I went to a party in my Auntie's house. It started at half-nine. We sang songs, played games and listened to music. At five-to-twelve, we watched the countdown on television. At exactly twelve o'clock, while everybody was popping party poppers, my aunt shook up a bottle of champagne and it spilt over everyone. Everyone went home at half-five. I stayed in my cousin's house and we went to bed at six o'clock.
Mary Mc Hugh
We were drinking all night. We watched the Millennium on television. We watched all the fireworks in London, Sydney, Melbourne and Paris. We saw lots of fireworks going off at the Killeshin Hotel.
Marty Dowling
We cooked sausages and chicken nuggets for the party. We played games and watched videos. We sent an e-mail to The Heath School and my aunts thought our website was very well done. At twelve o’clock we shouted Happy New Year and let off fireworks.
John Quane
I stayed at home with my family. We opened a bottle of coke and a box of sweets. We watched Sky News and saw how other people celebrated their Millennium. Sydney was by far the biggest celebration and the fireworks display was brilliant. At 12 o’clock we sang and drank the coke and ate the sweets. Then we went out and watched the fireworks over Portlaoise.
Therese Bowe
On the morning of Millennium Eve I had a shower to wake me up. At around one o’clock my family and I sat down to enjoy a lovely meal. We had melon for starters then pork, potatoes, vegetables and, for dessert, chocolate chip ice-cream with cream and pudding. When all the dishes were put away and the table was cleared we went to the Sunset Liturgy in Portlaoise Church. It was very nice. After the ceremony we headed out to Anna`s friend’s house where we watched the film Forest Gump. Anna’s friend was having a party and she asked us to join in, so we did for a half an hour. Then Mammy called us because it was time to go home. After tea we talked about the past and lit candles for our deceased relations. Then we played a game of cards before sitting down to watch the countdown to midnight. Then we went outside and set off fireworks.
Tony Connolly
My relations came from ten o'clock onwards. We ate around half-ten. We lit our Millennium Candle before twelve because we forgot to light it at half-four. We went outside at a quarter-to-twelve and Dad lit the bonfire. We counted down from ten and at midnight Dad popped the cork off the champagne bottle and we sang 'Should Old Acquaintance...' We went inside and talked. Around one or half-one, everyone started to go home. At around two or half-two I went to bed.
Clairemarie McGrath.
I was upstairs getting ready when my mother called me for the party in my grandmother's house. Only my Uncle Garvan, his wife Amy, and their baby Conor who came over from America were there. My cousins and all the others who were invited came out later. It was very crowded but it was good fun. When the clock struck twelve we all wished each other a Happy New Millennium.
David Carroll.
At exactly midnight, I was sitting on the sofa with the video camera watching my family. We sang 'Auld Lang Syne' and popped some party poppers. We had our candles lit just in case we had a power cut. We watched the Countdown on television and all the different places around the world celebrating the Millennium. I didn’t feel any different but I still think it was worth celebrating. At 12.30 a.m. I went to bed and woke up about nine hours later.
Laura Radford.
During the day we went to a restaurant in Portlaoise. Then we had to go and mind my sister’s baby. My brother and I rented videos and we got a Chinese take-away. At around six o’clock we came home. I played my Playstation for about an hour. As the clock struck twelve, I was at home because I was sick and unable to go anywhere because I caught the flu.
Keith Kelly
We went to a Sunset Liturgy service in the church. I thought it was nice for the people who had nobody to celebrate the millennium with, and I liked it when everybody lit their candles. I would say there was a nice view from the altar. I liked the way they showed pictures from the last century. After we came back, I watched a little television, and then we left my sister out to her friend's house because she was having a party. We stayed there for a while and helped make sandwiches. When we came back we had something small to eat. I received a gift from my parents, and played a few games of cards. We watched the countdown to the millennium, switching through three different channels to see what everybody else in the world was doing. At twelve o'clock, I shouted Happy New Year to everybody. My father had some fireworks left from Halloween so we let them off at about ten minutes past twelve. We heard the people down in the estate shouting and letting off fireworks then I went to bed. When my mother was bringing my sister home at three o'clock they were still shouting. So they obviously enjoyed welcoming in the new Millennium.
Ciana Connolly
I went to a house party in Emo with my mother and brother Darron. We spent a while there and then we met up with my father in Treacy's pub. After a while we went back to Chris and Michael’s house to get something to eat. Then we all went back to Treacy's and had a laugh. I saw in the New Year with my family and friends. We didn't get home until after two o’clock. I had brilliant fun all night and I didn’t want to go home.
