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A +Positive approach to Stress Management:

A team of professionals including - Psychologists; Nutritionists; Alternative Therapists and Exercise Professionals have developed this course, to provide a comprehensive positive approach to dealing with stress. As a result of a needs analysis it is decided how and which material is delivered, in order to meet the specific needs of the target group.

Differing tiers within an organisation, will experience different stressors and this will be addressed within each package. The objective of the day is to make the participant realise that stress is a modern phenomenon, which may affect us all at one time or another. It is important to be able to recognise the signs and symptoms and be able to deal with Stress, before it manifests itself.

For some groups, a tool known as an Occupational Stress Indicator (a confidential comprehensive stress questionnaire) will be completed and analysed prior to delivery of the course and the course will then be tailored as a direct response to the results. At the end of the one or two day course each participant will:
  • Understand fully the concept of stress.
  • Will be able to recognise the signs and symptoms of stress
  • Have analysed their current levels of stress
  • Have identified his or her current personal stressors
  • Will have been introduced to various ways of dealing with these stressors, through exercise and relaxation techniques.
  • Will have a greater understanding of the importance of and the means to achieving a greater Work/Life balance.
How it works:

This programme is delivered by a team of professionals to small/medium sized groups depending on the objectives of the course. The course is designed to create not only an awareness within the individuals about their own levels of stress, but to offer a positive approach to dealing with the stress. The course can be delivered over a one or two day period, depending on the initiatives chosen to be included for example:
  • Active for Life; Nutrition for life; Your Healthy Work station; Healthy eating during shift working; are all examples of the type of interactive presentations/interventions which can be included in the programme depending on the results of the needs analysis.
  • Group activities such as Yoga; Tai Chi; Relaxation Class; Power-walking.
  • A positive Health Profile; is a confidential assessment of an individuals current state of Health and Fitness. As a result of the assessments a comprehensive report is prepared outlining the current level of fitness and a personal programme can be developed as a result. This assessment can be tailor made to suit the individual incorporating a range of assessments including Blood pressure, Cholesterol, Flexibility etc. A re-assessment can take place 8 weeks later to monitor development.
This course is modularised so that it can be packaged to incorporate relevant elements, which suit your specific needs.