Midweek diving has commenced (April 2nd). Contact Tom or Michel for information (watch for email).

May Bank Holiday (2003)
The May (2nd-4th) outing is to St John's Point, Donegal. This was a great success last year so we're doing it again.
We are staying in Dunkineely. Accommodation is mixture of B&B, hotel, canvass, etc. 

40 Years old!
The club is forty years old this year. There will be a celebration dinner on Saturday, May 17th at the Ardiaun Hotel. 

Club Open Night
The club open night is on the 18th October at 8.00pm, in the clubhouse at 14, Cross St. Divers with or without experience are welcome. The first lecture/training session is on the 23rd October. 

Congratulations to Monica and Gearoid who passed their club diver test at Killary recently
Congratulations to Oisin and Gabriel on passing their club diver test at Killary on Sunday 14th April. 

Wednesday Dives
Wednesday evening dives resumed on March 3rd. Contact Tom from tuesday evening  at home or  wednesday at work for details. 

June Bank Holiday
  The June bank holiday weekend is now booked and full subscribed. We are going to Caherdaniel, Co. Kerry. Some of the best dive sites in the country are here, including the Skellig Rks. 
We will be diving with   http://www.activity-ireland.com 
22-Feb -2002
  On Friday 22nd Feb George Ryder and Peadar Canavan will give a talk in the clubhouse on '1963 - The First Year of Galway Sub Aqua Club'. It commences at 9.30pm and promises to be an interesting session
There was a good turn out at Blackrock on Christmas Day. Twelve members actually got in the water, some with suits and some without. Many more including family members were there to lend support. Hot punch was in abundance and all had a good time.  The holidays provided some very good dives. Four club dives took place during Christmas week in addition to the snorkel. Weather conditions and viz were superb throughout.
Training 2002
Club Diver Lectures and Pool sessions are now finished.
Any trainees who missed lectures contact Michel.
Diver Cox'n 19th, 21st and 26 Feb  7pm - 9pm
  Contact Tom Moore for details.
Diver Medic 9 March
Rescue Diver  27 March (first lecture session)
Leading Diver Brief  22 April (venue to be decided, lectures to follow immediately)
Leading Diver PreReqs + exam  8 June
Leading Diver Exam  14 September (prob. Killary)
Advanced Nitrox 10 August
Ext. Range Diving 17 August