May |
 Top of page
Terence Takes his
Terence Slowey
pictured with his wife, Patricia, at the Council Chamber
in Lifford on Monday, where he replaced the late Clr. Charlie Bennett.
May |
Community Notices
Performance Artiste on the
On Saturday June the 2nd, Mellissa McDonnell will be
presenting a piece of theatre concerned with the error of
coincidences, on the Diamond. Local participation in this
unique event between 2 and 6 p.m. is invited and is
necessary to its success.
Launch of the Fashion Line, 'Selma'
From 6-8 p.m. on June the 2nd, there will be a launch of
the fashion line 'Selma', a Japanese/Indian collection of
clothes, as well as the sale of unique Moroccan and
Indian products. This will take place in the Heiritage Centre, upstairs,
and will also be available for viewing on Sunday the 3rd
of June between 2 and 6 p.m.
Photography Exhibition
There will be an exhibition of contemporary photography
by Dublin-based artist, Brendan Early, in the Heiritage Centre from the 2nd
of June until August the 3rd. The exhibition is entitled
'Dolma Project' and documents the rapid changes which
have occurred in Ireland in recent years.
Ard Bia Filmclub
There will be an Indian film season in June.
Kilclooney Church Bazaar
This bazaar will take place on Sunday, June the 17th in
the Dolmen Centre,
Kilclooney at 3 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Tea, coffee,
and light refreshments will be available all day in the
Dolmen Coffee Dock.
Senior Citizens
There are outings planned for Carrick on the 5th of June
and for Doon Well on June the 12th. Telephone Breda at
075-41246 if you are interested.
Salmon Season
The fishermen are having a moderately good beginning to
the season, which is usually a time of poor catches. At
present a salmon of more than 8 pounds weight costs
around £4-50. per pound and a salmon of less than 8 lbs
costs around £3-20. per pound.
Congratulations! congratulations!
To say it twice is in order, since Tom and Imelda Boyd of
Loughros Point became the proud parents of twins on
Sunday morning the 27th of May. The twins, a son and a
daughter, were a complete surprise to their parents and
their older sister, and the rest of their extended family.
We wish the whole family well.
Celebration Dance
A celebration dance to mark Terence Slowey's
membership of Donegal County Council will take place in
the Nesbit Arms Hotel Ardara
this Sunday the 3rd of June. Everyone is welcome.
Congratulations to Terence on his new post as County
Councillor, representing this area.
Top of page
May |
Community Notices
The Chiropodist will be in the Community
Centre on Tuesday, 29th May, from 2:00pm - 5:00pm.
Senior Citizens
Day out for Senior Citizens to Carrick on 5th June.
Doon Well
Day out to Doon Well on Tuesday, 12th June. All enquiries
to 41246.
Relics of St. Therese
The Relics of St. Therese will travel through Ardara on
Sunday next, 3rd June, on their way to Bruckless, where
they will remain until 12 noon the following day.
They will leave Falcarragh at 12 noon on Sunday and
are expected in Ardara sometime after 1:00pm. The vehicle
containing the relics will travel slowly through the town
without stopping. If you wish to venerate the relics, the
Church in Bruckless will be open all night on Sunday
night as well as during the daylight hours.
Top of page
May |
The Ardara GAA Club Flotto is the Clubs main source of
funding. This money extensively spent in Pitch
Development and in underage structures particularly in
the transport of the children to and from matches. The
work done by the Club is justified in that our U-10 Team
of last year won every game they played, a total of 52
games winning every blitz defeating seven County
Champions in the process.
Our Senior Team won the Double last year - first time in
the Clubs history the League and Championship Cups came
to Ardara in the one year. The work being carried out in
the development of our sports grounds at Pearse Memorial
have been acknowledged in that the Club won the A.I.B.
County Club Award presented to long time Club servant
Columba Diver at a Gala Function in Croke Park in
January, 2001.
We can safely say the Club sees its funding well. Those
former members of the Parish being abroad or indeed
anyone can participate in the Club Flotto draw each
Saturday night by joining as follows:
1. Select any four numbers between 1 and
24 inclusive i.e. 7, 9, 19 and 23.
This would then be your numbers for the year or whenever
you advise us you wish
to change the numbers.
2. The numbers selected each Saturday
night will be on this website on Monday.
3. If you win we will forward the prize
money to the address given to us by you.
4. Each set of four numbers costs £1.00.
i.e. if you select two sets of four numbers we would
require £2.00 x 52 weeks = £104.00 for the year.
5. Payments should be made to the
Treasurer, Stephen McCahill, Ardara GAA Club,
Beagh, Ardara, Co. Donegal or to the GAA Club Account at:
Ulster Bank - Ardara
Account No - 01010013 Sort
Code - 98-51-20
6. Presently, our Jackpot stands at £1,300.00
this Saturday 26th May. Our jackpot initially starts at
£1,000.00 rising each week by £100.00 until win. Our
last jackpot reached £4,300.00 and was won on Saturday 7th
April, 2001, by a local student and a playing member of
the Senior Team in Lee Watters.
C.L.G. Ard An Ratha thanks you in advance for your
Top of page
day of the bands
At the invitation of the Ardara Town Traders, the
Donegal Marching Bands Association held their annual
competition for 2001 in Ardara for the first time on
Sunday afternoon.
The weather was kind and a good crowd of people lined
the streets and the Diamond to enjoy the craic.
But it was very serious business for the bands, for
whom this was the culmination of months of music practice
and rehearsal of complex drills.
On the Diamond, the bands were welcomed to the town on
behalf of the Town Traders by Councillor elect Terence
Slowey. Following the speeches, each band performed in
turn, their well-rehearsed sequence of fast and slow
marching tunes accompanied by marching steps from the
majorettes, and marching drills in which the whole group
By about 6:00pm all of the bands had been heard and
then came the results.
In the Beginners' section, Letterkenny Band took first
place with 129 points, being also best band on parade for
their section.
In the Novice section, Gweedore was placed first with
174 points, and Fanad was second, having been rated as
best band on parade in their section.
Loughanure took second place in the Junior section
with 160 points, whilst Dungloe won first place with 177
points, having also earned the rating of best band on
parade of their section.
Mullaghduff Band won the Intermediate section.
Convoy Band was second in the Senior section with 180
points, and Ramelton took first place with 182 points.
Mr Slowey made the Ardara Traders special presentation
to a young band who had they felt, contributed most to
the occasion - Loughanure Band.
It does seem a little sad when all is over, to see
what litter a happy crowd can leave behind. Maybe this is
an aspect that can be improved upon.
Top of page
May |
Marching Bands
Competition |



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page |
May |
Community Notices
Late John Dunleavy
The death took place recently in Letterkenny General
Hospital of John James Dunleavy. John was aged 81 and had
been in failing health for a number of years. He was a
conscientious farmer in the townland of Shanaghan,
Loughros Pt, but had also worked as a hand weaver for
Magee and Co. Ltd, and as a fisherman. He looked forward
each year to the salmon fishing season.He was a faithful
member of the Methodist congregation and served on the
Leaders' Board and in the choir. Having strong Christian
principles, John sought to put them into practice in his
life. This was evident in his attention to detail in his
work, and in his dealings with his neighbours.
