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Iona Rodgers is a highly qualified and widely experienced trainer, who has been at the forefront of innovations in Training and Development in Northern Ireland for many years. She specialises in the areas of lifelong learning and the growth and development of people in organisations.

As well as running her own successful Training & Development Consultancy, Iona is also an Associate Consultant at The Management Institute, and is a visiting lecturer on the BA degree in Communication, Advertising and Marketing programme at the University of Ulster.

Iona combines academic achievement with an in-depth appreciation of the practical realities of business life to create, for organisations, training solutions that are highly relevant, applicable and effective.
Her main areas of expertise are:
  • The growth and development of people within organisations
  • Customer focused approaches to management and to business
  • The measurement of employee performance
  • The establishment of competence-based approaches to training and development
Her training events are highly participative and focused on the identified needs of the individual. They are always demanding, always rewarding and always fun.