Keeping the Customer Satisfied
(Customer Service Skills for
Front-line Staff)
"You can dream, create,
design and build the most wonderful
place in the world
but it requires people to make
the dream a reality."
Walt Disney.
The customer is not always right
but the customer is always the
customer, and without customers
you have no business. Rest assured,
if your customer is not at the
very heart of your business,
he'll soon be doing business
with someone else. If you want
to know, with total confidence,
that all your staff are convinced
of the need to 'put the customer
first' and, just as importantly,
that they have the vital people-to-people
skills to keep your customers
satisfied, send them on this
This is a practical skills-based
course aimed staff who deal
directly with customers. It
will give them the knowledge,
understanding and skills they
require to make your business
a truly customer-focused one.
It introduces new staff to the
Customer Service ethos, and
gives existing staff to chance
to update their skills and refresh
their commitment to providing
excellent service.
course will enable participants