The Training Professional's Gateway
Information For The WAY You Work


Topic: Training Policies, Training Procedures and Training Standards

- Training resource Downloads from Mike Collins
- Links to Case-Studies and Articles
- Lists and Discussion Groups
- Recommended Reading

Training resource Downloads from Mike Collins

Title Description

Putting a Systematic Training Structure into place (PDF) - This is a summary report on best steps to putting a Systematic Training Structure into place at a sample company "xxx". It mostly refers to the next file (The Systematic Training Process)

A summary report on best steps to putting a Systematic Training Structure into place at a sample company "xxx". It mostly refers to the next file (The Systematic Training Process) 15/May/05

The Systematic Training Process (PDF) A block diagram showing how I see a Systematic Training Framework being implemented in an organisation. This structure was successfully implemented at company "xxx".  15/May/05
Presentation on putting a People Development Framework into place (Powerpoint) I did this presentation out for a company that had good "Training" structure in place - but wanted to add a "people development" quality to their initiatives 15/May/05

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Links to Case-Studies and Articles

Title Description

On overview of policy on employer support for learning qualifications

Latest Trends in Learning, Training and Development (PDF download) From the CIPD 15/May/05
What is On-The-Job Training 15/May/05
A sample Training Certificate that you can adapt  15/May/05
Learning Economics: Balancing Time and Investment 15/May/05
Good overview "how-to" on training and developing people 15/May/05
Article on Performance appraisal, 360 feedback and Training Needs analysis 15/May/05
Developing a Corporate Learning Strategy 15/May/05
Training Programme Evaluation Excellent article on same with a lot of tool links15/May/05
Suggestions to Enrich Training Plans 15/May/05
Summary of ASTD 2002 State of the Industry Report (requires Acrobat Reader) 15/May/05
An overview of the UK Investors in People standard 15/May/05
Towards a unified e-learning policy (PDF) 15/May/05
Creating an Instructor kit 15/May/05
2005 survey on Training and Development in the UK - (PDF download) from the CIPD 15/May/05

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Lists and Discussion Groups

Title Description

Training and Organisational Development Discussion Group

at 15/May/05
TRDEV is a place for people to discuss training and development issues in a professional, non-commercial, collegial forum--topics related to training, learning, and performance, from the specific to the general. 15/May/05
CIPD (UK) - Learning and Development Discussion board Non-members can view 15/May/05

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Recommended Reading

Title Description
 "ISD from the Ground Up" Good overview and how-to of Instructional System Design
 "The Trainers Support Handbook" Touches on most topics of interest to the Trainer and Training Administration

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The Training Professional's Gateway © 1997 - 2005 Michael J. Collins