Chaos Media was originally set up by brothers Alan and Fergus Ryan along with Eimear Kelly, to produce a documentary STONEMAD.

Based on training for and competing in an Ironman race, STONEMAD for the first time possibly anywhere in the world, takes the audience by the use of 'on board cameras' right into the furious heart of an Ironman swim start. To date we have also produced a one hour programme on Tri-Athlone broadcast on Setanta Television and other corporate / promotional videos.

Sharing common interests in Science, Natural History, History, Art and Sport (particularly endurance sport) we hope to develop  projects that explore many of these themes in the future.

The Ironman Race Documentary.

Stonemad Web page and trailer  >>

A feature length original screenplay. 

Yilgarn Web >>

Previous and other Chaos Media projects in development.


Graphic Design, Cartoons and Paintings by Alan Ryan


Send mail with questions or comments to
Last modified: Friday, 11 November 2011
web by chaos