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Presentation Skills:

Organisations often live or die by the ability of their senior managers to present effectively. However, despite this imperative few companies take the time to develop the communications skills of their front-line troops.

This course has been designed to help individuals make memorable speeches, give outstanding lectures, and deliver briefings to the board or colleagues.

It will not turn you into a presentation clone nor force you to comply with the strictures and practices of some preconceived model.

This course will:
  • Outline how human beings communicate with each other.
  • Help individuals discover the presentation style that best suites them.
  • Teach individuals how to use the basic tools of presentation properly.
  • Outline how to structure a presentation.
  • Demonstrate how to use visual aids properly.
  • Give guidance on how to handle audience participation.
  • Give guidance on how to handle nerves more effectively.
This is a practical workshop in which every participant will learn by standing up and delivering a presentation. They will receive constructive feedback based on video recordings and a presentation pack for future reference.

The course can be delivered to individuals or small groups and will be tailored to the clients needs.