Keegan D, Founder and series editor of Open College of Further Education Distance Education Series:
Keegan D (ed) (1976) Choice of
methods for a successful distance education system. Adelaide: Open College of Further Education. 23pp.
Keegan D (1976) Fifty years of distance education: Raywood 1976. Adelaide: Open College of Further
Education. 12pp. Keegan D (1977) Distance education at primary and secondary level in Australasia. ASPESA Newsletter, 3,4,12-17.
Founder and general editor 1977-1978 Close-up library of colour
videotapes. 40 videotapes on English Literature, Classical Studies, European History, Australian History of 20 to 29 minutes each. Adelaide: Open CFE.
Keegan D (1977) Enjoying Virgil's Aeneid. 25 min colour
videotape. Adelaide: Open CFE.
Doughty C and Keegan D (1977) Matriculation by correspondence. Adelaide: Open CFE. 22pp.
Keegan D (ed) (1977) TAFE distance education in South Australia. Adelaide: Open
CFE. 36pp.
Behrens D and Keegan D (1978) Background to Classical Studies. Adelaide: Open CFE. 48pp.
Keegan D (1978) Virgil's Aeneid 1-8. Adelaide: Open CFE. 55pp.
Keegan D (1978) Close-up: South Australian videotape series. Pivot. 5,3,35-41. Keegan D (ed) (1978) Course teams. Adelaide: Open CFE. 55pp.
Behrens D, Keegan D and Sear F (1978) Greek and Roman
art and architecture. Adelaide: Open CFE. 40pp.
Keegan D (1979) Community education courses at the Open University. S A Teachers Journal, July.
Keegan D (1980) Drop-outs at the Open University.
Australian Journal of Education, 24,1,23-35.
Keegan D (1980) On defining distance education. Distance Education, 1,1,13-36.
Keegan D (1980) The theory and practice of distance education. Adelaide:
Open CFE. 160pp.
Keegan D (1980) Student support services and drop-outs at the Open University. Adelaide: Open CFE. 35pp. Keegan D (ed) (1980) Teaching art and craft in geographically isolated
areas. Adelaide: Open CFE. 35pp. Keegan D (1980) Learning for to-morrow: the role of distance education. Open Campus, 3,1-12.
Keegan D (1980) On the nature of distance education. Hagen:
Fernuniversität (ZIFF Papiere 33). 44pp.
Keegan D (1981) The Regional Tutorial Services of the Open University: a case study. Hagen: Fernuniversität (ZIFF Papiere 36). 27pp.
Keegan D (1981) Review of
Cropley A (1979) Towards a system of lifelong education. International Journal of Education, XVIII, 3,357-359.
Keegan D (1981) Review of books on distance education. Australian Journal of Education,
Keegan D (1981) Towards an International Council for Distance Education. ICCE Newsletter, 11,2,3-7.
Mielke W and Keegan D (1981) A distance teaching university. 35 min colour videotape.
Hagen: Fernuniversität (ZFE).
Keegan D (1982) Trends in distance education. In Daniel.J Stroud M and Thomson J (eds) Learning at a distance. A world perspective. Edmonton: Athabasca University/ICDE. 25-31.
Keegan D (1982) Supporting the adult learner in distance education. In Williams M (ed) Papers from the Open University senior counsellors' conference 1981. Milton Keynes: The Open University. 13-16.
Keegan D (1982) Distance education in Australian higher education. Paper presented at Karl-Marx University, Leipzig. 20pp.
Keegan D (1982) An introduction to distance education. Unit 1 of the Graduate
Diploma in Distance Education. Adelaide: South Australian College of Advanced Education. 100pp, 1 videotape, 5 audiotapes.
Keegan D (1982) The Fernuniversität. In Rumble G and Harry K (eds) The distance
teaching universities. London: Croom Helm, 88-106.
Rumble G and Keegan D (1982) Introduction. In Rumble and Harry (eds) as above, 9-14. Keegan D and Rumble G (1982) Distance teaching at
university level. In Rumble and Harry (eds) as above, 15-31. Rumble G and Keegan D (1982) General characteristics of the distance teaching universities. In Rumble and Harry (eds) as above, 204-224.
Keegan D and Rumble G (1982) The distance teaching universities: an appraisal. In Rumble and Harry (eds) as above, 225-249.
Keegan D (1983) Das Fernstudium in Australien. Hagen: Fernuniversität
(ZIFF Papiere 44) 26pp.
Keegan D (1983) Research and development in distance education. ICDE Bulletin, 2,13-15.
Keegan D (1983) Review of Daniel J et al (eds) Learning at a distance. A world
perspective. International Review of Education, 29,4,501-503.
Keegan D (1983) Review of Townsend Coles E Maverick of the education family: two essays in non-formal education. Australian Review of Education,
Keegan D (1983) Les universités ouvertes. DIRE. Bulletin d'Information du CNEC, 59,18-28.
Keegan D (1983) Six distance education theorists. Hagen: Fernuniversität (ZIFF). 39pp.
