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Our Role

The role of the Inservice Committee is to identify, organise and run courses at local level for local I.N.T.O. members.

Our task has been greatly enhanced by the support of our colleagues in our vibrant local branch, our branch committee as well as the support and encouragement of our district IV representative and mentor Sean Rowley.

Click on the Section you wish to go to

Identification of Inservice NeedsOrganisation of Inservice
Running a CourseYour Ideas


Identification of Inservice Needs

When this committee was first formed in 1995/96, a comprehensive questionnaire was dispatched to each school in our Branch. This information was used to identify members' priority areas of Inservice.

These emerged as:

     Classroom Management
     Information Technology

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Organisation of Inservice

Even the seemingly straightforward Courses involve much planning and organisation. Issues to be addressed include:

      The Format of the course (workshop, presentation or other),
      Availability and coordination of speakers,
      Venue arrangements,
      Resource arrangements,
      Application for funding to the Department of Education,
      Advertising the course to members,
      Choosing participants and
      Providing catering
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Running a Course

Many of our Inservice Committee also attend our courses and help with the venue layout, catering and other logistical issues. To ensure quality and responsive Inservice, we will distribute Feedback Questionnaires to identify areas of credit as well as areas which could benefit from improvement.

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Your Ideas

Feedback is welcomed at all times on all inservice issues.
For example, we would welcome further ideas for Inservice topics as well as names of Tutors or Facilitators who would be willing to contribute to a course. Our Inservice Committee will then take this information, assess it's feasibility and plan the course.

Click here to fill out our Inservice Ideas Form

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