Video :.
Anamorphic 1.85:1 Widescreen
here it is. One of three reasons why you've bought or
are considering buying this disc. How does the video hold
up? Pretty darn well. As far as I can see, the video was
sourced from the fantastic Toei dvd... a disc which you
may have heard me rave on about before. The picture is
absolutely stunning and leagues ahead of the previous
release. The print is now completely clean and free of
scratches. Black levels are now very consistant and the
sharpness levels are definitely increased. Basically,
if you've bought the previous Tartan disc, this one will
be a revelation to you. This being said though, the picture
still isn't the quality of the Toei disc probably due
to the fact that this disc is a DVD-5 (single layer).
Because of this, the bit-rate has dropped slightly. But
this is a minor flaw and one that really doesn't deserve
to be dwelled upon. I'll let these screencaps show you
just how much Tartan have improved...
Audio :.
Japanese Dolby Digital 5.1
vast, VAST improvement here. Gone is the clunkiness. Gone
is the slight hissing sound. Gone is the echoeing. Instead,
what we are presented with is without doubt one of the
finest soundtracks on the dvd market. You've heard me
say it many times before, but I *still* can't get over
the power of the bass in some of the scenes. Another quality
addition to the disc and one which is most welcome.
Subtitles :.
And finally we come to the last reason why you should
upgrade your disc. Newly created digital English subtitles!
You just can't find flaw in these. Always easy to read.
Not a single grammatical or spelling error. What more
can I say...BR with decent English digital subs! Who'd
have thought that day would ever come!
Special Features :.
the special features on the disc are the same as the previous
release, I've decided not to re-review them. Instead click
for my opinions on them along with screencaps. It is also
worth noting that the Asia Extreme Trailer Reel which
was present on the last release, has been dropped from
this disc. Apparantly, this is due to the fact that the
trailers were in PAL format. It's too bad as I'm trying
to get a record for the amount of times I can have the
"Ring" trailer on dvd! ^_^;

- Tartan Home Video (UK)
- Released: 27 May '02
- Region 0
- NTSC (Progressive Scan)
- 113 mins
- Japanese Dolby 5.1
- Aspect: 1.85:1 (16x9 Enhanced)
- Single Layered
- Original
Theatrical Trailer
- Mark Wyatt Film Notes
- Picture Gallery
- Scene Selection
- English Subtitles