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Doras Abú

4 Shamrock Rating

Golden Spider Award


Welcome to the Teacher's Pets Spelling Corner. As a Literacy Support / Remedial teacher, I have an intense interest in Spelling and wish to explore how resources can be organised to support the Teaching and Learning of Spelling.

Historic News just in.

Teacher's Pets is to achieve another first. Teacher's Pet's will host the first ever Educational On-Line Forum for teachers. The topic will be "The Teaching of Spelling" and the main guest will be author of "Improving children's Spelling" - Brendan Culligan.

Teachers worldwide are invited to participate by asking questions or by just watching-in.

Check out Teacher Talk now for details.


Spelling Test !

We often forget what it's like when we falter or even panic as we "get stuck" with a spelling. If you're feeling brave, put the shoe on the other foot and have a go at the Teacher's Pet's Spelling Test.

Don't be shy - they are just common everyday words, nothing technical, so you should come away with 10 out of 10 ......maybe !


Brendan's Book

At long last - a book on spelling which is both practical and very teachable, though well grounded in educational theory.

Take a peek at a review of the book by Charles Cripps, and try a taste from the Introduction and First Chapter.



Spelling Software

I've recently discovered a simple but superb piece of Software called "Spelling Games". Since it is Shareware, you can download it from my Download Centre, but that's not the best part...

Teacher's Pets is at present organising customised spelling lists which are based on Classroom Teachers specific classroom needs. I also need volunteers willing to harvest word lists and record audio, so now's your chance to exercise those altruistic tendencies !

Check out this article on Spelling


This site and its contents copyright seaghan 1998

RSAC Rated!