Island Pony Club                    News Christmas 03
Co Wexford, Ireland

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Tuesday 23rd December :            Island Hunt meet at Monamolin at 11.00 am.

Friday 26th December :                Island Hunt meet at Craanford at 12.00 noon.

Please help with the preparation of fences at Camolin Park.  Contact Mr Herbert Rothwell at 054 66253 to arrange a date and time.

Saturday 27th December :           Children’s Hunt at Camolin Park 12.00 noon.  We hope to see as many members as possible turning up as Mr Chapman very kindly gives this day to the children each year.

Wednesday 31st December :      Ride-out at Old Bawn, Kilmuckridge at 2.00 pm.  This is a fun day for all our members.

Sunday 4th January, 2004 :          Once again, Mr Brian Maguire has kindly invited all our members to a ride-out on his farm.  Leaving the yard at 2.00 pm sharp.

Sunday 11th January :                    Wexford Pony Club show-jumping at Horetown House, commencing 12.00 noon.  Entries €7 for all classes.  Best turned out prize in each competition.

16th February :                                 Wexford Pony Club hunter trials at Cushinstown, commencing 10.00 am. (Weather permitting).  €12 all classes.

8th April (not 18th):                           Wexford Pony Club hunter trials at Cushinstown, commencing 12 noon.

Dressage training will take place at Mr Ted Kelly’s, Clologue on the following dates:  February 8th, 15th, 22nd and March 7th and 14th.  This training will commence at 11.00 am.  Please contact Kathleen Denby before 19th January to reserve your place.

A junior dressage training day will take place at Marlton Stud on 2nd January, 2004.  Entry form enclosed.

Provisional dates for our camp – 26th to 30th June. (This may change due to new school holidays)

Subscriptions for 2004 must be paid before 1st January.  Parents/Guardians and members must sign their renewal form.  Please return this together with subscription of  €65 (1st child), €65 (2nd child), €55 (3rd child), to the Hon. Secretary, Mrs Christian O’Morchoe, Ballynestragh Farm, Gorey, Co Wexford.

Membership must be paid before you take part in any Pony Club activity, including Games and Show-jumping. This condition is in accordance with our insurance regulations. Members are now required to wear their armband with photo id inserted together with their membership card. Please remember when renewing your membership that it will take at least 2 weeks for the reurn of your membership card.

I wish you a very Happy Christmas and New Year.