The Training Professional's Gateway
Information For The WAY You Work


Training Topic: Trainer Skills

- Links to Case-Studies and Articles
- Lists and Discussion Groups
- Recommended Reading



Links to Case-Studies and Articles

Title Description
A whole set of training tips on Technical and General training From Pete Blair 16/June/05

Survey shows how to stop annoying audience with bad powerpoint

What is On-The-Job Training and delivering it effectively15/May/05
Creating an Instructor kit 15/May/05
Ten Commandments of client presentations short, sharp and useful when you find yourself wandering!15/May/05
An essay In Defense of Powerpoint 15/May/05
Tips for Trainers continually updated in soundbite(?) format15/May/05
Training Programme Evaluation  excellent article on same with a lot of tool links15/May/05
Instructional Design Project Management: Although this is a content of a book, it signals all the main considerations15/May/05
Classroom design principles To improve teaching and learning - good points, focused on academia, but just as relevant for other organisations15/May/05
Classroom guidelines and specifications Excellent resource15/May/05
Instructional System design a handbook for trainers  from a gentleman know as "big dog"15/May/05
Classrooms or E-learning? Instructors remain central 15/May/05
Evaluation and Kirkpatrick from Big Dogs guide to evaluation15/May/05
Blooms Taxonomy useful for training design and evaluation 15/May/05
An overview of Training and Development for new Trainers, Managers etc.15/May/05
Training Analysis From Don Clark, a fast fire set of thoughts/guidelines15/May/05
Design tools for trainers  to aid in the process of Instructional system design. Very useful.15/May/05
Short, sharp list on Motivating learners so they want to learn 15/May/05
Visual aids and metaphors for presenting/training 15/May/05
Kolbs Learning Styles explained 15/May/05
Some free games for you to use on your training15/May/05
Arousal and Learning interesting article around ensuring your targets are at once awake and not stressed out!15/May/05
Telling Stories Use of story-telling in presentations and training15/May/05
Changing someone elses behaviour: Factors to Consider - an article based around Force-field analysis15/May/05
Good overview "how-to" on training and developing people15/May/05
Course evaluations that matter 15/May/05
NLP and DHE (Neuro-Linguistic Prorgamming and Design Human Engineering) - stuff that all presenters should be aware of.15/May/05
Microsoft's Powerpoint homepage  all stuff for sale/add-ons from Microsoft. Would be useful if they actually offered pointers/resources to presenters15/May/05
Training Media Review a newsletter/magazine that gives unbiased reviews of media-based training products - costs money, but some stuff for free15/May/05
A Trainers toolbox of Templates etc. from Big Dog 15/May/05
Big Dogs ISD (Instructional System Design) Page contains a lot of training process info 15/May/05
A listing of Presentation Tool Vendors from CLO Magazine15/May/05

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Lists and Discussion Groups

Title Description
TRDEV is a place for people to discuss training and development issues in a professional, non-commercial, collegial forum--topics related to training, learning, and performance, from the specific to the general. 15/May/05
CIPD (UK) - Learning and Development Discussion board Non-members can view 15/May/05

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Recommended Reading

Title Description
 "Telling Ain't Training" Very useful in a "Train the Subject-Matter Expert as Trainer" environment
 "The ASTD Handbook of Training Design and Delivery" Comprehensive and useful
 "Project Management for Trainers" Practical - cuts across most aspects of Training design to delivery to evaluation
 "101 Ways to Make Training Active" Useful and practical
 "ISD from the Ground Up" Good overview and how-to of Instructional System Design
 "Running Training Like a Business: Delivering Unmistakeable Value" Highly-descriptive title, comes highly recommended
 "How to measure Training Results:A Practical Guide to Tracking the 6 Key Indicators" A good set of doable ideas - set out in a very understandable framework
 "Technology-Based Training: The Art and Science of Design, Development and Delivery" Looks at the wider aspects of CBT and WBT
 "Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity" This is probably the best "time management" book I have come across. I have used it as very useful input into Time Management, Personal Productivity and Project Management Workshops.
"Beyond Bullet Points: Using Microsoft Powerpoint to Create Presentations that Inform, Motivate and Inspire" Beyond "Listitis": Moving your powerpoint into Storyland for impact
 "The Trainers Support Handbook" Touches on most topics of interest to the Trainer and Training Administration
 "The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook" A well-known set of tools around change, group dynamics and working in a Systems-Thinking manner.

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The Training Professional's Gateway © 1997 - 2005 Michael J. Collins