Sewart D, Keegan D and Holmberg B (eds) (1983) Distance education: international perspectives. London and New York: Croom Helm. 446pp. 2nd printing 1985. Keegan D (1983) Theories of distance education.
In Sewart, Keegan and Holmberg as above 63-67.
Keegan D (1983) Choice of medium: the new communications technology. In Sewart, Keegan and Holmberg (eds) as above, 267-271.
Keegan D e Lata F (eds)
(1984) L'università a distanza. Riflessioni e proposte per un nuovo modello di università. Milano: Angeli. 173pp.
Keegan D (1984) Modelli sistemici di istruzione a distanza. In Keegan and Lata (eds) as above
Lata F e Keegan D (1984) Proposte per un' università a distanza in Italia. In Keegan and Lata (eds) as above, 151-163.
Holmberg B and Keegan D (1984) Conference on independent study in
Leipzig. ICDE Bulletin, 6,14-15.
Keegan D (1984) Evaluation of distance university systems. Paper presented to International conference on 'Students' independent and autonomous study' at Karl-Marx
University, Leipzig, 27-28 April.
Keegan D (1984) ICDE Research in distance education. In Raggatt P and Harry K (eds) Trends in distance higher education. Milton Keynes: Open University, 1, 33-41.
Keegan D (1984) The administration of student support services at the Open University. The Journal of Educational Administration, 22,1,83-96.
Keegan D (1985) L'informatica nell' educazione: il
contribuito del CUD. In Guzzardi R (ed) L'informatica in Calabria. Cosenza: UCAL.
Keegan D (1985) Review of Bates A Broadcasting in education: an evaluation. Distance Education, 6,2,256-258.
Keegan D
(1986) Foundations of distance education. London and New York: Croom Helm. 282pp.
Keegan D (1987) Henri and Kaye's Le savoir à domicile. Distance Education, 8,1,102-105.
Keegan D (1988) From theory
to practice. Planning a national distance education system. Symposium on distance education, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario, March 26-28.
Keegan D (1988) Problems in defining the field of distance
education. American Journal of Distance Education, 2,2,4-11.
Keegan D (1988) A theory for distance education. In Moore M (ed) The American symposium on research in distance education. University Park: Penn
State University.
Keegan D (1989) Problems in defining the field of distance education. In Moore M and Clark C (eds) Readings in principles of distance education. University Park : Penn State University,
Keegan D (1989) 1880 nian zhi 1990 nian jian xifang yuanjuli jiaoyu yanjiu (Western research on distance education 1880 to 1990). In Zhongguo Dianda Jiawyu (Chinese Journal of Distance Education)
Keegan D (1990) Review of Garrison D, Understanding distance education. A way to the future. Distance Education, 11,1,173-5.
Keegan D (1990) Open learning: concepts and costs, successes
and failures. In Atkinson R and McBeath C (eds) Open learning and new technology. Perth: ASET/Murdoch University, 230-243.
Keegan D (1990) Foundations of distance education. London and New York: Routledge.
2nd revised edition. 218pp. 2nd printing 1991. 3rd printing 1994. Keegan D (1991) Australian external studies within a typology of distance education systems throughout the world. In Xie X (ed) Papers
presented at international symposium on distance higher education Beijing 1989/ Guoji Yuanjuli Gaodeng Jiaoyu Yanjiuhui Iunwen Ji Beijing 1989 Beijing: China Central Radio and TV University, pp 69-195.
Keegan D (1991) Research on distance education in the West 1880-1990. In Xie X (ed) as above pp 236-247.
Keegan D (1991) Xifung Yuanjuli Jiaoyu Lilun. (Western theories of distance education). In Xie X (ed)
Guoji Yuanjuli Gaodeng Jiaoyu Yanjiuhui Iunwen Ji Beijing 1989. Beijing: Central China Radio and TV University, pp 81-190. Keegan D (1991) Designing distance educational materials. Unit 4, Module G of
Masters of Education (Training and Development) of University of New England at Northern Rivers.
Keegan D (1991) Adult learners and distance education. Unit 2, Module F of Masters of Education (Training and
Development ) of University of New England at Northern Rivers.
Keegan D (1991) Fernlehrforschung: Begriffsbestimmung und Arbeitsfelder. In Holmberg B und Ortner G (Hrsg) Fernlehre und Fernlehrforschung.
Frankfurt am Main: Lang. pp 46-47.
Keegan D (1991) The study of distance education: terminology, definition and the field of study. In Holmberg B and Ortner G (eds) Research into distance education.
Frankfurt am Main: Lang. pp 36-45.
Keegan D (1991) Un'analisi teorica dell'istruzione a distanza. Istruzione a Distanza, 3,3,25-30.
Keegan D (1991) Modelli e tecnologie dell'istruzione a distanza.
Paper at Università di Roma 'La Sapienza' conference, 25 June.
Keegan D (1992) Lo studio dell'istruzione a distanza. Istruzione a Distanza, 6,1,33-39.
