Purchasing, Commissions, Prints & Framing Service
Dorothée Roberts, Mount Rivers, Carrigaline, Co. Cork, Ireland.
Tel/fax: 021-4372048 E-mail: art@irishartstudio.com
Purchase a Painting
Your Name:
Email Address:
Postal Address:
Phone Number:
Select a painting:
Payment Method:
Terms & Conditions
Confirmation of your order will be sent back in less than 48 hours by e-mail.
Payment by money order or cash or cheque by arrangement.
The painting will be reserved in your name for a 10-day pending payment.
Shipping at cost.
Visits to the Gallery are by appointment only. Please telephone to arrange appointment and to obtain directions to the Gallery.
Commissions are welcome in any medium (drawing, pastels, watercolours, acrylics, or oils).
After reception of your order, the total price including the painting, packaging and shipping details will be discussed by e-mail. Confirmation of your order will be sent back under 48 hrs by e-mail. Payment by money order or cash or cheque by arrangement.