RoutledgeFalmer Studies in Distance Education Series
European Projects
Routledge Series
This is the first international series of volumes studying the field of distance education
  • · Founded by Desmond Keegan in 1992
  • · Edited by Desmond Keegan from 1993 to 1996
  • · Edited by Desmond Keegan (Dublin) and Alan Tait (Cambridge) from 1997
  • · Published by RoutledgeFalmer in London and New York.
Volume 1 Theoretical principles of distance education edited by Desmond Keegan (Ireland)

A closely planned study in which leading scholars examine the didactic, analytic, academic, philosophical and technological underpinnings of distance education.

D R Garrison (Canada), M Moore (USA), O Peters (Germany), C. Amundsen (Canada), C Gibson (USA), L Sauvé (Canada), D Keegan (Ireland), J Sparkes (UK), B Vertecchi (Italy), P Jarvis (UK), E Ljoså (Norway), T Nunan (Australia), G Boyd (Canada), T Devlin (Ireland).

'I have been looking for a collection of theoretical essays like this for several years to provide my masters students in distance education with a comprehensive overview of the field'. K Stevens in New Zealand Journal of Distance Education.

First published: September 1993. ISBN 0-415-08942-5

Volume 2 Distance education: new perspectives edited by Keith Harry (UK), Magnus John (Sierra Leone) and Desmond Keegan (Ireland)

An authoritative selection of major contributions to the theory and practice of distance education in the last decade.

O Peters (Germany), M Moore (USA), F Henri (Canada) and A Kaye (UK), E Ljoså (Norway), B Barker et al (USA), J Daniel (UK), D Keegan (Ireland), J Taylor et al (Australia), G Rumble (UK), R Paul (Canada), B Vertecchi (Italy), P Marland and R Store (Australia), V Vivian (Australia), A Bates (Canada), B Scott (UK), G Ram Reddy (India), H Perraton (UK), Z Yuhui (China), S Inquai (Ethiopia), I Mitchell (Australia), L Sauvé (Canada), J Jenkins (UK), B Holmberg (Sweden).

'The editors have provided a valuable set of papers that has been subjected to peer review, is well annotated, is topically indexed and which is wisely limited to a specific historical period'. P Rossman in The American Journal of Distance Education.

First published: October 1993. ISBN 0-415-08941-7

Volume 3 Strategic alliances: collaboration in distance education edited by Louise Moran (Australia) and Ian Mugridge (Canada)

Pressures on institutions in all parts of the world to collaborate have increased dramatically but inter-institutional collaboration remains difficult.

J Bottomley (Canada), J Brindely (Canada), J Calvert (Canada), M Croft (Canada), G Dhanaragan (Malaysia), T Evans Australia), P Guiton (Australia), B King (Australia), D McNeil (USA), R Paul (Canada), J Polhemus (Australia).

'These case studies are particularly valuable in pointing to the reasons for success or failure'. A Christodoulou in the Foreword.

First published: November 1993. ISBN 0-415-10098-4

Volume 4 The industrialization of teaching and learning: Otto Peters on distance education edited by Desmond Keegan (Ireland)

Professor Peters' theses on the industrialization of education pose fundamental challenges to sociologists and educationists. All the major texts from 1965 to 1993 are included, most appearing in English for the first time. Edited, with a concluding chapter, by Desmond Keegan.

First published: April 1994. ISBN 0-415-10384-3

Volume 5 Theory and practice of distance education (2nd edition) by Börje Holmberg (Sweden)

This new edition of Holmberg's major study has been thoroughly updated both by describing how practice has changed, and by examining recent research in the field. Like the first edition, this book provides a comprehensive survey of distance education, looking at it globally and discussing the different lines of thought and models used.

First published: February 1995. ISBN 0-415-11292-3

Volume 6 Technology, open learning and distance education by A W (Tony) Bates (Canada)

Major changes are needed in the post-secondary and workplace training systems to meet the need for a higher skilled workforce, and for lifelong learning in an increasing complex society. Recent technological developments provide an opportunity for radical change through the application of open and distance learning. Drawing on extensive experience at the Open University and in North America, the author provides a practical decision-making framework for analyzing the strengths

and weaknesses of each technology, and offers the first comprehensive, comparative cost analysis of each. He provides a vision of technology-based open learning for the 21st century.