Keegan D (1992) Review of Istruzione a Distanza
and Zhongguo Dian Shi Jiao Xu. Distance Education, 13,1,146-149. Keegan D (1992) The theoretical underpinnings of distance education. In Ortner G, Graff K and Wilmersdoerfer (eds) Distance education as
two-way communication. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, pp 76-87.
Keegan D (1992) Evaluation and assessment of distance education programmes. Unit 6, Module A of Masters of Education (Training and Development) of
University of New England at Northern Rivers.
Keegan D (1992) La technologie éducative et la formation à distance: amies ou rivales? In Sauvé L (ed) La technologie éducative, d'hier à demain. Québec:
Téléuniversité, pp 5-28.
Daniel J et Keegan D (1992) Systèmes de formation à distance. Maîtrise en formation à distance. Québec: Téléuniversité. 90 min videotape.
Keegan D (1992) La pédagogie dans la
formation à distance. Maîtrise en formation à distance. Québec: Téléúniversité. 52 min videotape.
Keegan D (1992) L'enseignement à distance par la télévision bidirectionnelle. Maîtrise en formation à
distance. Québec: Téléuniversité. 30 min videotape. Keegan D (1992) Les médias dans la formation à distance: un regard vers le futur. Maîtrise en formation à distance. Québec: Téléuniversité. 30 min
Keegan D (1992) Les systèmes d'éducation à distance et leur classification. Maîtrise en formation à distance. Québec: Téléuniversité. 23 min audiotape. Keegan D (1992) Education
nationale et formation à distance. Maîtrise en formation à distance. Québec: Téléuniversité. 28 min audiotape.
Harry K and Keegan D (1992) Studies in distance education. Paper presented to the 16th World
ICDE Conference, Sukhothai Thammatirat Open University, Thailand, 9-13 November.
Keegan D (1992) Distance learning. Module 23 of MSc in the Practice of Education, University of Surrey at Guildford. 2 Vols,
pp 95 and 426.
Keegan D (1993-) Founder and editor of Routledges Studies in Distance Education Series:
Keegan D (ed)(1993) Theoretical principles of distance education. London and New York:
Routledge. pp 272.
Keegan D (1993) Reintegration of the teaching acts. In Keegan D (ed) as above 113-134
Harry K, John M and Keegan D (1993) Distance education: new perspectives. London and New York:
Routledge. pp 348.
Keegan D (1993) Theory of distance education. In Harry K et al (eds) as above, 7-9.
Keegan D (1993) Media in distance education. In Harry K et al (eds) as above, 173-175.
Keegan D (1993) The study of distance education. In Harry K et al (eds) as above, 289-291.
Hussey C, Keegan D and Start P (1993)(eds) Certificate in Safety and Health at Work. Belfield: University College
Dublin (AVC/UIP). 2 vols, pp 286 and 210.
Keegan D (1993) Review of Rumble G and Oliveira J Vocational education at a distance: international perspectives. Open Learning,8,1,64-66.
Keegan D
(ed)(1994) The industrialization of teaching and learning. Otto Peters on distance education. New York and London: Routledge. pp 260.
Keegan D (1994) Conclusion: the German university ethos and distance
education. In Keegan D (ed) as above. 241-252.
Keegan D (1994) Principi di istruzione a distanza. Firenze: La Nuova Italia. pp 217.
Keegan D (1994) Istruzione a distanza e università. Nuove
possibilità applicative. Paper at Università di Macerata conference, 25 April.
Keegan D (1994) Teaching by satellite in a European virtual classroom. Hagen: Fernuniversität (ZIFF Papiere 92). 17pp.
Keegan D (1994) Very large distance education systems: the case of China. Hagen: Fernuniversität (ZIFF Papiere 94). 81pp. Keegan D (1994) The competitive advantages of distance teaching universities.
Open Learning, 9,2,36-39.
Keegan D (1995) Distance training in the European Union. Hagen: Fernuniversität (ZIFF Papiere 95). 91pp. Lockwood F and Keegan D (1995) Publishing in distance
education: insights from the series editors. In Sewart D (ed) One world many voices: quality in open and distance learning. Birmingham: Open University/ICDE. Vol 1 pp 532-534.
Keegan D (1995) Distance
education technologies for the new millenium: compressed video teaching. Hagen: Fernuniversität (ZIFF Papiere 101). 46pp.
Keegan D (1995) Teaching and learning by satellite in a European virtual classroom.
In Lockwood F (ed) Open and distance learning today. London and New York: Routledge. pp 108-118.
Keegan D (1996) Foundations of distance education. London and New York: Routledge. 3rd revised edition. 218pp.
Keegan D (1996) Entrevista. La formación a distancia: un recurso importante en la UE. Revista de Educación a Distancia, 18,5-10.
Keegan D (1996) Teaching by satellite in Europe. In Simon H (Hrsg.)
Virtueller Campus – Forschung und Entwicklung fur Neues Lehren und Lernen. Münster: Wachmann. pp 65-76.
Keegan D (1997) Yuan Juli Jiao Yu Jichu(Foundations of distance education) Beijing: Central China RTV
University. pp 180.
