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Real Flashabou Products from Hedron

Flashabou, the original and still the best!

Flashabou seems to be a term much misused. Originally invented by Larry Dahlberg, it is deadly on the flies invented by Larry. The largest fly caught Pike that I know of in Ireland in ‘97 was 30lb 6oz. This fell to one of my Dahlberg divers. Unfortunately it wasn’t me casting it at the time. The original material has now spawned a whole range of new products with many uses for the innovative fly dresser. See review of Flashabou dubbing in Fly Fishing & Fly Tying.

Flashabou is only Flashabou when it comes from the inventor. We source these products from the original and still the best source. Generous packets when compared to the usual miserable amounts offered in the UK. . It does cost slightly more per packet than the little packets you normally see, but not a lot more. You do get plenty of product per packet. Good high impact packaging pegboard ready.

Flashabou Dubbing

Super fines shreds of Flashabou. Use in a dubbing loop or add flash to streamer wings.

Colours - Yellow, Orange, Copper, Med. Brown, Red, Kelly Green, dark Brown, Purple, Black, Pink, Lime Green, Gun metal, Sand, Chartreuse, Salmon, Sky Blue, Ice Blue Pearl, Gold, Silver, Pearl, Rainbow


Flashabou Accent

Silver, Gold, Green, Pearl, Copper, Electric Blue, Dark Blue, Red, Black, Purple, Fuschia, Rainbow

Dyed Pearl Accent (Best Seller)

Twisted Pearl Mylar strands to give added flash to wings. Many Moy flies are now using this material as part of a wing. Latest Use, catching on in Ireland , is a few strands twisted together as a body for sea trout flies.
Colours - Black, Flo. Yellow, Chartreuse, Light Blue, Dark Blue, Pink, Purple, Orange, Olive, Yellow, Peacock

Wing n Flash

Super fine strands of flashabou for ultra mobile wings

Colours - Silver, Gold, Kelly Green, Pearl, Copper, Lime Green, Dark Blue, Red, Black, Purple, Fuchsia, Light Blue, Rainbow, Gun Metal, Chartreuse, Magenta, Yellow, Orange, Ice Blue, Pink, Salmon, Sand, Med Brown, Dk. Brown



Flashabou with microfilament binding each strand. Adds extra sparkle.

Colours - Pearl, Blue Pearl, Rainbow Pearl, Pink Pearl, Yellow Pearl, Green Pearl, Pale Olive Pearl, Dark Olive Pearl


Supreme Hair

Crimped Nylon hair for big Pike and Sea lures

Colours - Black, Yellow, Orange, Red, Chartreuse, Shrimp, Pink



The one and only original! Sets the standard by which others should be judged.

Silver, Gold, Kelly Green, Ice Blue Pearl, Pearl, Copper, Mint, Electric Blue, Lime Green, Dark Blue, Red, Black, Purple, Fuchsia, Light Blue, Bronze, Pink, Grape, Purple Chub, Fountain Blue, Ocean Green, Bull Frog, Rainbow, Salt & Pepper, June Bug, Perch, Sunburst

Flashabou Dyed Pearl

Black, Fl. Yellow Chartreuse, Light Blue, Dark Blue, Pink, Purple, Orange, Lavender, Olive, Yellow, Peacock


Flashabou Saltwater

Classic Flashabou in a wide saltwater cut

Silver, Gold, Pearl, Copper, Dark Blue, Red, Black, Purple, Salt & Pepper


Saltwater Dyed Pearl

Chartreuse, Dark Blue, Pink


Flashabou Holographic

Silver, Gold, Blue, Green, Fuchsia, Red, Black, Rainbow

Flashabou Holographic Saltwater

As above in a wide saltwater cut

Silver, Gold, Blue, Green, Fuchsia, Red, Black, Rainbow


Holographic Fly Fiber

Blended colours of holographic mylar

Silver/Silver, Silver/Gold, Silver/Green, Silver/Blue, Silver/Red, Silver/Black, Silver/Purple, Silver/Pink, Silver/Orange

Holographic Saltwater Fiber

As above in a wide cut

Silver/Silver, Silver/Gold, Silver/Green, Silver/Blue, Silver/Red, Silver/Black, Silver/Purple, Silver/Pink, Silver/Orange


Glow in the Dark Flashabou

Sea Anglers have been buying this!

Colours - White, Yellow, Orange


Flashabou Weave

Three colour blends of Flashabou. A single base colour strand is tightly wrapped by two different colour strands, creating a unique pre-blended colour and texture.

Black/Green/Electric Blue, Black/Purple/Dark Blue, Black/Red/Copper, Black/Silver/Gold, Pearl/Green/Electric Blue, Purple/Red/Copper, Red/Copper/Gold, Pearl/Silver/Gold, Gold/Copper/Copper, Bronze/Copper/Green

Lateral Scale

Corrugated to give extra flash

Silver, Gold, Pearl, Red, Black


Big Fly Fibre with Curl

A man made hair , straight at one end and curl at the other. The curly bit, you make into the body. This stuff is for big flies.

Colours -Black, Brown, Honey, Silver Gray, Copper, White, Yellow, Green, Blue, Red, Gold, Orange, Purple, T.B. Blue, Hot Pink, Lavender

Big Fly Fiber Straight

Nice an mobile man made hair

Black, Brown, Honey, Silver Gray, Copper, White, Yellow, Green, Blue, Red, Gold, Orange, Purple, T.B. Blue, Hot Pink, Lavender



Flashabou Mirage

By far the most realistic Fish/Minnow tone you’ve ever seen. Actually adapts to the colour of the surroundings, giving the illusion of a real fish.. Unique colour shift technology to create an iridescent and holographic effect in a single fibre. A first of its kind tying material. You won’t find Mirage anywhere else.

Colours – Opal, Fl. Yellow, Chartreuse, Lt. Blue, Pink, Purple, Orange.


NEWMirage Blends

A blend of opal mirage and Flashabou. Colours – Opal/Silver, Opal/Gold, Opal/Kelly Green, Opal/Ice Blue, Opal/Copper, Opal/Red, Opal/Black, Opal/Purple, Opal/Lt. Blue, Opal/Sunburst.


NEWMirage Sheets

A 4"x9" sheet of Miarage in either flat or crinkle finish. Colours – Opal


NEWMirage Accent

You love our pearl accent. Well now you can have Mirage Accent. This has to be the ultimate wing addition for shrimp flies. Colours – Opal


NEWSalt Water Mirage

Now a saltwater verision on a 1/16th inch cut. Colours – Opal


NEWMirage Fringe

Want to add a collar or skirt to a fly? This is what you want. A 4" cut mirage sheet. Strands are 1/12th inches wide.



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