A large attendance accompanied the funeral cortege from
Letterkenny Hospital to his home at Shanaghan. The burial
took place in Kilcashel graveyard on May 10 after a
funeral service at the family home, conducted by the Rev
Colin Weir, assisted by the Rev Henderson and the Rev
Stewart Morris.
He is survived by his wife, Margaret, his daughters, Joan
Morrow, Madeline Boyd, and Georgina Morrow, his son,
Joseph, his sons-in-law John Morrow, Billy Boyd, and
James Morrow, his daughter-in-law, Sandra Dunleavy, his
sister, Mollie Lucas, his brother, Alex, his sisters-in-law,
Anna Adair, Bessy Dunleavy, and Emily Adair, his brothers-in-law,
Joseph and Andrew C. Adair, his fifteen grandchildren,
his nieces, nephews, and cousins to whom sympathy is
extended from the whole community.
Ardara Girls' Friendly Society
Well-done to the G.F.S. on gaining many prizes in the
Church of Ireland Diocesan competitions. For handcrafts :
3-5 year age group, Chantal Hanlon was highly commended ;
5-7, Victoria Baskin was highly commended ; 7-9, Esther
Young received second prize ; 9-11, Rea Spence received
third prize ; 15-18, Amanda Morrow was highly commended.
For scripture exams, in the junior class (3-5 years),
Chantal Hanlon and Kirsty Baskin tied for second place ;
11-13 years, Lyndsay Walsh was placed second ; 15-18,
Amanda Morrow distinguished herself by being placed
first, for the fifth time in the five years in which she
has participated at Diocesan level, and more recently she
gained first place in scripture exams at national level,
for the fourth time in five years of participation. In
the over 21 age group, Elizabeth Henry was placed first
in the Diocesan exam results.
Ardara Women's Group
The A.G.M. is scheduled for Tuesday the 29th of May at 8:00
p.m. in the Community Centre.
Ards Friary Roofing Fund
The help of the Capuchin Fathers in the parish and in the
Diocese is much appreciated. Authorised collecters for
the roofing fund will continue to call over the next week
or so.
Ordination in N.Z.
On Friday the 25th of May, Eamonn Gerard Kennedy, nephew
of Patrick Kennedy, Tullymore, and son of Francis and
Angela Kennedy, will be ordained to the priesthood for
the Diocese of Hamilton, New Zealand. We wish him well.
Junior Badminton
This is finished for the season. Thanks to all who helped.
Senior Citizens
There is a trip to Carrick on the 5th of June. Call Breda
at 075-41246 if you would like to join in. Another outing
to the Doon Well, with stops for lunch and tea, is being
planned for Tuesday the 12th of June. The bus needs to be
filled, so why not take part? Call 075-41246 if you wish
to go on this day-trip.
There is a Senior Citizen's fund-raising dance in the
Central Bar on the 26th of May.
Honouring the Relics of St Therese
The following suggestions have been made to honour St
Therese on Sunday the 3rd of June.
1. First communion children from the parish to provide a
Guard of Honour at the church and sprinkle flower petals.
2. Leaving and Junior Certificate examination classes to
continue the Guard of Honour with the children.
3. Parishioners line the streets.
4. Consideration might be given to arranging a special
little shrine outside your home if you are on the route.
5. A welcoming banner.
The Parish Council is working to establish a library in
Ardara and is asking the people of the community to
donate books. The books need to be of reasonable quality
and they may be left at the Credit Union Office which is
open on Monday and Thursday from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.and
from 2:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
A Week of Yoga
From June 11-16, 9:30 -10:30 each morning, Richard Sphain
will teach Asthianga (power) yoga. In the afternoon from
4:30-6:00p.m. Rajiv Kumar Bhoi will teach Hatha yoga and
Praniyama. Booking is necessary.
Registration for the whole week will cost £85. and
individual classes will cost £4. For more information
call Ard Bia at 087-2368648, or 075-41704 (evenings).
Association of Marching Bands Competition
Congratulations to the Town Traders for bringing this
event to the town on May the 20th, and organising it so
well. It was a very enjoyable afternoon and quite a large
crowd turned out for the entertainment. Ten bands marched
down the hill from the Community Centre looking and
stepping very smartly, and then provided a spectacle of
music and intricate marching drills on the Diamond until
6 p.m.
Revision of Community Games Dates
A fund-raising dance will take place in the Central Bar
on Saturday the 2nd of June in aid of the Narin and
Ardara Community games. There will also be a church gate
collection on Sunday the 3rd of June for the same purpose.
The Ardara and Narin Community Games Sportsday is
scheduled for Monday the 4th of June at 2:00 p.m. in
Pearse Memorial Park. There will also be an afternoon of
art and model-making in the Community
Centre on Saturday the 9th of June at 2:00 p.m.
Please note the revised dates.
Top of page
May |
Foroige back in action
Ardara Foroige Clubs are back in action again. We
attended the King and Queen of Foróige competation which
was held in Inver on Saturday 12th May. Our clubs were
reperesented by Carmel Boyle and Martin Sweeney, Brenda
Mc Hugh and Aoife O Hart. Both pairs done very well,
Carmel and Martin being beaten by the representatives
from Rossnowalgh by just one point, the disco which
followed the competition was enjoyed by all. We commenced
a First Aid and C.P.R. course in the community centre last Thursday
night. Our thanks to Beth Herron and Marie Mooney who
put up with us all year and helped us with all our
activities. THANKS!!!
Top of page
May |
Marching Bands
This Sunday next the 20th sees Ardara hosting the
Donegal Marching Bands Associations with some of the top
bands in the County as well as from Northern Ireland
parading through the town.
The competition commences at 2.30.pm with assembly at
the Community Centre at 2.pm.
The bands will parade down through the town , stopping to
perform on the Diamond and carrying on to the completion
point in the Church grounds. All stewards and anyone else
involved should gather at the community centre for 2.pm.
Motorists are advised that traffic will be diverted
around the town from 2pm until the completion of the
parade.The pick up points for McGeehin
and Feda O Donnells buses will
be at the Heritage Centre at 3.30.pm. sharp.
Anyone with any enquiries should contact any member of
the Ardara Town Traders committee who are responsibile
for the organisation on the day. It is hoped that the
parish will come out and support this venture which is
the first of its kind in the community for a number of
years and should prove to be a great day out for all the
Top of page
May |
settles down for summer film season
As another summer gets underway so does an exciting
line up of movies at the Ard Bia Film Club and coffee
shop in the Ardara Heritage
The season will get underway with a wonderful
documentary series, including highlights from the recent
"Doclands" film festival in Dublin. This is a
great opportunity to see some of the most interesting and
entertaining documentaries currently being produced
throughout the world.
Tonight the curtains will roll back to reveal "Aidan
Walsh-Master of the Universe" and "The Holy
Brother of Steam and Agony.
In June the Film club will continue with a range of
Indian films which will be followed in July with a month
of movies from Denmark. August and September will also
have certain themes from the weird and wacky to the best
in current hot pre releases.
As innovative as ever Ard Bia will also be offering an
intensive Yoga week from June 11th to 16th with teachers
from France and India and a range of exhibits throughout
the summer.