Keegan D (1997) The European distance training industry market. Proceedings of AECS conference. Oslo, May 21-23.
Keegan D (1997) Videotraining. Axiom, 6, 21-25.
Keegan D
(1997) Teaching face-to-face at a distance. Proceedings of world ICDE conference, Pennsylvania State University, June 9-14.
Keegan D (1997) Dianda at the crossroads: the future of distance education in
China. Hebei RTV University, Shijiazhuang.
Keegan D (1997) Distance training in the European Union. Brussels: European Commission, 100pp.
Keegan D (1997) Distance Education and training in Europe in
Distance Learning and Supported Open learning Worldwide. Cambridge: Hobsons
O Neill H and Keegan D (1997) L'enseignement à distance en Europe: panorama comparatif sur les principales réglementations
(Comparative study of European legislation on distance training). Chambre Syndicale Nationale de L'enseignement privé a distance conference. Paris, 28 November 1997.
Keegan D (1998) The two modes of distance
education. Open Learning, November, 25-29.
Keegan D (1998) Distance education: the world's best hope for lifelong learning in the 21st century. Proceedings of International Open and Distance Learning
Symposium, Shanghai, 15-17 April 1998 (published in Chinese in Open Education Research March 1998).
Keegan D (ed) (1998) Yuan Juli Jiaoyu Lilung (Theoretical Principles of Distance Education). Beijing:
CRTVU. 200 pp Keegan D (1998) Individualisation of learning: a trump card of distance systems. Istruzione a Distanza 10/11, 35-42.
Keegan D, Fritsch H and Vertecchi B (1998) Development of
Knowledge in the Field of Vocational Training at a Distance in the European Union. Dublin: Distance Education International Ltd, 1050pp
Keegan D (1998) Seamless interfaces: from distance education to web
based training. http://www.nettskolen.nki.no/eeileo/documentation/projdoc.htm Istruzione a Distanza , December 1999.
Keegan D (1998) Designing a web based training system.
Keegan D (1998) European distance training in its global context. Istruzione a Distanza, 12, 60-65.
Keegan D, O'Neill H and Leath T (1998)
Communication for the New Millennium, Dublin: Distance Education International Ltd.
Keegan D (1999) Yuan Juli Jiaoyu Yan Jiu (The study of distance education). Shijiazhuang: Hebei RTV University. 165 pp
Dunne D and Keegan D (1999) The didactic value of internet telephony. http://www.nki.no/eeileo/research/project.htm.
Keegan D (1999) Distance training: harbinger of the new millennium. Grundlelung Der
Weiterbildung 3, 1, 21-28.
Weidenfeld G et Keegan D (eds) (1999) L'enseignement à distance à l'aube du trosiéme millènaire. Poitiers: CNED, 360 pp.
Keegan D (1999) Distance education models at the dawn
of the third millennium: the success of the CNED model in Weidenfeld G et Keegan D (eds) as above pp 39-50.
Keegan D (ed) (2000) Yuan Juli Jiaoyu (Theoretical Principles of Distance Education). Beijing:
CRTVU, 298pp.
Keegan D (2000) Yuancheng Jiaoyu Yanjin (The Study of distance education). Shijiazjhuang: Hebei Scientific and Technology Press, pp184.
Keegan D (2000) Distance training: taking stock at
a time of change. London:Routledge, 152pp. (Routledge/Falmer Studies in Distance Education Series Vol 15).
Keegan D (2000) Les modèles d'enseignement à distance à l'aube du troisième millenaire in Chantiers,
Publics et metiers de l'Enseignement à Distance au seuil de l'an 2000. Poitiers: CNED. Tome 1 pp 27-34.
Keegan D (2000) From d-Learning, to e-Learning, to m-Learning in Proceedings of 40th anniversary
celebrations of Shanghai TV University. 24-28 April 2000, Shanghai, China.
Keegan D (2000) Learning portals: from e-Learning to m-Learning IMQC Conference, London 31 August - 1 September 2000.
D, Leath T, Jones S and Harrison R (2000) Business development through the internet and information technologies Dublin: DEI. 2 Vols 80 pp and 102 pp.
Keegan D (2000) The future of learning. From d-learning
to m-Learning 111 Biennale Internazionale Sulla Didattica Universitaria, Padova, 25-27 ottobre 2000.
Keegan D (2000) University distance education in Europe at the dawn of the third millennium in Leonarakis A
(ed) Themes and issues in distance education. Patros; Greece: HOU.
Keegan D, Leath T and Harrison R (2001) Developing information and communications technology expertise for micro SMEs.
Dublin: DEI, pp 90
Keegan D (2001) Oi Basikes Arxes tns Avoiktns kai ex Apostaseos Ekpaideusns (Foundations of distance education). Athens: Metaixmio, pp251
Keegan D (2002) Globalisation of distance learning: challenges in the new millennium in Venegopal Reddy and Manjulika S (eds) Globalisation
of open and distance learning: challenges in the new millennium. New Dehli: IGNOU.
