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As a quality driven company we deliver practical solutions to all our clients whatever their size and needs. We pride ourselves on having an extensive and quality client list for whom we have worked int he past

Our clients include:

Adelaide Insurance

AIB Lifesytle Sports
Bank of Ireland Macmillan Media
Bass Ireland Marks and Spencer
BBC National Irish Bank
Belfast International Airport Nevada Telecom
Boeringer Ingelheim Newry and Mourne Enterprise Agency
BT N.I.Health & Social Services
Carr Communications Northern Bank
Coca Cola Open and Direct
Cross Refridgeration Distllers Parity Training
Donegal County Enterprise Board Pfizer Limited
Evans Queens University
First Trust Shandwick
Green Park Healthcare Trust Sodexho
IDA The Beeches Management Training Centre
IDB University of Limerick
Institute of Bankers Ireland University of Ulster
Janssen-Cilag ltd Viridian Group
Kellyvision Women Means Business