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Acupuncture in Genitourinary and related Conditions:
3a. Summary of Points & Protocols

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From the Web Pages of Phil Rogers MRCVS
Lucan, Dublin, Ireland [Fax: 353-46-26154; Tel: 353-46-25214 (lab)]

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This is an Appendix to "Acupuncture in Genitourinary & related Conditions" (Rogers 1999). It summarises the acupoints & AP protocols used in specified clinical disorders in gynaecology, obstetrics & andrology & urology. It has four main sections:

3a. This file (Overview of the Points & Protocols Summary)
3b. AP treatment of "Female" Disorders
3c. AP treatment of "Male" Disorders
3d. AP treatment of Urinary & General Disorders

For faster access for future use, clinicians & researchers may wish to bookmark this Appendix (part 3a), and sections 3b, 3c & 3d, above.

The data here are summarised from the main bibliography. Only abstracts which indicated the acupoints used are summarised below. However, users can access the individual abstracts online by clicking on any of the following section headings:

Introduction | "Female" | "Male" | Similar organs or conditions | Urinary & General
Keywords | Abstracts | Main Page | Fast Find a Formula | Top

For comparative purposes, & as an aid to clinicians for conditions with few references in this bibliography, Section 3d also contains acupoint lists of 10 points in descending order of their point Citation frequency. These lists are from the ADA Database (Top Ten Points for Common Conditions, Rogers 1999), with some entries not available online up to now. In the ADA data, Main Points are listed first and the +/- sign indicates secondary, or Helper Points.

Search for similar organs / conditions: Division into General, "Female" & "Male" Disorders is arbitrary & artificial from the viewpoints of western medicine, embryology, neurophysiology & TCM. For example the innervation of the kidney, adrenal, testis & ovary, & in their neuroendocrine controls via the hypothalamus & pituitary, are similar. Similar parallels exist for the other genitourinary structures, as follows:






Kidney, adrenal




Kidney pelvis, upper ureter

Bursa, Fallopian tube



Lower ureter

Uterus horn

Spermatic cord



Uterus body

Seminal vesicles


Bladder sphincter




Urethra, perineum

Vagina, vulva, clitoris

Penis, scrotum

Thus, acupoints used to treat disorders of organs in any one of the above Rows may be identical. For example points for organs in Row 1 (kidney, adrenal, ovary & testicle) can be identical, as can points for organs in Row 4 (bladder, uterus body & seminal vesicles), or points for organs in Row 5 (bladder sphincter, cervix & prostate).

Also, whether dysuria, stranguary or urinary retention occur in prostatomegaly, or postpartum, post-operatively after obstetrical, or other abdominal surgery, the acupoints to treat them are similar. Therefore points to treat postpartum urinary retention are in the general section, rather than the obstetrical section. Similarly, the points to treat nausea & vomiting in pregnancy, or postoperatively, are in the general section.

The summaries that follow are only guides for use by qualified acupuncturists. Although novices may be tempted to use these data as simple "Cookbook Acupoint Recipies", they are not meant to be misused in that way. In TCM, KI Qi Xu, LV Qi Stasis, Qi-Xue Stasis, Qi-Xue Xu, Stasis of Phlegm & Internal Damp, abnormality of Chongmai, CV & GV are important causes of genitourinary & reproductive problems. Though Cookbook AP may be helpful in simple cases, best results in complex cases depend on diagnosis & correction of the associated TCM Syndrome.

Clinical reports of AP protocols or acupoint combinations for some specific reproductive or genitourinary disorders in males or females are relatively scarce. Also, perusal of the summary data below shows great variation in the protocols taken by different authors in treating similar cases. Therefore, readers may wish to check for similar disorders / embryological parallels in all three sections above before they decide on the best AP protocol & combination of acupoints for a particular case, whether in a male or female.

Some of the protocols involve deep penetration into the abdomen or pelvic space. Clinicians should use standard medical precautions (sterile needles, sterilise the skin where appropriate, avoid penetration of vital organs etc). For more details (especially as regards manipulation of the needles), clinicians should consult the original abstracts & articles.

The importance of the Emotions in TCM: In TCM, each emotion relates to a Phase & a specific Zang-Organ. The relationships are:




Spirit of
the Organ

Spirit Point




Excitement, joy


Shentang-Spirit Hall




Obsession, worry


Yishe-Reflection Abode




Grief, sorrow


Pohu-Po Door




Fear, terror


Zhishi-Will Chamber




Anger, envy


Hunmen-Hun Gate


As in many other areas, psychological / emotional / mental factors (inhibition or excitation) can influence female and male reproductive & sexual function and urinary and general health. Problems may arise due to a previous emotional or sexual trauma, or in situations of poor emotional contact between the sexual partners - stress, fear, anger, etc. Ability to achieve, maintain & complete sexual arousal and orgasm in other situations, such as with (or fantasising) another partner, or solo, indicates that the basic ability is present & that sexual inhibition with one's current partner may have a psychological component. Counselling, hypnosis & visualisation can be important parts of therapy in such cases.

As well as addressing any imbalance of Qi or Xue in the Channels or Vessels, etc. (see later), TCM treatment of "female, male", urinary and general problems would address any psychological / emotional / spiritual causes, possibly using the related Spirit Points.

Introduction | "Female" | "Male" | Similar organs or conditions | Urinary & General
Keywords | Abstracts | Main Page | Fast Find a Formula | Top