Kevin Daly
We were in our house in Wexford. We had a family party and a lovely meal. After the meal we watched television. At 11.55 we all started counting down. I was really excited. When the Millennium came in, we watched all the places letting off their fireworks. I went to bed at 1 a.m.
Roisín Ryan
Our grandmother had planned to go to the Rock of Dunamase for the Millenniun mass. We got there at 4.00, but it had been on at 3.00. My sister Maureen and my grandmother went for a walk around the castle. Then we went to Portarlington to see the parade but it was over too. We went back to grandmother’s house for tea. Then we went to Mossey and Paula’s house. At 11:59 everybody started the countdown. We went outside to see the fireworks and hear the bells ringing. Then we went home. I was in bed at 1 a.m.
John Paul Nerney
It struck me that the Millennium was coming and Christmas was coming to an end for this year. I was so sad, but I had something to look forward to after Christmas. This was the Millennium. So I was sitting down on the chair watching television. I was so bored because I was baby-sitting for my sister. That's what I was doing for the Millennium.
Mark Bell
I went to a party in Mountmellick. The party was in my aunt's house. It started at nine o’clock. Everyone was dancing and singing. At about two minutes to midnight we looked at the countdown on television.
Alva Fitzpatrick.
I went to my sister’s house. We watched tv for a long time. At ten seconds to the Millennium, we started to count down. When it was over we let off fireworks.
John Paul Tynan.
At about six o'clock, Cathal and I came home from playing soccer with John Brennan in his back garden. Then I went to sleep on the couch until about seven. For the rest of the night, I looked at the celebrations around the world on Sky News. I thought Sydney`s celebrations were brilliant, especially when the bridge was set alight with fireworks. But Paris was the best of all when the Eiffel Tower was lit up. Then I went to bed about four o'clock.
Ciaran Jones
At around four o'clock, my mother and I went into Portlaoise church for a special service for the last day of the century. At about seven, we arrived back home and my mother cooked a big meal for all the family. I really enjoyed it but, when we were finished, I had to help clean up. At around eleven o'clock we all watched Europe celebrating and then, at midnight, we raised our glasses and wished each other a Happy New Year and we all sang 'Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot'.
Maryclaire Booth
We had a party at my uncle's house in Emo. There was food and drink and a disco as well. Just before midnight my uncle set up fireworks on the front lawn and, on the stroke of midnight, he let them off, one after another. They were very exciting and colourful and they lit up the night sky. We saw fireworks in the distance and heard the bells ringing at Coolbanagher church. The party finished at two a.m.
Jonathan Cushen
I was in the pub. My dad got three pints and one whiskey free. Myself and Laura got money for the pool table. When the clock reached midnight we went 'Five, four, three, two, one, Happy New Millennium!' Then my mother started singing. My dad told her to stop but she wouldn't. I was getting a pain in my head from her singing.
Dawn la Combre
Kevin Culleton
The morning was like any other morning but we all seemed more excited about the night. We were spending the week at our Granny's and we really enjoyed ourselves. At two o'clock, we went to see our Aunt Helen and we had a great time playing with my cousins. When we got home everybody was getting ready to go out. Our Granny felt tired so she went to bed. At a couple of seconds to midnight we started to count down. I felt more excited than I thought I would be. It turned out a brilliant night after all.
Claire O'Connor
We went to Treacy's and a few people we knew were there too. We were allowed get what we wanted. I got a Chinese. Then I went to bed.
Liam Buggy.
We were all in the sitting room at ten to twelve. We watched the television and saw all the beautiful firework displays around the world. It was less than twenty seconds before the New Year. We all stood up and watched the seconds ticking by on the television. At the beginning of the New Year and New Century we all hugged and wished each other a Happy New Year. At five minutes past twelve, we all went out to see if we could spot any fireworks in the dark sky. We all went to bed at one o'clock.
Ailbhe Culleton.
When everybody arrived we sat down, but most of the kids had to sit on the floor because the adults took all the chairs. So we turned on the television and looked at Sky News to see what was happening around the world. They said that the Millennium Wheel in London wouldn't work so they went to the Millennium Dome. It had many weird things inside it. Then the television was switched off. When it was ten minutes to twelve, the adults had a few drinks and the kids watched a video of South Park. There were ten seconds to go.... Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, Happy New Millennium and I was on the couch blowing horns and popping party poppers. Then the adults dropped their kids home and went to the Heath Golf Club to get drunk.
Shane Booth.