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Christmas 2001.

Mick Wilson does his Santa bit for the children of Dublin's Goldwing owners again this year. Many thanks to Mick and also to Robbie Nolan who supplies the sweets and selection boxes every year.


Click on the thumbnails to view the larger images.


Dhorse2.jpg (21415 bytes) Dylan waiting patiently for Mick to arrive in South Annes Street. Dylan was doing the helper Elf this year.

Mickskids.jpg (19807 bytes) Mick with his grandchildren just before he and Dylan went off to get changed into their costumes.

santashere3.jpg (23408 bytes) santashere4.jpg (19692 bytes) Santa and his helper arrive at last on Mick's Goldwing.

street3.jpg (23044 bytes) street5.jpg (21228 bytes)

street6.jpg (21146 bytes) street7.jpg (21698 bytes) Santa does the handouts to our kids first. There are plenty of passers by to look after then.

Gay1.jpg (31172 bytes) Gaybo3.jpg (37832 bytes) Gay Byrne was passing by and stopped for a chat and posed for some photos. Happy Christmas Gay and the same to all my web page visitors from us Wing owners!




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