First published: April 1995. ISBN 0-415-12799; 0-415-11682-1

Volume 7 Open and distance learning today edited by Fred Lockwood (United Kingdom)

With contributions from leading scholars in the field, this book presents a comprehensive account of research and development activities in open, distance and flexible learning.

D Hawkridge (UK), H Perraton (UK), B Koul (India), M Moore (USA), A W Bates (Canada), A Morgan (UK), T Evans (Australia), D Harris (UK), T Vincent (UK), C Latchem (Australia), D Keegan (Ireland), P Whalley (UK), A Kirkwood (UK), B Zimmer (UK), L Burge (Canada), A Romiszowski (USA), M Thorpe (UK), M Valcke and G Vuist (Netherlands), F Lockwood (UK), R Mason (UK), B Robinson (UK), A Tait (UK), R Lewis (UK), P Aolto and M Jalana (Finland), J Reid (New Zealand), J Hartley (UK), R Lowe (Australia), M Macdonald-Ross (UK), J Dekkers and N Kemp (Australia), P Lefrere(UK), J Koumi (UK), E Chambers (UK), A Woodley (UK), J Calder (UK).

'A compendium of practice, experience, issues and references from a "who's who" list of contributors that marks a major contribution to the literature of open and distance education' G Farrell, Open Learning Agency, Canada.

'This is a handbook for successful revolutionaries. Between these covers the world's foremost experts have distilled the lessons of the first generation of open and distance learning.' Sir J Daniel, The Open University in the Preface.

First published: May 1995. ISBN 0-415-12758-0; 0-415-12759-9

Volume 8 Foundations of distance education (3rd edition) by Desmond Keegan (Ireland)

The third edition of this standard text is revised and updated and has been used as a set text for courses on distance education in a number of universities. Translated into Italian as Principi d'istruzione a distanza by La Nuova Italia Editrice of Firenze in 1994, into Chinese as Yuan Juli Jiao Yu Jichu by the Publishing House of the Central Chinese TV University, Beijing, in 1996 and into Greek as Oi Basikes Arxes tns Avoiktns kai ex Apostaseos Ekpaideisns by Metaixmio, Athens in 2001.

'This book has to be considered compulsory reading for anyone engaged or interested in distance education'. B Holmberg in International Journal of Lifelong Education.

First published September 1996 ISBN 0-415-13909-0;

Volume 9 Opening education: policies from open and distance education edited by Terry Evans and Daryl Nation (Australia)

This book explores selected international examples of policy development and implementation in the fields of open and distance education.

M Haughey and J Roberts (Australia), V Jakupec (Australia), A Castro and C Wong (Hong Kong), R Meighan (UK), M Campion (Australia), O Aabenhus (Denmark) and B Kenworthy (Australia), J Hall (USA), R Johnson (Australia), A McIlroy and R Walker (New Zealand), S Panda (India), T Evans and D Nation (Australia)

First published 1997 ISBN O-415-14182-6, 0-415-14183-4

Volume 10 Staff development in open and flexible learning edited by Colin Latchem (Curtin University of Technology, Australia) and Fred Lockwood, (Open University of the United Kingdom)

The book draws together the experiences, insights and findings of some of the world's leading staff developers in distance and flexible education. It is designed to provide an overview of the trends, influences and events which are shaping the work of these professionals and the policy changes, processes and outcomes that they are helping to bring about.

First published 1997 ISBN 0-415-17390-6, 0-415-17376-0

Volume 11 Globalising education: trends and applications by Robin Mason, Open University of the United Kingdom

Global education is a phenomenon poised to have a major impact on all providers of higher education and training. Because of cutbacks in public funding of universities, the development of virtual universities and the advent of new educational providers from the commercial sector, the nature of higher education provision is undergoing profound changes. Expansion into global markets is a significant element in these changes.

