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Personal marketing programme.

This course has been designed to help individuals maximise their career / business and earning potential.
It can be tailored for the senior executive, politician or media presenter as well the person launching their career or business.

Based upon marketing principals it brings together those elements that influence perceptions within the market place.
It is a strategic marketing exercise for those who work in a competitive environment where visibility can be the difference between success and failure.

This course will:
  • Conduct internal and external personal marketing audits.
  • Outline practical personal objectives.
  • Develop a personal strategic plan.
  • Define you as the product and position you within the market place.
  • Package and brand you in a way that is appropriate for the market place.
  • Help develop the people skills necessary to network effectively.
  • Establish a promotional strategy to increase your visibility.
How it works:

This programme can be delivered to individuals or small groups and will always be tailored to the needs of the participants and the market in which they operate.

It covers a comprehensive range of techniques that make the individual a marketable commodity.

The duration of this programme will depend upon the requirements of the participants. A typical programme usually lasts one day.
Follow up takes the form of mentoring where each individual's progress is evaluated and action plans are reviewed.