+Positive approach to Stress
team of professionals including
- Psychologists; Nutritionists;
Alternative Therapists and
Exercise Professionals have
developed this course, to
provide a comprehensive
positive approach to dealing
with stress. As a result
of a needs analysis it is
decided how and which material
is delivered, in order to
meet the specific needs
of the target group.
Differing tiers within an
organisation, will experience
different stressors and
this will be addressed within
each package. The objective
of the day is to make the
participant realise that
stress is a modern phenomenon,
which may affect us all
at one time or another.
It is important to be able
to recognise the signs and
symptoms and be able to
deal with Stress, before
it manifests itself.
For some groups, a tool
known as an Occupational
Stress Indicator (a confidential
comprehensive stress questionnaire)
will be completed and analysed
prior to delivery of the
course and the course will
then be tailored as a direct
response to the results.
At the end of the one or
two day course each participant