Ireland. This will make it easier for them to find their own pictures. Instructions for submitting pictures to me are given on Picture Page 1.


Click on the thumbnails to view the larger images.


church1.jpg (51099 bytes) rig1.jpg (53934 bytes) 3amigos.jpg (45275 bytes) Mike Downing from Yreka, California sent these three pictures. The first one is a church below Mount Shasta (14,000 feet) and the middle one is Mike's 1993 Goldwing Aspencade outfit. Mike calls the last photo the three Amigos.

red1000.jpg (47523 bytes) This is John Wades GL1000 Goldwing.

LCotton1500.jpg (72620 bytes) This is Len Cotton from Ottowa, Canada on his 1997SE Goldwing. This photo was taken in front of a friend's house before heading out for a few days in the Adirondack Mountains of northeastern New York state between the Canadian/American border and Albany.

carrollbike.jpg (125624 bytes) Carroll Walker, from Lake Forest, California with his SE.

99se2.jpeg (53001 bytes) 99se.jpeg (45771 bytes) Alan Bowles, from Upminster in Essex sent these two shots of his '99SE Goldwing. His daughter seems to like it!

HeinrichAU.jpg (45868 bytes) Heinrich Jerabek from Austria sent this photo, taken at a Goldwing meeting there in 1999.

GRTETON.jpg (35563 bytes) MISSMAQ1.jpg (30883 bytes) Abackbone.jpg (31842 bytes) Yhutch1.jpg (31037 bytes) These four pictures were sent to me by J Kendall Benzing, from Iowa, USA. This is his own description of them; Here are a few pictures of my 1994 Goldwing SE. The first one was taken on the way to Grand Teton Nat'l Park. The second one was taken off the bridge over the Mississippi river between McGregor, Iowa and Prairie du Chien, Wis. with the Miss Marquette Casino boat in the background. The next one was taken in Backbone State Park, one of Iowa's many parks. The last one was taken at my daughter's home in Hutchinson, Kas. on our return trip from the Tetons and Yellowstone.


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