For further information on any of the events in Ard
Bia in the Ardara Heritage
Centre contact Aoibheann MacNamara on 075-41704 or
Complete list of films
in May
Top of page
May |
Show Cancelled
For 2001
Susan Boyd
The Ardara Show, one of the major livestock
and craft attractions in Co. Donegal during August, has
been cancelled for this year. This show first took place
during the late 1890's in Glenties and continued, with
minor breaks, including a break during the turbulent
years of the early 20th century, until the present day.
Since 1926 the venue of the show has been Ardara. Having
taken place in three different centuries, it has to be
one of the longest running shows in Ireland.
The decision to cancel this years show, taken at a recent
meeting of the show committee, follows a recommendation
from the Irish Shows Association, of which Ardara is a
member, that all affiliated shows should cancel their
events for this year. The I.S.A.'s recommendation
followed an evaluation of all the information presently
available from the Department of Agriculture and is a
gesture of total support for the steps being taken to
eradicate foot and mouth disease.
However, while the decision means that none of the 70
livestock classes, dog show or accompanying sports events
will be staged on the traditional Ardara showfield, the
show committee is considering whether the 100-plus
crafts, produce and children's classes, which normally
take place in a giant marquee on the showfield, can be
staged in the local community
centre. A special meeting to gauge local opinion and
support is to be held in the Nesbitt
Arms Hotel on Monday June the 18th.
"The Ardara Show is one of many to be cancelled and,
while it is very regretable, it has to be recognised that
the current situation concerning foot and mouth,
especially in Northern Ireland and the U.K., makes the
decision very necessary," said Ardara Show
secretary, Niall Heena. "It is a major set-back, but
Ardara has a strong show tradition stretching back many
years, and we now have to look forward to and make plans
for next year," he said.
Top of page
Man Achieves www. Award
Susan Boyd
Brian Fleury's hard work has won
him a most popular and sought after international award.
The Golden Web Award is a prestigious recognition of
creativity, integrity, and excellence on the web, and
Brian learned that he was judged "the best" for
2000-2001 just recently. The International Association of
Webmasters and Designers stated in an e-mail to Brian,
that 'the Golden Web Award is the recognition of your
commitment to the pursuit of website excellence. It
represents that your work is considered an outstanding
website, incorporating high standards of design,
originality, and content. It lets others know you're
viewed as a respected professional by your peers, one who
is deserving of recognition'. |
Brian first set up his 'Ardara Town'
website in 1998 as an experiment. " I just wanted to
see if I could do it", he said. Then in last October
he re-designed the site and started up-dating it every
day. It is not a commercial venture. The Ardara Town
homepage provides local news and information about the
town of Ardara and the local community. There are links
to news, local information (including accomodation
listings, bus timetables, scenic photographs, and church
services). There is even a free Ardara e-mail address.
The site has also received a Four Shamrock Award from
'Doras', the Irish websites directory, who concluded :
'This is an excellent community focused site that puts
the connectivity of the Net to good use. The site is
clear and well laid out and eminently user-friendly - a
great local resource'.
Brian says that having started the site as a hobby, he
found that it took time. He began simply, learning more
of computer codes and website coding as he went, and
adding more to the site. He is self-taught where
computers are concerned, having an educational background
in art and graphics. Since October he has been building a
file on the people of the Ardara community who have so
many interests and talents. The photographs of local
beauty spots are mostly Brian's own work but some have
been gifted to him for use on his website, and he would
happily receive more of such pictures from enthusiastic
The site is consulted by about a hundred people per day."
There was some competition to be visitor number ten
thousand. The 'hit counter' registered 400 visitors that
day", said Brian with a smile. The 'hit counter'
registers the time of each visit to the site, the country
occupied by the visitor, and the route the visitor has
taken on the net to bring him/her onto the Ardara website.
It is much visited by people with Ardara connections who
live abroad. Roshe Mlynarski (nee McHugh), an Ardara
woman living in the Pocono mountains of Pennsylvania,
consults Brian's website to keep up her knowledge of the
Ardara scene. She was present at the St Patrick's parade
in New York at the time of Charlie Bennett's death. She
sent a letter to Brian about the event which he published
on the website. She has also sent him a photo of her
brother, Hugh McHugh, and recently signed the guest-book
on the site with a comment encouraging American tourists
to continue with their plans to visit Ireland despite a
number of incidences of foot and mouth disease. This
unleashed a spirited discussion on the website as not
everyone agreed with her views. People abroad connect
through the bulletin board, the guest book, and the chat-room,
which registers and receives e-mails on the website.
Brian set up his business, STL Graphics, in 1994. His
workshop and office is situated beside the Ardara
Community Centre. He attended Limerick College of Art and
Design from 1984-1986 as a student of graphic design. It
was Brian's idea to call the annual community publication
"Ardara View", which was later translated to
'Dearcadh'. He has been responsible for the lovely line
drawings featured on the cover of every issue to date.
Some of the subjects of these drawings have been the
Church of the Holy Family, the Rectory, Doon Fort, the
Asaranca waterfall, Owenea Bridge, the Kilclooney Dolmen,
and a sign post indicating Ardara.
All Golden Web Awards are provided through the
International Association of Webmasters and Designers.
The judges consist of their Voluntary Voting Committee (V.V.C.).
This voting committee is comprised of I.A.W.M.D. members
who volunteer their time to visit and score the websites
submitted for the award. The websites are judged and
scored in three primary categories : design, content, and
originality. Each category is rated on a scale from 1-10.
Up to three V.V.C. members may visit and rate a paticular
website. Their scoring is totalled and then averaged.
Winning the award requires an average score of between 24
and 30. The opening sentence of the e-mail from the
Golden Web Award judges, to Brian, reads : 'You are proud
of your work, and you should be'.Top of page
Community Notices
Parish Council
The chairman congratulated Terence Slowey as
being a man with all necessary qualities to take up his
new post as County Councillor. He was glad to see the
local Fine Gael nominee appointed.
Mary Nicholls is continuing with her library training in
Letterkenny. Apparently no shelving will be provided by
the County Library Service for a library in Ardara, and
only a limited number of books. This raises the question
of whether local people would be happy to donate books,
and also whether that would be a good avenue to take.
On the subject of the condition of the Ardaghey road, the
chairman reported that a large sum of E.U. funding was to
be allocated by the Co. Council for the restoration of
this road. Locally, Magumna and Monargan roads are to be
repaired and re-surfaced soon. It is planned that FAS
would construct a footpath from Drumaghey Pk on the
Killybegs road as far as the Magumna turn-off.
As part of the summer students scheme, 'welcome to
Ardara' signs will be erected on approach roads to the
If every person in the parish would take up the challenge
to spend one hour per week for two months, keeping the
road-side outside their own house clean, it would make a
great impact on the litter problem. It was noted that
Owenea car-park is badly littered, and that the gardens
on the Diamond will soon get some much-needed attention.
Some publicity has been given to a County Council service
of collecting large household items of rubbish, but
exactly when the lorry would call in Ardara was not known.
Francis Furey of Glenties, has a contract to collect old
cars for the Council, but only if they are accessible
from the road.