First published 1998 ISBN 0-415-18687-0, 0-415-18688-9

Volume 12 Convergence of distance and conventional education: patterns of flexibility for the individual learner edited by Alan Tait and Roger Mills, Open University of the United Kingdom

Studies of flexibility for learners in the convergence of conventional and distance education.

A Tait, R Mills, M Chambers, L Herman, A Mondell, S Johnston, D Kirkpatrick, V Jakupec, R Powell, S Mc Guire, G Crawford, J O Rourke, P Rickwood, K Stephens, D Thompson, R Vermees, G Young, D Marks-Moran.

First published March 1999 ISBN 0415-194-27X, 0415-194288

Volume 13 Open and distance learning in the developing world by Hilary Perraton (United Kingdom).

Hilary Perraton analyses and evaluates all aspects of distance education for developing countries. The ten chapters engage critically with a range of topics including:

  • · Development of distance education in non-formal education
  • · The costs and economics of distance education
  • · The impact of new technology and globalisation
  • · Why governments have supported it and what they hope to get out of it.
First published January 2000. ISBN 0-415-19419-9

Volume 14 Women and distance education by Christine von Prümmer (Fernuniversität, Germany)

The importance of distance education and training for women. Von Prümmer treats: studying outside the ivory tower; communication and the new technologies; class and gender; the social mobility of women.

First published June 2000. ISBN 0-415-23258-9.

Volume 15 Distance training; taking stock in a time of change by Desmond Keegan (Ireland).

Desmond Keegan addresses the tensions and interfaces in distance education between technologies of the Industrial Revolution of the 19th Century, technologies of an Electronics Revolution in the 1980s and the new mobile and wireless technologies of the final years of the 20th century.

The book studies the achievements of d-Learning, (distance learning) in open universities and other institutions, both public and private today.

The advent of e-Learning, with courses by satellite, videoconferencing and on the World Wide Web is then addressed.

Finally, the impact of wireless telephony and wireless computing on distance education and training is presented, for the first time in the literature.

First published in September 2000. ISBN 0-475-23066-7.

Volume 16 Using Learning Technologies: International Perspectives on Practice edited by Elizabeth J Burge and Margaret Haughey (Canada)

First published August 2001. ISBN 0-415-21687-7

Volume 17 The Online Educator: a Guide to Creating the Virtual Classroom by Margarita McVay Lynch (United States of America). 

The Online Educator gives a hands-on, how-to-do-it, treatment of all aspects of e-Learning. At the start of the 21st century, the phenonomen of corporate and government virtual universities is the major development in education and training worldwide and this timely volume, from one of the leading practitioners in the United States, will give readers a comprehensive introduction to the subject. isbn 0-415-26397-7

First  published February 2002.

Volume 18 Planning and Developing Open and Distance Learning: a qwuality Assurance Approach by Reginald F Melton (United Kingdom).

Dr Melton, from the Institute of Educational Technology, of the Open University of the United Kingdom, presents a comprehensive overview of the planning and development necessary for successful distance learning.

First published April 2002. ISBN 0-415-25481-7.

Volume 19 Rethinking Learner Support in Distance Education by Alan Tait and Roger Mills (United Kingdom).

Distance systems, whether electronic or not, have two characteristic operating systems that are not characteristic of conventional education: the course development sub-system and the student support services sub-system.

Much has been written about course development for distance and electronic learning. This volume addresses the half of a distance or electronic education system, which takes place once the course materials are prepared and students commence studying them.

First published December 2002. ISBN 0-415-30143-2

Volume 20  Technology, Distributed Learning and Distance Education by A W (Tony) Bates (Canada).

For many years, Tony Bates has been a leading authority on the use of technology in university teaching and learning and this new volume addresses the issues facing technology and universities in the 21st century.

This is a completely revised, second edition of Volume 6 in this series.

First published May 2003. ISBN 0-415-28436-8.

Published by RoutledgeFalmer Ltd, New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE