We are always happy to receive photographs, new or old, with a Grangecon theme.
A collection of photographs from Grangecon.
Some of the photographs on this page are contemporary while others are nearly 100 years old. Where possible we indicate the year the photograph was taken.
We wish to thank all the people who donated photographs. Those who did not request to remain anonymous are acknowledged at the end of this section. Photos which are acknowledged as "anonymous " were sent to us by people who did not wish to be named. In keeping with our privacy policy (See link on left) we do not name, or record the names of, people who correspond with us except with their explicit permission.
This page consists of thumbnails with a short description of the photograph or image. You must click on the thumbnail to see a full size picture. Picture sizes vary but some are very large and take a few moments to load. To return from the picture to this page click on the "Back" button of your browser. We hope you enjoy this photographic tour of Grangecon, past and present.
Contemporary Photos.
Community Sports field is opened by Joe Jacob T.D. 2002
"Summer Evening" A racehorse grazes with mountains in the background. 2002
Ballynure Church, (C of I) Grangecon. C2000
Rathbran Cemetery, Grangecon showing the entrance and some of the gravestones. C2000
"Sunday afternoon Grangecon." the village from near the Church. . Jun 2003
Gate lodge and entrance to Grangecon Demesne. June 2003.
Ballynure House Grangecon. Summer 2003
Group who received First Communion in Grangecon, see news page for names. May 2003
Larger version of previous photo. If you can name any please E-Mail us.
O'Hara Family photo Grangecon. C1916
O'Mahony shortly before his death. 1930
School photo Grangecon national school C 1948
Pierce O'Mahony ,see history page for more info. 1915
Do you have any photographs or prints, historical documents, maps, etc. that might be of interest to our visitors? If so would you please send us a copy via E-Mail to grangecon1@eircom.net. as we intend adding more photos as they become available. We can assure you that anything sent will be greatly appreciated by us and especially by our visitors. We are particularly interested in older photographs as we get many requests from our visitors, especially emigrants, for this type of material.
We wish to acknowledge the following sources for our photos.
Rathbran 1 & 2 Mc Loughlin homepage. Ballynure Church. Church of Ireland website. Summer evening. Anonymous Sports field opening. Scan from "Wicklow People" First Communion 03 Anonymous O'Hara C1916 Brendan O'Hara. O'Mahony 1915 & 1930 Séamus Shortall Sunday Afternoon G. Con. Anonymous. Gate Lodge Anonymous. Ballynure House. Anonymous. School photo 1940s Anonymous.
People described as anonymous are people who sent us material via E-Mail but asked not to be named.