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Designed with you the client in mind our training programmes are practical and proactive encouraging, a real learning experience. We deal with clients at personal, small business and corporate levels and maintain the same level of commitment to all.

We have developed a wide range of courses as listed below and also develop new courses/programmes specific to client needs upon request.
Please select one of the courses below for further details:
Other services available from Blue On Red include:

Corporate Image Audit

Have you ever wondered how your business is perceived in the market place? The corporate image audit examines all those areas that influence the image of your business. From the conclusions of the audit, recommendations are made on how to improve your corporate image.

Taming the Technology

This is a course for those people who wish to use modern technology in their presentations.

Personal Image Consultation

This is a personal consultation that advises individuals on the styles, colours, hairstyles, grooming techniques and accessories. Personal shopping can also be arranged and advice is always given on dressing appropriately for different occasions.

Coming soon...

blueonred.com in partnership with the University of Ulster, will soon be offering nationally recognised qualifications as part of our committment to Lifelong Learning. It is envisaged that the first of these will be available
early in 2002.

For more information please contact us or email your enquiry to services@blueonred.com