
A Guide for Addicts, Youths and Parents Alike.



Up Concerned What can I do? Prevention Alcohol

How to recognise drug taking amoung teens

If the behaviour of your teen matches any of the ones below then he/she may be using drugs. You should make allowences for mood swings and difficult behaviour which are often part of growing up.

A secrecy about activities and whereabouts,
New and strange friends,
Keeping unusually late hours,
Losing intersest in old friends, sports or hobbies,
Excessive tiredness or loss of appetite,
Mood swings you can't explain,
Appeared drunk or "stoned",
Selling prized possesions,
School work not being done,
Poor school results,
Job loss,
Poor concentration, memory loss,
Excessive nasal secretion, sniffles,
Loss of weigth,
rash around mouth,
Unusual smells/odours on breath and cloths.