Keegan D (2002) The future of learning. From
eLearning to mLearning. Hagen: FernUniversität. http://learning.ericsson.net/mlearning2/project_one/book.html pp172
Paulsen M, Keegan D et al (2002) Web-Education systems in Europe. Hagen: FernUniversität. pp166
Keegan D et al (2002) e-Learning: o Papel des sistemas de Gestão da Apredizagem na Europa. Lisbon: INOFOR pp 284
Keegan D (2002) eLearning - the role of Learning Management Systems (LMSs)Universidade do Minho WEB-EDU conference Braga, Portugal, 5 November 2002
Keegan D (2003) Pedagogy and support systems in e-learning.
Keegan D et al (2003) Student Support Services in e-Learning. Hagen: FernUniversität. pp 126
Keegan D (2004) The role of student support services in e-Learning systems. In Bernath U and Szucs A (eds) Supporting the learner in distance education and e-Learning. Oldenburg: Universität Oldenburg. pp 46-51
Landers P and Keegan D (2004) The role of live e-learning in education and training systems. Proceedings of Irish Learning Technology Association 4th Annual Conference, Tralee IT, Tralee
Keegan D (2004) Il ruolo del sostegno agli studenti nei sistemi in rete. Proceedings of conference on Student Support Services in elearning, University of Rome III, Italy Keegan D (2004) The role of assessment in distance education and elearning. Proceedings of New Assessment for a New Learning conference, Cork Institute of Technology, Cork, Ireland
Keegan D (2004) Content versus Technology in distance education, elearning and mobile learning, Proceedings of Leonardo da Vinci conference, Malahide, Co Dulbin, Ireland
Keegan D (2004) Mobile learning: the next generation of learning. Proceedings of 18th AAOU conference, Quality education for all. New missions and challenges facing Open Universities. Shanghai TV University, China
Keegan D (2005) The role of assessment in distance education and elearning in O Suilleabhain, G (ed) A new assessment for a new learning Cork: Cork Institute of Technology, pp 1-12
Keegan D (2005) The incorporation of mobile learning into mainstream education and training in Isias, P., Borg, C. and Bonanno, P.(eds) Mobile Learning 2005 Lisbon: IADIS, pp 198-202
Keegan D et al (2005) Virtual classrooms in educational provision: Synchronous elearning systems for European institutions. Hagen: FernUniversitaet (ZIFF) pp 152.
Keegan D (2005) European students' evaluation of mobile learning. http://learning.ericsson.net/mlearning2/products
Keegan D (2005) Students' evaluation of synchronous elearning systems. http://learning.ericsson.net/virtual/products
Keegan D (2005) Mobile learning: the next generation of learning. Dublin: Distance Education International. 247pp Keegan D (2005) Mobile learning: how far has it come? Proceedings of Ericsson mobile learning conference Dun Laoghaire, Ireland, 8.9.2005
Keegan D (2005) Incorporating mobile learning into mainline education and training. MLearn 2005 conference, Cape Town, 27.10.2005
Keegan D (2005) Distance learning and the workplace of the future. Working places, learning spaces conference. Cork Institute of Technology, 25.11.2005
Keegan D (2005) European Commission projects on distance education and e-learning. University of Rome III conference, Rome, 16.12.2005
Keegan D (2006) The impact of Otto Peters' research on the field of distance education FernUniversitaet Symposium Hagen, 18.5.2006
Keegan D (2006) The arrival of mobile learning ILTA annual conference, Sligo, 25.5.2006
Keegan D (2006) Distance education today Hellenic Open University conference Crete, 19.7.2006
Keegan D (2006)(ed) Mobile Learning: a practical guide , Dun Laoghaire: Ericsson, pp150
Keegan D (2007) Mobile learning: the latest development of distance learning. Proceedings of EADL Conference. Dublin. 24.5.2007. http://www.ericsson.com/ericsson/corpinfo/programs/resource_documents/dkeegan_eadl_24_may_2007.pdf
Keegan D (2007) M-learning strategy at Ericsson. Proceedings of ECLO Conference Glasgow 30.5.2007.
Keegan D (2007)The book Mobile learning:a practical guide. Proceedings of Taking Learning Mobile conference IADT, Dun Laoghaire. 7.9.2007.
Arneberg P, Keegan D et al (2007) The provsion of e-learning in the European Union. Bekkestua:NKIforlaget. 94pp.
Paulsen M-F, Keegan D et al (2007) Megaproviders of e-learning in Europe. Bekkestua: NKIforlaget. 209pp.
Arneberg P, Keegan D et al (2007) Analyses of European megaproviders of e-learning. Bekkestua:NKIforlaget. 149pp.
Keegan D et al (2007) E-learning initiatives that did not reach targeted goals. Bekkestua:NKIforlaget. 101pp.
Keegan D (2007) The impact of new technologies on distance learning students CADMO. 2007,2
Keegan D (2008) Exploiting New Technologies to raise Young People's achievement. Proceedings of ECLO conference 'The New Manchester Academies'.. Manchester, 12 March.
Keegan, D (2008) Yuan Cheng Jiao Yu Ji Chu (Foundations of distance education) 3rd edition. Shanghai: Shanghai TVU Press. 209pp
Keegan D (2008) The impact of new technologies on distance learning students E-learning and education journal. 1 July 2008
Keegan D (2008)The Achievements of Mobile Learning today. Proceedings of ECLO Annual Conference. Budapest, 15-16 May.
Keegan, D. (2008)(ed) The impact of new technologies on distance learning students. Dun Laoghaire: Ericsson (e-book). 126 pp
Keegan, D. (2008)(ed) Achievements of mobile learning today. Dun Laoghaire: Ericsson (e-book). 178 pp
Keegan, D. (2008)(ed) The role of mobile learning in Europe today. Dun Laoghaire: Ericsson (e-book). 306 pp
Keegan, D. (2008)(ed) Apprentissage mobile: Guide pratique. Poitiers:LNet. 199 pp Keegan, D. (2009) Book review of Ally, M. (ed.)(2009) Mobile learning. Transforming the delivery of education and training. Athabasca, Alberta:AU Press. Submitted to European Journal of Open, Distance and e-learning (EURODL)
Keegan, D. (2009) Book review of Wei, Runfang (2008) China's Radio and TV Universities and the British Open University: a comparative study. Nanjing: Yilin Press. Accepted for publication by the Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE).
Keegan, D. (2010) Distance Education today. 50th anniversary celebrations of the foundation of Shanghai TV University. Shanghai,China. 22.5.2010
Keegan, D. and Mileva, N. (2010)(eds) Mobile learning performance support system for vocational education and training . Plovdiv: Plovdiv University. 175pp.
Keegan, D. (2011)'The A-M project' FIRB Conference. University of Rome III, 6 May 2011
Mileva, N. and Keegan, D. (2011) 'M-Learning Manager - a new challenge in job role recognition and training' Proceedings of XXth EDEN Conference. Dublin. 19-22 June 2011.
Keegan, D. (2012)'The future of podcasting and mobile learning' FIRB Conference. University of Rome III, 18 May 2012
Keegan, D. (2013)'Mobile learning today' CACIE Conference. Beijing, China, 5 November 2013
Keegan, D. (2014)'Mobile learning: the next generation of learning' European Association of Distance Learning Headlines. March, 1-6.
Keegan, D. (2014)' 'Distance Education: the early years'. Submitted to Distance Education, Melbourne, Australia.
1. Keegan D (1980) The theory and practice of distance education. Adelaide: Open CFE. 160pp.
2. Keegan D (1982) An introduction to distance education. Unit 1 of the Graduate Diploma in Distance Education. Adelaide: South Australian College of Advanced Education. 100pp, 1 videotape, 5 audiotapes.
3. Sewart D, Keegan D and Holmberg B (eds) (1983) Distance education: international perspectives. London and New York: Croom Helm. 446pp. 2nd printing 1985.
. 4. Keegan D e Lata F (eds) (1984) L'università a distanza. Riflessioni e proposte per un nuovo modello di università.. Milano: Angeli. 173pp. .
. 5. Keegan D (1986) Foundations of distance education.. London and New York: Croom Helm. 282pp. .
. 6. Keegan D (1991) Designing distance educational materials. . Unit 4, Module G of Masters of Education (Training and Development) of University of New England at Northern Rivers. .
. 7. Keegan D (1991) Adult learners and distance education.. Unit 2, Module F of Masters of Education (Training and Development ) of University of New England at Northern Rivers. .
. 8. Keegan D (1992) Evaluation and assessment of distance education programmes.. Unit 6, Module A of Masters of Education (Training and Development) of University of New England at Northern Rivers. .
. 9. Keegan D (1992) Distance learning.. Module 23 of MSc in the Practice of Education, University of Surrey at Guildford. 2 Vols, pp 95 and 426. . :
. 10. Keegan D (ed)(1993) Theoretical principles of distance education.. London and New York: Routledge. pp 272. .
11. Harry K, John M and Keegan D (1993) Distance education: new perspectives. London and New York: Routledge. pp 348.
12. Hussey C, Keegan D and Start P (1993)(eds) Certificate in Safety and Health at Work.. Belfield: University College Dublin (AVC/UIP). 2 vols, pp 286 and 210.
13. Keegan D (ed)(1994) The industrialization of teaching and learning. Otto Peters on distance education.. New York and London: Routledge. pp 260.
14. Keegan D (1994) Principi di istruzione a distanza.. Firenze: La Nuova Italia. pp 217.
15. Keegan D (1994) Very large distance education systems: the case of China.. Hagen: Fernuniversität (ZIFF Papiere 94). 81pp.
16 Keegan D (1995) Distance training in the European Union. . Hagen: Fernuniversität (ZIFF Papiere 95). 91pp.
17. Keegan D (1996) Foundations of distance education.. London and New York: Routledge. 3rd revised edition. 218pp.
18. Keegan D (1997) Yuan Juli Jiao Yu Jichu (Foundations of distance education) . Beijing: Central China RTV University. pp 180.