It was reported that the Co. Council toilet facilities at
Narin Beach had been locked on Sunday of the recent Bank
Holiday week-end, though they had been opened on the
Some project funding is available as part of the U.N.
international 'Year of the Volunteers'. For further
information, contact the Parish Council secretary, Donal
There will be a meeting concerning Donegal cultural
activities in the Abbey Hotel on June the 6th. Our
cultural identity is important and links our past,
present, and our future. It is hoped to establish a five-year
cultural development programme.
The Millenium Committee stated that Stephen Given was
prepared to make the necessary technical drawings of the
proposed Diamond sculpture, for submission to the Co.
Council planning section.
A small committee was set up to investigate the formation
of an adult drama group in the community, given that
there is no lack of ability in this field in Ardara and
its environing area. The committee is made up of Beth
Herron, Jack Maguire, and Tommy Porter. If you're
interested in this development, contact one of them.
A discussion of health facilities available to the public
resulted in a decision by the chairman, Stephen McCahill,
to check up as to why there should be long delays and
waiting lists in children's medical services. He will
report back to the group about this.
Councillor Slowey
undertook to investigate the provision of a 'yield' sign
and yellow box markings by the County Council, on the
Diamond at the intersection with the Donegal road.
Though it is illegal to supply alcoholic drinks to young
people under the age of eighteen, the results of teenage
drinking had been observed in Ardara recently.The gardi
are aware of the problem, but parents need to be more
vigilant. Sometimes the source of the alcohol proves to
be the drinks cupboard at home, at other times older
people, or even parents, purchase alcoholic drinks for
younger teenagers.
A rural development office covering the area from Inver
to Glencolmcille, has been opened in the Killybegs old
carpet factory. Available funding allows the employment
of a staff of two people.
There are still places available in the summer Students'
Scheme. For further information, contact Stephen McCahill
at 41347 in the evenings.
Though they are somewhat belated, hearty congratulations
are conveyed to T.D.Thomas Gildea, and his wife Eilish on
the birth of their baby son on May Day, a most propitious
birth date to have. We wish the three of them well.
The Late Hugh James McHugh
Hugh passed away peacefully at his home in Surry,
England, at the age of 56. He was born in Hillhead,
Ardara, and was very fond of his home town. He was the
youngest of nine children and also, according to his
family, the most handsome. In his youth Hugh had played
football but that was supplanted in later life by golf, a
sport he became very good at. He and his wife had begun
to build a second home on the outskirts of Glenties,
which Breda, of Glenties origins, will continue. Hugh had
loved Glenties but took delight in teasing his in-laws
about their town. He was greatly loved and respected by
his friends and business associates in Ireland and
England. Hugh was a talented carpenter and tradesman who
eventually came to own the construction firm of Kent and
Roberts Ltd where he worked in Cheam. Hugh employed men
from our area from time to time, who all regarded him as
"a good boss to work for" and a generous man.
A requiem mass was held in St Christophers at Cheam,
Surrey, on May 4, the celebrant being Father Nash, and a
short service took place in the church of the Holy Family
in Ardara on May 5th. A requiem mass was held in Ardara
on May 6th at 11 a.m. at which the Very Rev Canon A.
Laverty celebrated, assisted by Father Gallagher of
Glenties. The choir was from St Connall's chuch, Glenties.
A very large crowd attended both Ardara services. Hugh
was laid to rest in St Conall's cemetery, Glenties.
Father Prendegast, P.P., officiated at the graveside
Hugh is mourned by his wife, Breda, his sons, Kevin and
Gary, his daughter, Clare, and his grand-child, Ciara,
and all the Keeney family of Glenties. He is survived by
his sister, Mary Lynch (Portlaoise), his brother, Frank,
(Pennsylvania), his sister, Roshe Mlynarski, (Pennsylvania),
and his brother John, (Dublin). He is also mourned by a
wide circle of relatives and friends in Ireland, England,
and the U.S.
Art Exhibition
You are invited to attend the opening of In
Tandem IV, an exhibition of paintings to mark the re-opening
of the Ardara Artists Rsource Centre, Wood Rd, for the
summer. The exhibition features solo exhibitions by
Dublin based Alan Keane and Brian Byrne, currently living
in Lettermacaward. The exhibitionis open Tuesdays -
Sundays from 10:30 a.m. till 5:30 p.m., and will continue
until June the 5th, 2001. Admission is free.
Senior Citizens
A fund-raising supper dance will be held in the Central
Bar on May the 26th. Irish traditional and country music
will be provided by 'Moonshine'.
On June the 5th any senior citizen interested is invited
to be part of a day-trip, to participate with the senior
citizens of Carrick in lunch, entertainment, and chat
galore. Give your name to Breda at 075-41246 to register
for this day out.
It's proposed to make a trip to Knock in the near future,
so watch this space for more details.
Aerobic Classes
Because of the success of the 9 p.m. Tuesday night
classes, an additional class in aerobics is being offered
from 9-10 p.m. in the Community
Centre on Thursdays. All are welcome. For further
information contact Michelle at 075-41470.
Seafood Festival
Yes, it's that time of year again and free seafood,
entertainment and craic will be on offer in Portnoo and
Rosbeg from 22-24 June, that is for the whole week-end.
Further information is available on the website : www.portnoo.rosbeg.com
Antiques, bric a brac, household goods,jewellry, farm
produce, plants will be up for sale on Sunday the 3rd of
June at 2 p.m. in the Dolmen Centre, Kilclooney. Proceeds
are in aid of Inishkeel Hall and the Dolmen Centre. Items
for the auction are welcomed and collected. Call Hazel at
075-45305, or Ml. John at 075-45216 if you have something
to be transported.
Community Games
A fund-raising dance will take place in the Central Bar
on Saturday the 2nd of June in aid of the community games
in Ardara and Narin. There will also be a church gate
collection on Sunday June the 3rd to help support this
annual event.
Ardara Show
It is with regret that the Show Committee have decided to
cancel this years show, as recommended by the Irish Shows
Association. However, they are considering the
possibility of exhibiting all non-livestock classes in
the Community Centre. A
special meeting to gauge local opinion is to be held in
the Nesbitt Arms Hotel on
Monday June the 18th. Niall Heena, the Show secretary,
said that in view of the present situation regarding foot
and mouth, the decision was very necessary but with
Ardara's strong show tradition, we could look forward to
and make plans for next year.
Top of page
May |
Bia' Film Club
Documentary Film Season
May 16th
'Aidan Walsh - Master of the Universe'
Ireland 2000 (69 mins)
This is a touching portrait of one of Ireland's most
eccentric underground characters. At times hilarious and
at times tragically sad, the film charts Aidan's life
from his harrowing childhood, through his career as a pop
star and entrepreneur. It is testimony to a unique
individual who has prevailed in spite of everything that
society has thrown at him.
'The Holy Brother of Steam and Agony'
Finland 2000 (30 mins)
This fascinating and entertaining film shows just how
much the Finish can take! Legendary hot sauna bather,
Kake, prepares to participate in the sauna world
championships. With temperatures rising well above 100
May 23rd
'May the Road Rise Up'
Ireland 2000 (73 mins)
This documentary follows Irish photographer Alen Mac
Sweeney and his journey back to Ireland to meet the
travelling families he photographed and recorded in the
1960's. This is a rich collection of stories and songs
which interweave with the characters as we find them in
the present day.
