
The Drawing Room

"The Smoking Room"

The Middle Room
The Drawing Room is where you will find that piano and the television if
you must. On miserable days we light a fire here. In the middle of the house there is a
room we call -- The Middle Room. We light a fire here every day. This is a restful room
with loaded bookshelves where we keep finding people asleep. Then there is the Smoking
Room, a name inherited from days gone by, when gentlemen might retire to indulge that
habit. Incidentally, we are not too fussy about smoking in the more public parts of the
house (the ceilings are high enough) but plead that you should not smoke in bedrooms. In
the Smoking Room we have a full size Billiards table, and shelves more of books - from
fascinating old encyclopaedias to a wide selection of horse-racing books. Most people
just give in and read or dream or chat or- well - doze. Consciences about keeping busy and
active and doing all kinds of worthy things seem to become dormant; but if you are
possessed of a sudden vital urge, we do have a croquet lawn, overlooking the bay; we have
a grass tennis court, weather permitting (rackets and balls supplied - no excuses!), the
beach for swimming, walking, building sandcastles, passing the time of day, snoozing.
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