19. Keegan D (1997) Distance training in the European Union. . Brussels: European Commission, 100pp.
20. Keegan D (ed) (1998) Yuan Juli Jiaoyu Lilung (Theoretical Principles of Distance Education) .. Beijing: CRTVU. 200 pp
. 21. Keegan D, Fritsch H and Vertecchi B (1998) Development of Knowledge in the Field of Vocational Training at a Distance in the European Union. Dublin: Distance Education International Ltd, 1050pp..http://http://www.fernuni-hagen.de/ZIFF/finalvoc.htm
. 22. Keegan D (1999) Yuan Juli Jiaoyu Yan Jiu (The study of distance education) . Shijiazhuang: Hebei RTV University. 165 pp.
. 23. Weidenfeld G et Keegan D (eds) (1999) L'enseignement à distance à l'aube du trosiéme millènaire. Poitiers: CNED, 360 pp. .
. 24. Keegan D (ed) (2000) Yuan Juli Jiaoyu (Theoretical Principles of Distance Education) . Beijing: CRTVU, 298pp. .
. 25. Keegan D (2000) Yuancheng Jiaoyu Yanjin (The Study of distance education) . Shijiazjhuang: Hebei Scientific and Technology Press, pp184. .
. 26. Keegan D (2000) Distance training: taking stock at a time of change. London:Routledge, 152pp. (Routledge/Falmer Studies in Distance Education Series Vol 15). .
. 27. Keegan D, Leath T, Jones S and Harrison R (2000) Business development through the internet and information technologies. Dublin: DEI. 2 Vols 80 pp and 102 pp. .
. 28. Keegan D, Leath T and Harrison R (2001) Developing information and communications technology expertise for micro SMEs. Dublin: DEI, pp 90.
. 29. Keegan D (2001) Oi Basikes Arxes tns Avoiktns kai ex Apostaseos Ekpaideusns (Foundations of distance education). Athens: Metaixmio, pp251.
. 30. Keegan D (2002) The future of learning. From eLearning to mLearning. Hagen: FernUniversität. http://learning.ericsson.net/mlearning2/project_one/book.html pp172.
. 31. Paulsen M, Keegan D et al (2002) Web-Education systems in Europe.. Hagen: FernUniversität. pp166 .
. 32. Keegan D et al (2002) e-Learning: o Papel des sistemas de Gestão da Apredizagem na Europa.. Lisbon: INOFOR pp 284.
. 33. Keegan D et al (2003) Student Support Services in e-Learning. . Hagen: FernUniversität. pp 126.
. 34. Keegan D et al (2005) Virtual classrooms in educational provision: Synchronous elearning systems for European institutions. . Hagen: FernUniversität (ZIFF) pp 152. .
. 35. Keegan D (2005) Mobile learning: the next generation of learning.. Dublin: Distance Education International. 247pp .
. 36. Keegan D (2006)(ed) Mobile Learning: a practical guide ., Dun Laoghaire: Ericsson, pp150. .
. 37. Arneberg P, Keegan D et al (2007) The provsion of e-learning in the European Union.. Bekkestua:NKIforlaget. 94pp. .
. 38. Paulsen M-F, Keegan D et al (2007) Megaproviders of e-learning in Europe.. Bekkestua: NKIforlaget. 209pp. .
. 39. Arneberg P, Keegan D et al (2007) Analyses of European megaproviders of e-learning.. Bekkestua:NKIforlaget. 149pp. .
. 40. Keegan D et al (2007) E-learning initiatives that did not reach targeted goals. . Bekkestua:NKIforlaget. 101pp. .
. 41. Keegan, D (2008) Yuan Cheng Jiao Yu Ji Chu (Foundations of distance education) . 3rd edition. Shanghai: Shanghai TVU Press. 209pp.
. 42. Keegan, D. (2008)(ed) The impact of new technologies on distance learning students. . Dun Laoghaire: Ericsson (e-book). 126 pp.
. 43. Keegan, D. (2008)(ed) Achievements of mobile learning today. . Dun Laoghaire: Ericsson (e-book). 178 pp.http://www.exact.ie/ebook/achievements pp172
. 44. Keegan, D. (2008)(ed) The role of mobile learning in Europe today. . Dun Laoghaire: Ericsson (e-book). 306 pp..http://www.exact.ie/ebook/mobilelearning
. 45. Keegan, D. (2008)(ed) Apprentissage mobile: Guide pratique. . Poitiers:LNet. 199 pp.
. 46. Keegan, D. and Mileva, N. (2010)(eds) Mobile learning performance support system for vocational education and training . Plovdiv: Plovdiv University. 175pp.
1. Keegan, D (1980) On the nature of distance education. Hagen: Fernuniversität (ZIFF Papiere 33) 40pp
2. Keegan D (1980) The theory and practice of distance education. Adelaide: Open CFE. 160pp.
3. Keegan, D (1981) The Regional Tutorial Services of the Open University: a case study. Hagen: Fernuniversität (ZIFF Papiere 36) 50pp
4. Keegan D (1982) An introduction to distance education. Unit 1 of the Graduate Diploma in Distance Education. Adelaide: South Australian College of Advanced Education. 100pp, 1 videotape, 5 audiotapes.