'Talking to the Dead'
Ireland 2000 (54 mins)
This documentary takes a fresh approach to looking at the
tradition of the Irish funeral. Dealing with traditions
from pagan times to the present, the film looks at, among
other things, the politicisation of the funeral and the
impact of death and dying have on Irish cultural life.
May 30th
'Images of a Dictator'
Canada 2000 (56 mins)
This facinating film chronicles the reign of terror of
the Chilean Dictator, General Augusto Pinochet through
news footage. In this hard-hitting visual collage, the
imagery speaks for itself as the film presents a scathing
tableau of military rule.
'Ice lemon for Hong Li'
Canada 2000 (80 mins)
This is a portrait of the lives of two generations in
Vietnam today. War photographer Thomas Billhardt took
photographs during the war and now returns to retrace the
subjects. This film focuses on the tragedy of the war and
the impact on the people.
For more information please Tel: 087-2368648 / 075-41704
Ard Bia, The Heritage Centre, Ardara,
Co Donegal
Top of page
May |
Community Notices
Bands Competition
Ardara is hosting the Donegal Marching Bands Competition
on Sunday next, 20th May.
In Tanden IV
You are invited to attend 'In Tandem IV', and exhibition
of paintings to mark the re-opening of Ardara Artists
Resource Centre.
In Tandem IV exhibition features solo exhibitions by
Dublin based Alan Keane and Brian Byrne, currently living
in Lettermacaward.
The exhibition runs until 5th June 2001.
Top of page
May |
Ardara, known world wide for its friendly atmosphere,
traditional music and home of the Irish handknit. Ardara
prides itself on its ability to attract large numbers of
tourists from all over the world every summer. Surveys
have shown that nearly all leave happy with the
accommodation, food and warm welcome they receive in
Ardara. The only concern is the large degree of litter
that is increasing apparent in the Parish, on side roads,
walkways and in most public areas.
The work done by Council worker Phil Diver is a credit to
him. The streets of the village are kept spick and span
and Ardara will forever be grateful to Phil's
achievements. But, it is our beautiful walkway our scenic
spots our side roads. It is in the drains and the bushes
and around private houses that we have let ourselves down.
It is said that you are assessed on your appearance but
our appearance presently has a lot to be desired. The
problem this spring is exasperated by the low growth rate
which is making the litter problem more apparent. The
Parish Council recently initiated a poster competition
through the National Schools. The scheme was a great
success and it was amazing to see the childrens awareness
of the problem but the problem is not with the children -
it is adults who must address the issue.
To address this problem for the betterment of Ardara as a
holiday destination and for self esteem the Parish
Council is requesting the following:
1. That each family in the Parish would
spend one hour per week lifting the litter
around their own vicinity i.e. along the roadway in
bushes and drains.
2. That this pilot scheme to continue
each week until the end of June.
3. Each household be aware that refuse
collections take place each Friday and Monday. Labels for
your refuse bags can be purchased in most shops.
4. The Parish Council will organise
refuse skips for any group willing to do a major clean up
Ardara is a beautiful place with much to offer. Don't you
be the one to let the side down. Keep Ardara clean.
Please support our scheme - one hour per week
Top of page
wants to make contribution
By Peter Campbell
Councillor-elect Terence Slowey,
who was selected by Fine Gael to replace the late Charlie Bennett,
intends to make an impression on Donegal County Council. The
Ardara man defeated Maureen Doohan and Michael Murray in
the Fine Gael contest in Highlands Hotel, Glenties on
Sunday night last.
Speaking this week Mr.Slowey
said: "I certainly will be making a contribution.
The selection on Sunday night last was a politicl event,
but now you're a Councillor for all the community, and
that's what is important to me," said Terence, who
said that was the role of Charlie
"Charlie was an amazing man. He
raised over £1m for charity before he ever went into
politics, and never asked for a single penny for himself." Terence
was happy with the result of the vote, which saw him win
on the second count after being just two votes short of
the quota on the first count:
"We did think it was an Ardara seat but we didn't
take anything for granted. It was a pretty stiff,
competitive race and the calibre of opposition was high.
I spent five days canvassing from here to Creeslough and
visited as many of the delegates as I could.
"To almost reach the quota on the first count was
very, very satisfying, especially for me as I was the new
kid on the block," said Terence.
Terence's track record in Fine Gael in Meath probably
filtered down to the delegates.
"I would have joined the Fine Gael branch in
Ashbourne in 1978 and held various posts. I changed house
and moved six miles and found myself in a different
branch area. I then joined the Ratoath branch.
"After joining the district area and in the mid-80s
John Bruton asked me to be his election agent. I would
have organised three general elections for him".
returned to his native area of Ardara in Christmas 1996
and immediately joined the Fine Gael branch there.
While something of a veteran Fine Gael, he realises
that he is a novice Co Councillor: "I have to go in
and learn the ropes on Donegal Co Council. My background
is in the environment as I worked as an environmental
chemist. It is now called Enterprise Ireland but it went
through a number of name changes from its original IIRS.
"For the last four years I have been a member of
the National Building Agency involved in Local houses,"
he said."
Mr.Slowey says
he wishes to get involved in the whole housing question.
"An integrated approach to housing is very
important, in terms of putting in a mix of housing -
local authority, affordable housing and indeed, some
private sites for young couples sold at a relatively low
cost," he said.
He also has a great interest in water quality and the
issue of fluoridation and sanitary services. "There
has been lots of talks about fluoridation and health and
I would welcome Minister Martin's inquiry into
"Of far more importance is that all the people of
Donegal have a standard of water which meets the drinking
water directive which is enshrined in Irish law.
"The specific problems which exist are in
relation to Group schemes which are not maintained by the
Co Council. There can be a problem here for old people
and children. Last year's EPA scheme would have pointed
to schemes in Donegal which require work and to be fair
to Donegal Co Council they have made a huge effort in the
last number of years," said Mr.Slowey.
"The roads are the big issue. The N56 which runs
from Letterkenny all the way round to Donegal town. It is
under the control of the National Roads Authority but it
is in a very poor condition.
"For years we just got the crumbs and if the
Tanaiste is serious about decentralising industry to the
peripheral areas, roads like that have to get top
"They will say we don't have the population
density to achieve that but I have looked at places like
Brittany in France where the population density is less
than that but the roads are of top quality," said Mr.Slowey, who
agreed it was a chicken and egg situation. The Ardara man
said he was looking forward to his new role, which will
start on Monday, 28th May.
Top of page
Community Notices
The late Larry Gallagher
The death took place recently in Killybegs Hospital of
Larry Gallagher of Brackey, Ardara.
Aged 73, the late Mr Gallagher was well known over a
wide area. In his early years he joined the Abbey Theatre
in Dublin in the 1950s along with Ray McAnally and
Siobhan McKenna.
After spending some time in England, he returned to
his native area to take up the family tradition of
contracting. He was an avid reader and orator and was an
active member of the Fine Gael party in South West
Donegal, attending meetings and Ard Fheiseanna.
