ICCF Olympiad XV Finals 25/7/07 Ciaran O'Hare won the Irish Webserver Championship. He also got his first IM norm in the EU team Championship prelims which haven't quite finished. ICCF Olympiad XV Finals 19/1/05 Please click here for details. Death of Michael J. Sheehan 11/1/05 It is with great sadness that we have learned of the death of Michael J. Sheehan, a well-respected member of the ICCA. Minutes of the 2005 AGM now available 18/12/05 Please click here to see the minutes of the 2005 AGM. 1st Irish E-mail championship 24/8/05 This event, which will be hosted on the ICCF webserver is to commence in early September 2005. Click here for further details. 2nd Irish E-mail championship 24/8/05 Prelims will start in October 2005. The event is open to paid-up members of the ICCA. Anyone interested should advise Jack Killane before the end of September. General News 22/4/05 A Charity Match between France & Asia and the Rest of the World in aid of the Tsunami Fund is due to start soon. Click here for details. Irish players needed! World Champion Hamarat will play a 2-game match against the Rest of the World in aid of the ICCF Webserver. Full details here. We need more Irish players for this event too. Please read this important message about the 1st ICCF webchess open tournament. ICCF Announcement of the Semi-finals and Candidates tournaments of the World Correspondence Chess Championships. Please click here for details. General News 6/3/04 Please read the following Webserver System announcement from the ICCF president. General Announcements 4/11/03 Eugene Gibney has just qualified for the Senior International Master title and a place in the World Championship Candidates tournament. The EU Team Championship has been postponed, probably until 2005. We need 4 players (2200+) to play in a POSTAL OLYMPIAD probably starting in Oct/ Nov 2004. General Announcements 6/10/03 The 1st Irish E-mail Championship is due to start on 1 November, 2003 so you have only 2 weeks left to enter!. Congratulations to Michael Sheehan on winning the Irish 2001-03 Championship. Well done to Jonathan O'Connor on achieving his 1st IM Norm in the ICCF E-mail Champions league. ICCF Jubilee Postal Preliminaries 26/05/03 A considerable number of games in this tournament are still running so the end-date has been extended to 30/06/04. Tournament directors will be in contact with relevant players. ICCA Annual General Meeting 30/11/02 The AGM took place on 9/11/02. Updates on news, tournaments and officers will be in the next ICCA newsletter. Dave Salter was presented with his IM certificate by Tim Harding at the AGM. Click here to see the photograph. ICCF Gold Jubilee Book 24/9/02 A recent announcement about
this book can be read on the ICCF
website. The book price is 24 Euro (14.99 Stg.). To order a
copy, please send payment as soon as possible to Jack
Killane, 4 Wainsfort Avenue, Terenure, Dublin
6W (for Euro) or David
Blair, 27 Cherryvalley Gardens, Belfast, Northern
Ireland BT5 6PQ (for Stg.). Click here to see a picture of the book cover. The ICCF was established on 22nd March 1951, as the successor to ICCA and previously, ICSB/IFSB, which date back as far as 1928. ICCF is the official governing body for all forms of playing International Correspondence Chess worldwide, which embraces CC games, whether played by post. fax, Email or other methods of transmission. This 376-page book, is a celebration of its first 50 years and looks forwards to a very interesting future. Included
within its contents, you will find: ICCF GOLD is published by the International Correspondence Chess Federation, as a definitive reference book for all correspondence chess players and other chess enthusiasts. Following is and extract from
the "Denmark" article, by Søren Peschardt" ICCF World Cup 2/9/02 Following a review of arrangements with the Austrian Federation, it has been decided to extend the closing date for entries for World Cup XIII to 31/10/02, and start papers for the Preliminaries will be sent out during December. This means that the ICCA can accept entries for this event until late October. Irish Evening Herald Championship 2000-2002 This tournament began October 1, 2000 and would normally end July 31 but it continues as there are still three possible winners. Final results are expected by the end of the year. Click here for latest results. Results and ICCA Announcements 2/7/02 John Ryan reports that his final score in the Ahman memorial was 8.5/14 so unfortunately he missed the IM norm by a point. Alasdair Alexander has been selected for our second place in the World Championship semifinals. So far we have two entries for the world cup (postal and email both from Garry Windebank). We are looking for volunteers for the two European Championship semifinal places (entries close mid-October, event starts January). Only players rated 2200+ need apply. Irish CC Championship Update 22/01/02 The 2000-2002 Irish Championship is turning out to be a very interesting affair, with four players still in contention for the title (Senior A). Among them is twice former champion, Michael Sheehan and another former champion W. Breslin. The Senior B section is also very close with many new results added to the crosstable. Jim Corby reported at Easrer that there are no new results in the Senior A 2000 and no results at all yet in the Senior A 2001-3. That event only began in October 2001 so that is not surprising.
ICCF Jubilee Book 06/01/02 The ICCF are now looking for numbers from each federation to purchase their Jubilee Book. It is supposed to be out in early summer and readers interested in buying it should contact our ICCF secretary (Tim Harding) immediately indicating their intention. All monies should be sent to the ICCA Treasurer, Jack Killane, 4 Wainsfort Avenue, Terenure, Dublin 6W. The Euro RRP per copy is 19.75 (or 12.75 pounds sterling, but those who want to pay sterling will probably do best to buy through BPCF). ICCF entry fees in Euros 06/01/02 The new fee structure has now been posted on this site. Residents of Northern Ireland and Great BNritain, as well as overseas members where convenient, can still play in Pounds Sterling. Rating list updated 01/01/02 The latest ICCF rating list (April 2002) shows that Eugene Gibney is still the highest rated active Irish player. Well done, Eugene! We have now updated our rating list for Irish players. Tim Harding has got his final SIM norm from the Heidenfeld Memorial. The full list of Irish titled players is: SIM: Tony Doyle (A.F. O Duill), Alan Ludgate, Darrell Nightingale IM but now qualified for SIM: Desmond Taylor and Tim Harding IM: Eugene Gibney (also Liam Lynn who plays for England) One IM norm towards title: John Murray, Tom Clarke, John M.T. Ryan, Michael Sheehan. John Ryan needs 1.5/2 from his two remaining games in the Ahman Memorial. In the Heidenfeld Memorial, David Salter still has a theoretical chance of an IM title. Good luck to all concerned. 5-Player Tournaments 19/09/01 We have the final result of ICCA IE/5/12 and the crosstable has been updated. IE/5/13 is about to begin and we shall have news of it later. AGM Report 11/08/01 The Irish Correspondence Chess Association AGM for 2001 was held on July 28th at 1230 in the Dublin Arts Club. The date for the 2002 agm has not yet been set but it will probably be in September.. A new committee was elected as follows:
A vote of thanks to David Blair for his work as Secretary/Treasurer etc. over the previous 6 years was passed. Since then, Jonathan and Basil have resigned. Cathal Connolly has replaced Basil. The matter of holding an Irish email championship next year was discussed. Irish CC Championships 11/0801 The 1999-2001 cycle of the Evening Herald, Irish CC Championships is now complete. All crosstables for sections in this and the 00-02 event have been updated. The new Irish Champions in each section are as follows:
Congratulations to WJ Breslin and P Burke whose names now appear on the complete list of Irish Champions. Friendly match with Finland 11/08/01 The friendly match between the ICCA and Finland is now officially completed. The final score is 32½-18½ in favour of Finland.
ICCA is the 32-county governing body organising
correspondence chess activities for Irish players living at home or abroad.
A non-profit-making organisation, we run the national championship, Irish
teams and other activities. We are affiliated to ICCF
and the Irish Chess Union (which controls "over-the-board" chess here).
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