5. Keegan, D (1982) Das Fernstudium in Australien. Hagen: Fernuniversität (ZIFF Papiere 44) 45pp
6. Keegan D (1991) Designing distance educational materials. Unit 4, Module G of Masters of Education (Training and Development) of University of New England at Northern Rivers, New South Wales.
7. Keegan D (1991) Adult learners and distance education. Unit 2, Module F of Masters of Education (Training and Development ) of University of New England at Northern Rivers, New South Wales.
8. Keegan D (1992) Evaluation and assessment of distance education programmes. Unit 6, Module A of Masters of Education (Training and Development) of University of New England at Northern Rivers, New South Wales.
9. Keegan D (1992) Distance learning. Module 23 of MSc in the Practice of Education, University of Surrey at Guildford. 2 Vols, pp 95 and 426.
10. Hussey C, Keegan D and Start P (1993)(eds) Certificate in Safety and Health at Work by satellite. Belfield: University College Dublin (AVC/UIP). 2 vols, pp 286 and 210.
11. Keegan D. (1983) Six distance education theorists. Hagen: Fernuniversität. 39pp
12. Keegan D (1994) Very large distance education systems: the case of China. Hagen: Fernuniversität (ZIFF Papiere 94). 81pp.
13. Keegan, D (1994) Teaching by satellite in a European virtual classroom. Hagen: Fernuniversität (ZIFF Papiere 92)
14. Keegan D (1995) Distance training in the European Union. Hagen: Fernuniversität (ZIFF Papiere 96). 91pp.
15. Keegan, D (1995) Distance education technology for the new millennium: compressed video teaching. Hagen: Fernuniversität (ZIFF Papiere 101) 41pp
16. Keegan D, Fritsch H and Vertecchi B (1998) Development of Knowledge in the Field of Vocational Training at a Distance in the European Union. Hagen: Fernuniversität(ZIFF) 4 vols 1050pp ./http://www.fernuni-hagen.de/ZIFF/finalvoc.htm.
17. Keegan D, Leath T, Jones S and Harrison R (2000) Business development through the internet and information technologies. Dublin: DEI. 2 Vols 80 pp and 102 pp.
18. Keegan D, Leath T and Harrison R (2001) Developing information and communications technology expertise for micro SMEs. Dublin: DEI, pp 90.
19. Keegan D (2001) Oi Basikes Arxes tns Avoiktns kai ex Apostaseos Ekpaideusns (Foundations of distance education). Athens: Metaixmio, pp251.
20. Paulsen M, Keegan D et al (2002) Web-Education systems in Europe. Hagen: FernUniversität.(ZIFF Papiere 118) pp166.
21. Keegan D (2002) The future of learning. From eLearning to mLearning. Hagen: FernUniversität. (ZIFF Papiere 119) pp172 http://learning.ericsson.net/mlearning2/project_one/book.html pp172.
22. Keegan D et al (2002) e-Learning: o Papel des sistemas de Gestão da Apredizagem na Europa.. Lisbon: INOFOR pp 284.
23. Keegan D et al (2003) The role of Student Support Services in e-Learning systems. Hagen: FernUniversität. pp 126.
24. Keegan D et al (2005) Virtual classrooms in educational provision: Synchronous elearning systems for European institutions. Hagen: FernUniversität (ZIFF Papiere 126) pp 152.
25. Keegan D (2005) Mobile learning: the next generation of learning. Dublin: Distance Education International. 247pp.
26. Keegan D (2006)(ed) Mobile Learning: a practical guide. Dun Laoghaire: Ericsson, pp150.
27. Arneberg P, Keegan D et al (2007) The provision of e-learning in the European Union. Bekkestua:NKIforlaget. 94pp.
28. Paulsen M-F, Keegan D et al (2007) Megaproviders of e-learning in Europe. Bekkestua: NKIforlaget. 209pp.
29. Arneberg P, Keegan D et al (2007) Analyses of European megaproviders of e-learning. Bekkestua:NKIforlaget. 149pp.
30. Keegan D (2007) E-learning initiatives that did not reach targeted goals. Bekkestua:NKIforlaget. 101pp.
31. Keegan, D. (2008)(ed) The impact of new technologies on distance learning students. Dun Laoghaire: Ericsson (e-book). 126 pp.
32. Keegan, D. (2008)(ed) Achievements of mobile learning today. Dun Laoghaire: Ericsson (e-book). 178 pp .http://www.exact.ie/ebook/achievements
33. Keegan, D. (2008) The role of mobile learning in Europe today. Dun Laoghaire: Ericsson 306pp http://www.exact.ie/ebook/mobilelearning
34. Keegan, D. (2008)(ed) Apprentissage mobile: Guide pratique. Poitiers:LNet. 199 pp
35. Keegan, D. et al (2010) Mobile learning performance support system for vocational education and training . Plovdiv: Plovdiv University. 175pp. >