If you have any news of recent or upcoming events around the village please E-Mail us.
About this news page We are happy to accept items for inclusion on this page. You may send us scans of newspaper cuttings, photos or news in any other form via E-mail . Newspaper reports should include the name and date of the newspaper if possible and all other reports should include a valid E-mail address in case we need to verify a story but not necessarily for publication though we will be happy to acknowledge any source if requested. News items are accepted in good faith and accuracy etc is the responsibility of the author and not of this website. Please remember we cannot feature it if you don't tell us about it, so keep the E-mails coming. We wish to thank those who have already sent us news items etc
Grangecon Tidy Towns Committee are awarded a Special Merit Award for their efforts in the 2002 Tidy Towns competition.
The hard work and dedication of Grangecon Tidy Towns committee were rewarded last week when members were presented with the Supervalu Special Endeavour Award. Committee members could be seen cleaning, pruning, trimming, and weeding all year to keep the village in beautiful condition for the competition and this prize was richly deserved. Perhaps if a few more village folk lend a hand in future, even greater things can be achieved in the coming years. It is certainly a well worthwhile activity and we all benefit from living in a more attractive environment. Finally a gentle reminder to some people who may occasionally be a little bit forgetful: Please don't throw your litter on the street or in a hedge, as somebody else has to pick it up. Put it in a bin or take it home with you where it can be properly disposed of and leave life a little easier on these good people. On behalf of the whole community a very big thank you to the committee, the FÁS workers, and everybody who contributed to this achievement.
Grangecon Tidy Towns committee receive the Super Valu special endeavour award. Pictured are: from left: Mary Moore, Bridget Nolan, committee members, Michael Nason, MD Super Valu, Minister Pat the Cope Gallagher, Marie Mc Cabe and John O'Toole committee members.
Grangecon Ladies Nursing in Australia. We recently came across an interesting news item concerning two ladies originally from Grangecon who are now providing home nursing services in Perth, Western Australia. Below we quote the story exactly as it was sent to us and we wish to thank the correspondent who mailed it to us. "There are two Nurses from Grangecon involved in the after hospital care and other home care in Perth, Western Australia. Their clients would include those who suffered from the results of accidents or other cataclysmic incidents, i.e. Paraplegics, quadriplegics, burns victims including bomb blast victims, and aged persons. Bernie Mallen from the "Hall" and Ita from Bessina are the two nurses involved. The Australian way is to help people to stay in their homes as long as possible."
Dec 7 2002
Grangecon Community Sports Field Opened Grangecon community sports field was officially opened on Mon 28th Oct 2002 by Mr. Joe Jacob T.D.. Local clergy, councillors, committee members, and practically all of the local community attended the ceremony. As part of the proceedings, several "sporting" events took place throughout the day. A hurling match between the U/9 teams from Grangecon and Kiltegan was the curtain raiser, with the home side emerging victorious, followed by a soccer match for the under eights. Then there were soccer matches for the married ladies against the single ladies followed by married men versus single men and one individual is said to have played in both these matches. We have not heard if there was a steward's enquiry or whatever it would take to resolve this dilemma. See our "photos" page for a photo of the opening .
Oct 28 2002
Grangecon Boxing Success
From "The Wicklow People" 31 Oct 2002