His popularity was reflected in the numbers attending
the removal of his remains to St.Agatha's Church. Requiem
Mass was celebrated by Cannon Padraig McShane, PP,
The late Mr Gallagher is survived by his daughter,
Anne, son-in-law and two granddaughters; by brothers
Packie (Kilcar); Neil and Connell (Ardara); sisters, Anne
Spencer (Liverpool) and Mary Erskine (Kilcar); sisters-in-law,
brother-in law, nephews, nieces and friends.
Top of page
May |
Gael nominate Slowey
Fine Gael have formally nominated Terence Slowey
as the replacement for the late councillor Charlie Bennett
on Donegal County Council.
A former election agent with deposed party leader,
John Bruton, Mr.Slowey
will be co-opted onto the Local Authority on Monday May
The Fine Gael nominee won out by thirty votes over his
nearest rival at the selection convention held in the
Highlands Hotel in Glenties on Sunday night.
Top of page
Music Compensates for Lack of
St Patrick's Parade
Susan Boyd
Many people were sorry to miss the fun of the
usual Ardara St Patrick's Day Parade, cancelled as a pre-cautionary
measure against foot and mouth disease. However, the Town
Traders have another treat in store to make up for that.
The Donegal Marching Band Association have agreed to hold
their annual competition in Ardara on the 20th of May. A
maximum of fifteen bands are expected to participate, and
that includes two from Northern Ireland. A great
afternoon of traditional marching music will enliven the
streets of the town and generally provide a cheerful
atmosphere. |
Diamond : venue for the Donegal
Marching Band Competition, Sunday, May 20th'
The parade of the bands through the main
street will begin from the grounds of the Church of the
Holy Family at 2:30 p.m. The serious part of the occasion
begins at 3 p.m. on the Diamond when the competition
judging commences.The prize money is being sponsored by
the Town Traders, who would like to see a big crowd to
enjoy the music.
It is planned that traffic in the Killybegs direction
will be diverted via Drumbarron, and gardi and traffic
stewards will be on duty at strategic points.Through-traffic
from the Glenties side of town, travelling in the
direction of Donegal town, should not be affected.
Voluntary stewards are required to make this occasion a
successful one. Contact Stephen
McCahill at 075-41347 if you can help.
It is hoped that the Band Competition will compensate for
the loss of the St Patrick's Day Parade this year and
that, with the co-operation of the community, Donegal
marching bands could gather to compete in Ardara as an
annual event.Top of page
Community Notices
Our Lady of Fatima
The rosary will be recited in celebration of the Feast
Day of our Lady of Fatima, at Drumaghey Park on Sunday,
May the 13th at 8 p.m.
Multiple Sclerosis
The organisers would like to thank the people who helped,
and contributed to the Multiple Sclerosis annual
collection at Easter week-end. The sum given amounted to
Band Competition
Put a circle round May 20 on your calender to mark the
date of the Donegal Marching Band Association Competition
in Ardara. The parade will begin from the Church of the
Holy Family grounds at 2:30 p.m. that day, and the
competition judging commences at 3 p.m. on the Diamond
area. A maximum of 15 bands will participate, including 2
from across the border. The Town Traders are proud to
announce this event, which is a first for Ardara and
could become an annual event, with the co-operation of
local people.Through traffic on the Killybegs road will
be diverted via Drumbarron that afternoon.
Tai Chi Chuan
Expert instruction will be offered in this discipline by
Grandmaster Chen Xiao Wang, at Dorrians Imperial Hotel,
Ballyshannon from 22-26 June. For further information,
contact Gill Keogh at 072-52374.
Further Information
Ardara Community Games
This sports day is scheduled for Monday June the 4th,
commencing in Pearse Memorial Park at 2 p.m.
Art and Model-Making
There will be a day for these activities in the Community Centre on Saturday
the 9th of June, beginning at 2 p.m.
The Late Ethel McPhilemy
The death took place recently of Ethel McPhilemy, nee
Crossey, in Ballybofey. She lived in Monargan for 20
years before her marriage, after which she moved to
Ballybofey. She loved her home-town and visited it at
every opportunity over the years. She was a deeply
religious and hard-working person, and was held in very
high esteem by her neighbours and friends. This was
evidenced by the large numbers of people who came to her
wake and funeral. She will be sadly missed by her
husband, Steve, and family, to whom we offer our deepest
Ar Dheis De go Raibh a h-anam Dilis.
Table Quiz
The final table quiz of the season will take place in the
Nesbitt Arms Hotel on Friday
the 11th of May at 10:30 p.m. The winning team will
receive the Pat Slowey Memorial Shield and a set of
plaques. All are welcome to be at this event.
Children's Choir
In preparation for the celebration of First Holy
Communion on Pentecost Sunday, June the 3rd, the
children's choir will practise in the Church of the Holy
Family on Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. All members are
asked to attend.
Congratulations to Brian
Fleury on a new award for the Ardara Town web site.
The International Association of Web Masters and
Designers (IAWMD), has awarded the Ardara Town web site a
2001-2002 Golden Web Award in recognition of creativity,
integrity, and excellence on the web.
Top of page
May |
New Award for
Ardara Town web siteThe
International Association of Web Masters & Designers
IAWMD has awarded the Ardara Town web site a 2001 - 2002
Golden Web Award in recognition of creativity, integrity
and excellence on the Web.
Top of page
Community Notices
Table Quiz
The final Table Quiz of the season, will take place in
the Nesbitt Arms Hotel on
Friday, 11th May at 10.30pm. The winning team will
receive the Pat Slowey Memorial Shield and a set of
plaques. All welcome.
Parish Council
Meeting of the Parish Council in the Community Centre on Wednesday,
9th May, at 9:00pm. All welcome.
Music / Drama
Music / Drama classes with Ms.Bonner, cancelled tomorrow
Show Meeting
Show Meeting in the Hotel on
Monday night at 9:00pm.
Children's Choir
Preparation for the Celebration of First Holy Communion
on Pentecost Sunday, 3rd June. Practice on Tuesday
evenings at 7:00pm. All members are asked to attend.
Children's Cancer Unit
Fundraising Dance in aid of Children's Cancer Unit,
Crumlin, on Wednesday, 9th May 2001, in the Highlands
Hotel, Glenties, from 10:00pm - 2:00am. Music by Country
Traditions. Admission: £3.00. All donations welcome.
Tickets on sale in Diver's Newsagents.
Bus leaving the Diamond at 10:00pm. Interested? Contact
Greta at 41744 before Tuesday.
The Rosary will be recited in Drumaghy Park, on Sunday,
13th May, Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima, at 8:00pm
Top of page
May |
Terence Slowey is Ardara Candidate
By Peter Campbell |
There will be three candidates in
the contest for the vacant Fine Gael seat on Donegal Co
Council at the selection convention in the Highlands
Hotel, Glenties tomorrow. Former Co Clr.
Maureen Doohan from Falcarragh and Michael Murry,
Burtonport will be in opposition against the Ardara
choice of Terence
Mr.Slowey was
selected by the Ardara branch at the meeting on Monday
night in Doherty's and his name was something of a
surprise, as it was expected that John Michael O'Donnell
would be the candidate.
Mr. Slowey,
who returned to his native Ardara some years ago, lived
in Meath for some years where he was active in the Fine
Gael organisation as director of elections for former
Fine Gael leader, John Bruton.
Tomorrow's meeting will be chaired by Don Conlon from
the Fine Gael National Executive, Registration for
delegates is from 7.30 to 8pm and the meeting will
commence at 8.30pm.
After the official proposal, the nominees will be
allowed to talk for ten minutes and the vote will be a
straight PR system, with all three names on the ballot
The last time a Councillor had to be contested,
ironically, resulted in the late Clr. Charlie Bennett being selected.
That contest was after the death of the late Clr. Connell
Boyle and Clr. Bennett was
co-opted without a contest.
However, that is not a likely option this time. The
Ardara area will feel that they have a right to the
franchise, but it looks as if Terence Slowey will
have to fight for the position.
Top of page
May |
I'm not
going for Council - Marian Bennett
The contest for a replacement for the late Charlie Bennett
on Donegal County Council has been thrown open following
the announcement by his wife Marian that she is not going
"I have given it a lot of thought and I felt it
would be too stressful," she said on Monday. "I
spent the whole of last week thinking about it and I made
the decision last night."
There was mounting speculation over the weekend that
Marian Bennett would allow her name to go forward, and
one Fine Gaeler in the area said he was 99.9% certain she
was going ahead.
Keep the seat
Mrs. Bennett said "I don't know who will be going -
it probably will be John Michael (O'Donnell) but at this
stage that is only a guess by me. The main thing is to
try and keep the seat in Ardara."
Among the likely nominees, Maureen Doohan, who was
defeated in the last election, was the last Fine Gael
chairperson of the Council prior to the late Mr.Bennett.
The other nominee will come from the Dungloe-Burtonport
area where brothers John and Michael Murray have both
indicated they are interested
The Fine Gael party are due to meet in Glenties at the
weekend to make a decision on who will be the new member
of the Council.
Top of page
The Late Hugh McHugh It
is the wish of Hugh's immediate family that his body be
brought back to Donegal. He will be burried in Glenties;
his requiem Mass will be said in Ardara.
His body will arrive in Belfast on Saturday May, 5, 2001
at around 10 AM. and will proceed to Ardara. Mass will be
said on Sunday,
Read More
Top of page
1st May |
Swimming Pool in Kilclooney
More Than a Possibility
By Susan Boyd
It is with some excitement that people in the
Narin-Ardara area contemplate the likelihood of a
swimming pool being |

located in Kilclooney at the Dolmen Centre.
Such a facility would be of great benefit to local
people, especially in the winter, and the inclusion of a
sauna and steam-room would be highly beneficial to people
with problems of arthritis and rheumatism. It would also
be an enjoyable wet weather facility for summer visiters.
The feasibility study for the proposed swimming pool is
now under way. It is being carried out by Holohan
Leisure, Dublin, on behalf of Donegal County Council.
Funding for this feasibility study was secured at a
Council meeting as a result of a proposal by the late
Councillor Charlie Bennett,
Ardara, whose proposal was seconded by Senator Enda
Bonner, Dungloe. The Independant T.D. for South-West
Donegal, Mr Thomas Gildea, secured a promise of £2.5
million from government coffers towards the cost of the
pool, pending a positive result of the feasibility study
and a County Council contribution of approximately £200,000.
In political terms there is all party support for this
venture. In fact , the pool committee have letters of
support from each and every County Councillor, Udaras
member, and T.D. in the Donegal South-West electoral
area, including some from the East Donegal region.
The proposed pool site at Kilclooney is attractive for a
number of reasons. It is a central location for all the
towns and villages from Glencolmcille to Dungloe and
Fintown, including the blue flag beach areas of Narin and
Portnoo which, at the moment, don't have any wet day
facilities.The energy costs at this location will be 75%
cheaper than usual. This is a result of the geothermal
energy systems presently in use at the Dolmen Centre. The
Dolmen energy comes from a heat pump system. Basically,
for every penny spent there is a return of three pence
for free. Energy also comes from a wind-driven generator
and from photo voltaic cells, which convert light to
electricity.The existing effluent and waste treatment
ecological reed-bed system is capable of coping with more
than two hundred persons per day and can be easily
It is envisaged that the pool would cater for family
outings, tourists, clubs , aquatic training, and the new
swimming curriculum, which is to be introduced perhaps as
soon as next year, in schools. The N.W.H.B. have
expressed a willingness to use the Dolmen Centre
premises as a Day Care Centre, in which case steam-room
and sauna facilities would be of great benefit to
sufferers of rheumatism and arthritis, as well as the
possibilities for gentle exercise in the pool. The N.W.
Tourism Board have welcomed the proposal to build a
swimming pool at the Dolmen Centre.
Local hotels and guest-houses would be delighted to be
able to refer guests to an indoor pool, especially on wet
The chairperson of the West Coast Cormorants Swimming
Club, Ms Clodagh Duggan, states:
'We look forward with great interest to the prospect of a
swimming pool located on our own doorstep! For the last
twenty-two years, our club, based in Glenties, has
provided swimming and water safety tuition for hundreds
of children from a wide area stretching from Binbane to
Narin, Ardara to Fintown. Generally we teach over 100
different children, aged from 7 to 17, every year. There
are always waiting lists, such is the popularity of the
'swimming bus' on a Monday evening.........Sometimes we
rented the municipal pool in Ballyshannon, at the moment
we go to Letterkenny Leisure Centre ........being 26-28
miles away , we hire a 54 seater coach to transport the
children..........In addition, we have young people who
want to pursue water safety awards, and in the last few
years we have run a bus for about 15-20 young people to
Ballyshannon on a Sunday night for a term of water safety
Existing facilities in the Dolmen Centre
include a tearoom, a sauna, a gymnasium, an art
exhibition room, and a laundrette. The swimming pool
would be sited directly behind the Centre and there would
be an inter-connecting corridor. Though the requirements
of the general population will determine the size of the
pool, a 25 by 9 metre pool is at present envisaged, with
a shallow children's pool and the possible addition of a
The proposed uses of the pool will determine its depth
and size and in this respect the committee welcome
immediate correspondence from all interested parties such
as schools, hotels, clubs, organisations and other groups
stating any special requirements they would like to see
included in the new pool structure. Sub-aqua clubs and
sea rescue teams could use the pool for training and may
well have specialised requirements. Indeed, letters from
interested groups stating that they would be prepared to
use the pool facilities would be extremely helpful, as
they are necessary to the feasibility study.
It is important to stress at this time that the future of
the pool depends on the feasibility study proving
positive. The study will last for six to eight weeks and
will address itself to the answering of three questions:
- how much the pool would cost to develop.
- how the project might be funded.
- its likely viability in operation.
It is the responsibility of every interested person in
the proposed pool catchment area to make every effort to
ensure that this opportunity of acquiring an indoor
swimming pool for south-west Donegal becomes a reality.
Correspondence to assist with the feasibility study
should be addressed to: Mr Michael Ward, Secretary, The
Dolmen Pool Committee, Straboy, Glenties.
