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Keeping the Customer Satisfied
- (Customer Service Skills for Front-line Staff)

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world …… but it requires people to make the dream a reality." Walt Disney.

The customer is not always right but the customer is always the customer, and without customers you have no business. Rest assured, if your customer is not at the very heart of your business, he'll soon be doing business with someone else. If you want to know, with total confidence, that all your staff are convinced of the need to 'put the customer first' and, just as importantly, that they have the vital people-to-people skills to keep your customers satisfied, send them on this course.

This is a practical skills-based course aimed staff who deal directly with customers. It will give them the knowledge, understanding and skills they require to make your business a truly customer-focused one. It introduces new staff to the Customer Service ethos, and gives existing staff to chance to update their skills and refresh their commitment to providing excellent service.

This course will enable participants to:
  • Identify who their customers are, and what level of service they are entitled to expect
  • Determine what is, and what is not, good customer service
  • Recognise why 'keeping the customer satisfied' is every employee's responsibility
  • Appreciate the increase in job satisfaction that comes from being a customer-focused employee.
  • Assess the quality of the service they are currently providing to customers
  • Action Plan for continued improvement
  • Identify the Personal Skills and the Professional Communication Skills that all customer-facing staff require
  • Explore the most commonly occurring difficulties when dealing with customers face-to-face and on the telephone
  • Use Personal and Professional Communication Skills to deal with a variety of customers and Customer Service issues
This is a two-day, highly interactive, and action-packed programme that incorporates the use of real life case studies, role-play, and analysis of video footage of actual incidents of both good and poor Customer Service. It is offered as one of the blueonred.com series of Public Courses, (link to Public Courses page) but can also be tailored to meet your company's specific requirements and delivered in-house.

On Day 1 participants explore what Customer Service is, learn the sound business arguments for being customer-focused and examine how 'putting the customer at the very heart of the business' can make their jobs much more interesting, enjoyable and rewarding. By the end of Day 1 participants have assessed how effective they are at delivering the calibre of Customer Service your customers expect, and have developed an individual Action Plan to help them identify areas and strategies for personal improvement.

On Day 2 participants focus on the personal and the interpersonal skills required for delivering excellent Customer Service. They learn, and practice through role-play, a range of practical strategies, tactics, and techniques for dealing much more effectively with customers in routine, exceptional and difficult situations.

Related Courses:-
  • Acting Assertively
  • Negotiating for Mutual Success
  • The Art of Saying What You Mean and Meaning What You Say