Tantrum Ego
I feel those creative stirrings in me loins again (oo, er, missus!) and am about to embark on the composition and recording of a collection of songs and music called Tantrum Ego.
To be honest, I've actually been working at this project for a number of years, but only in a very unco-ordinated sense (Q:- how does Americans pronounce a word spelt uncoordinated. "Unkoordinated"? I think we should be told...). The time is now coming whereby I revise and record these works properly. And to what end? Dunno fer sure...I'm a bit long in the tooth to go chasing record companies at this stage in my life. In any event, from a physical perspective, I'm probably not a very marketable commodity (anyone who's ever met me will know what I mean by that). What I think I'll do is to explore all the possibilities of marketing music over the Internet (mail order self-burned CDs/*.mp3 etc.). Lave it with me, I'll come up with some strategy (or other)...
Tantrum Ego will be comprised of two "sides":-
And what of the material on Tantrum
Ego? Well, so far... (all tracks marked * can be sampled at )
AMNESIA INTERNATIONAL * has now been demoed up in instrumental form, as has DO THE WASHING UP*
BORN TO COMPROMISE* was written and recorded (in a very rough demo form on 4-track) in 1998, and will feature in a forthcoming BIZARRE DEPICTION acoustic release. Contact AUTOreverse for further details about this release. A "proper" instrumental demo version is also available for your edification (or otherwise)...
EVERY BUMP IN THE ROAD* is now available for your listening "pleasure".
NEW MONEY * was recorded in 1998, using a Re-Birth demo program
An instrumental demo version of SARCASTRIAN* is now also available for your ears.
BUMP CLAP* has just been completed in instrumental demo format
NOBODY WE KNOW* has been recorded with full vocals
Full vocal demoes of BUMP CLAP and BORN TO COMPROMISE are on their way shortly.
There are more tracks to come, so stayed tooned to this page for further gnus...