Top of page
Community Notices
Swimming Pool Feasibility
This study, being conducted by Holohan Leisure, Dublin,
is at the beginning of it's 6-8 weeks duration. If the
feasibility study is positive, funding will be
forthcoming, and we can look forward to having an indoor
pool at the Dolmen
Centre, Kilclooney. At present , the Dolmen Pool
Committee are most interested in receiving letters from
individuals and groups, stating any special requirements
they would like to see included in the new pool
structure, and also stating that they would be prepared
to use the pool facilities. This is an important aspect
of the feasibility study, and one to which every
interested person in the proposed pool catchment area can
contribute. Correspondence should be addressed to Mr
Michael Ward, Secretary, The Dolmen Pool Committee,
Straboy, Glenties.
The Late Sarah Boyle
Sarah, who lived with her brother, John, on the family
farm, Kennaughty, passed away peacefully in the early
hours of the morning of Saturday the 7th of April. Aged
85 years and in failing health for the past few years,
she had been able to attend to her household duties until
the day before her death. Sarah had spent a number of
years working in Belfast before she returned home to live.
She had a deep religious faith, and was a very hard-working,
industrious person. She was held in high esteem by all
her neighbours and friends and she will be sadly missed.
Requiem mass was celebrated in the Church of the Holy
Family, Ardara, by the Very Rev. Canon A. Laverty, P.P.,
who also officiated at the burial afterwards in the
adjoining cemetery.
Sarah was pre-deceased by her sisters Mary and Teresa,
and is survived by her brother, John, sisters, Nellie
McLoon and Peg Kennedy, brothers-in-law, Francie Kennedy
and Charlie O'Rourke (London), nieces, nephews and their
The Late Maureen Breslin
The death took place at Letterkenny General Hospital of
Mrs Maureen Breslin, Portnoo Rd, Ardara, on Easter Monday
April 16. She was the last surviving member of the
Breslin family, Summy, Portnoo. She was pre-deceased by
her husband, Danny in 1977, her baby daughter, Annie
Teresa in 1945, and her daughter, Maura (Meehan) in 1998.
A hard worker all her life and the second eldest of seven
children, she returned from working in England at the age
of 20, when her mother died, so that she could look after
her brothers and sisters, her father having died nine
years previously. Maureen and Danny and their family
lived on a farm in Tullymore before building 'Aisling
House' on the Portnoo Rd, which was the first house in
the area to provide bed and breakfast, and full board
A large crowd attended the wake and funeral. The remains
were removed from the family home on the 18th of April to
the Church of the Holy Family, Ardara, where requiem mass
was celebrated by Rev. Father Seamus Meehan, P.P.
Dungloe, who was assisted by Rev. Father Philip Daly C.C.
Maureen is survived by her daughters Dolores Gildea,
Glenconwell, Carmel Donohoe, Cork, Louise O'Brien,
Portnoo Rd, her son, Don Breslin, Portnoo Rd, and son-in-law,
Raymond Donohue, Cork, her grandchildren, Carmel and
Ciaran Meehan, Conal, Gareth, and Aisling Gildea, Enda,
Gemma, and Clodagh Donohoe, Barry, Daniel, Desmond,
Finola and Linda O'Brien and two great-grand-children,
sisters-in law, brothers-in-law, nieces and nephews,
relatives and friends.
The Late Vincent Herron
Vincent Herron died at his home on Monday April the 23rd,
just a little more than two months before his retirement.
He was a son of Molly and Joseph Herron, who had a grocer
shop in the West End, Ardara, for many years. The shop
had been founded in the 1900's by Vincent's grandparents
and was called 'Sweeney and Co.' Though his early
schooling didn't come easily to him, Vincent triumphed as
a graduate in mechanical and electrical engineering from
U.C.D. He was a member of the G.A.A. 1952 Minor team
which became winners of the County Championship. (It was
fitting that his old number 13 jersey graced his coffin
at the funeral).
Vincent worked in England for a period after his
graduation, then emigrated to the U.S. where he took up a
post as a member of the Dupont research team,
Philadelphia. He remained there for ten years but could
not stay away from the country, county, and village that
he loved. He returned to Ardara and taught at the
Letterkenny Institute of Technology. His students and
fellow staff members appreciated Vincent's sincerity and
down-to-earth ways. He was a loyal and helpful friend,
and a faithful member of his church.
He was also part and parcel of community life in Ardara
for more than 25 years. He was instrumental in bringing
cable T.V. into the town.It was a local endeaver of
voluntary labour financed by the moderate fees of those
who partook of the service, which is still in existence.
A keen fisherman and an eclectic reader, Vincent also
enjoyed a game of golf and became president of the Narin/Portnoo
Golf Club this year. He was also honoured a few years ago
for his participation, by the Ardara branch of the G.A.A.
The Church of the Holy Family was packed for Vincent's
funeral mass which was conducted by the Rev Canon A.
Laverty.Members of his family travelled from abroad in
order to attend this sad occasion. A bus-load of
Vincent's former colleagues and students from Letterkenny
Institute of Technology, travelled to the funeral and
formed a guard of honour outside the church.
Vincent is mourned by his brothers, John (Cherry Hill,
New Jersey), Noel (Vancouver, British Columbia), Malachy,
(Birmingham), Dermot, (Letterkenny), and his sister, Dr
Nancy Herron (St Louis, Missouri).
Music in May
There will be a concert on Friday, May the 4th in St
Conall's Church, Glenties, at 8:30 p.m. The programme
will include works by Mozart, H. Goodall, G.Faure, with
folk-song settings by John Rutter. The conducter will be
Shaun Ryan, and the accompanists Denise Carwill (piano),
Thomas Wilson (organ),Palriada Singers (chorus).
Admission costs will be £5 and £4 (concession), £2.50.p.
(students).All proceeds will be given to the Donegal
Hospice organisation.
Healing Service
There will be a mass and healing service in Rossnowlagh
on Sunday May the 6th. A bus will leave from Divers
Newsagents in Ardara at 1:30 p.m. that day. Please book
your ticket with Greta at Divers.
Show Meeting
In view of present restrictions to prevent occurrences of
foot and mouth disease, decisions are to be made
regarding the Ardara Show 2001 . There will be a meeting
of all those interested on Monday May the 7th at 9 p.m.
in the Nesbitt Arms Hotel,
St Conalls Church, Ardara
On Sunday the 29th, the Ardara Church of Ireland
parishioners travelled to Lettermacward to attend a
combined service of morning prayer with members of
Glenties, Portnoo, Glencolmcille, and Leitir churches,
the latter being the hosts for the occasion. The church
flowers were very pretty, featuring spring blossoms and
greenery. The guest speaker was the Rev Matt Moran of St
Peter's Church in the parish of Culmore, Derry. He is
also Head Warden for the church's Ministry of Healing in
the Derry/Raphoe Diocese and chaplain at Altnagarvin
Hospital. Everybody enjoyed the opportunity to chat over
a cup of tea or coffee afterwards, kindly provided by the
Lettermacaward parishioners .
Congratulations to Pat McGill of Maghera who was honoured
as ' Clubman of the Year' at the Donegal G.A.A. dinner
dance in New York on Saturday, April the 28th. Pat is
manager of the Donegal junior team in New York.
Ardara Parish Council
The next meeting will take place in the Community Centre at 9 p.m. on
Wednesday May the 9th.
Association of Donegal Marching Bands
In combination with the Town Traders Committee, this
association will be holding a band competition in Ardara
on May the 20th. There will be other associated
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