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Our Inservice Committee

The following are members of the 1996-1998 committee. Click each name to find out more.

Anne Friel Mary Melvin Mary Murphy
Elizabeth Syron Seán Gallagher Seaghan Moriarty

Anne Friel

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Contact Anne at Breaffy National School

Anne teaches Third Class in Breaffy N.S., alongside our C.E.C. representative for District IV, Sean Rowley. Anne's particular Inservice interest has been in the area of Classroom Management and Behaviour Management.



Mary Melvin

Mary teaches First and Second Class in the vivacious environment of Culleens N.S., Ballina. Mary's latest role has been in organising our Letterland Course with Mary Galligan. Mary has particular interests in singing and the teaching of children with Learning Difficulties.

Contact Mary at Culleens National School

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Mary Murphy

Mary teaches Senior Infants in St. Oliver Plunkets, the Quay, Ballina. Mary was instrumental in organising our Letterland course with the aid of Mary Melvin. Mary has a particular interest in Infant Education.

Contact Mary at St. Oliver Plunkets National School

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Elizabeth Syron

Elizabeth is Principal of Cuilgurrain N.S.. Elizabeth's Inservice interests are in the areas of School Planning and multi-class teaching. Liz is a vocal advocate of balancing information-type Inservice with Inservice involving learning from each other.

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Sean Gallagher

Contact Sean at AttymassNational School
Sean is the Principal of Attymass N.S. where he teaches fifth and sixth class. Sean has campaigned through the years for a local Teacher Centre, and has particular interests in the areas of Sport and Information Technology.

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Seaghan Moriarty


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Seaghan is a Shared Support (i.e. Remedial) Teacher shared between Breaffy, Behy and Culleens National Schools. His role as Chairperson of the Inservice committee has been to facilitate inservice discussions and help organise courses with the support of the committee. His particular interests are in the application of Information Technology to the Curriculum and the Teaching of Reading.