Constitution of The Galway Sub-Aqua Club 
Constitution Adopted  4-May-1990 
Constitution Amended 22-May-1998 (Par 5.b) see Appendix I. 
1. Name. 
The name of the club shall be the  GALWAY SUB-AQUA CLUB. 
2. Objects.
The objects of the club shall be: 
         A) The enjoyment and furtherance of all aspects of underwater swimming. 
          B) The assistance of those in need. 
3: Membership.
Membership of the club shall be open to any person who is interested in underwater swimming  and who shall, prior to being granted membership: 
1)  Sign the appropriate application form and club indemnity clause thereon. 
2)  Be physically and psychologically fit for underwater swimming. 
3)  Pass such swimming test as may be prescribed by the committee. 
4)  Have paid the subscription for the current year, commencing on the first of January. 
5)  Have the application approved by the committee. 
4: Organisation.
1)  The government of the club shall be vested in the committee. 
2)  The committee shall consist of the President, a Diving Officer, a Training Officer, an Equipment Officer, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Public Relations Officer, and two ordinary committee members. 
3)  All elected committee members must have been members of the club for a period of at least twelve months. 
a)  The president shall preside over meetings and shall represent the club in its dealings with others clubs and with the public. 
b)  The Diving Officer shall be responsible for the observation of all safety precautions, for the supervision of all training programs, and for the supervision of all club diving activities, either personally, or by  dive leaders appointed by him or the committee. 
c)   The Training Officer shall be responsible for the implementation of all training schedules,  under the supervision of the Diving Officer. 
d)  The Equipment Officer shall be responsible for seeing that all equipment used in club diving activities being club or privately owned, is safe and maintained to an appropriate standard. He may refuse permission to take part in club diving activities to those whose equipment he judges to be faulty. 
e)  The secretary shall keep all the necessary records. 
4)  The committee shall have the following functions: 
a)   To govern the club in the interests of it?s members.
b)   To keep a register of persons who are currently members and who have been members of the club for over 15 years. These members shall from their number delegate two persons to attend committee meetings. These delegates shall have the powers of ordinary committee members. 
 c)   To grant membership to those persons as fulfil the necessary requirements.
 d)   To withdraw membership from any member who is adjudged by the committee not to be abiding by the rules of the club or of bringing the club into disrepute. 
e)   To specify such procedures and precautions as are considered necessary. 
 f)    To delegate authority to any person or persons. 
g)   To appoint sub-committees as are considered desirable. 
5)  All rulings of the committee shall be binding as bye-laws until confirmed or not at a general meeting
5: General Meetings. 
a)   General meetings may be called at any time at the request of the committee or of one third of the members. Ten days notice of such meeting shall be given to all members. 
b)   An annual general meeting shall be held on the last Friday of each November, this date may be brought forward or postponed for a period not exceeding 2 weeks.
c)  The meeting shall have the following agenda: 
1)  Reports from officers and matters arising therefrom. 
2)  Confirmation of Committee rulings as bye-laws.
3)  Discussion and voting on notice of motion.
4)  Confirm or vary the subscription for the current year.
5)  Election of committee. 
6)  Any other business. 
6: Changes in Constitution.
Changes in the constitution may be made by means of notice of motion at a general meeting. Such  notice of motion shall sent to all members with the notice convening the meeting. Passage of such motion requires a two-thirds majority. 
7: Dissolution Of Club.
The club may be dissolved by a two-thirds majority vote at any general meeting convened for that purpose. Such meeting shall decide on the disposition of club assets. 
Appendix 1.
On 22-May-1998 paragraph 5.b was amended as follows: 
An Annual General Meeting shall be held on the second Friday of each February,  this date may be brought forward or postponed for a period not exceeding 2 weeks. 
                                                            Was replaced by: 
An Annual General Meeting shall be held on the last Friday of each November, this date may be brought forward or postponed for a period not exceeding 2 weeks.