Galway Sub Aqua Club is based at 14, Cross St. Galway. The club meets every Friday night in the clubhouse at 10.oopm. Regular club dives take place every Sunday all year round, and every Wednesday from April to October. The club takes on, and trains new members, every year in October. Situated on the western coast of Ireland, we have many top class dive sites within close driving distance.

May Bank Holiday - St. John's Point, Donegal

Entry Requirements and Training
Entry Requirements 
1. Swim 200m (8 lengths of pool) any stroke, no time limit.
2. Swim 50m (2 lengths), any backstroke.
3. Hold your breath for 30 sec, with in 5 minutes of the swimming test.
Snorkel Training 
1. Introduction to basic equipment 6. Finning, mask and snorkel clearing
2. Methods of entry  7. Snorkel diving
3. Forward and backward rolls.  8. Snorkel diving without a mask
4. Finning underwater with/without mask 9. Fitting equipment underwater.
5. Forward and backward rolls.
Snorkel Test 
1. Recovery and fitting of gear under water, incl. clearing mask. .
2. Swim 1 length, holding breath and underwater, with fins
3. Swim 1 length, with snorkel but without mask and eyes open, on surface with fins.
4. Forward rolls in snorkel gear underwater.
5. Backward rolls in snorkel gear underwater.
Pool Scuba Training 
1. Introduction to Scuba Equipment. Assembly/disassembly and operation 5. Use of buoyancy device.
2. Mask and regulator clearing. 6. Air sharing-Buddy breathing.
3. Methods of entry. 7. Removing and fitting equipment underwater
4. Lost mouthpiece retrieval. 8. Rescue techniques: Towing and E.A.R.

Pool Scuba Test 
1. Buddy breathing.
2. Mask removal and replacement.
3. Buoyancy Control
4. Ditch and recovery of gear.

Scuba Theory (30 minute lectures) 
1. Introduction to course and CFT. Buoyancy Control Devices (BCD). 12. Decompression.
2. Diving Equipment. 13. Snorkel Techniques
3. Effects of Pressure. 14.Dive Tables
4. Hand Signals. 15. Respiration and Circulation
5. Burst Lung. 16. Hypothermia
6. The Physics of Diving. 17. C.P.R.
7. Hypoxia, Anoxia and Drowning. 18. Demand Valve (DV) (Regulator)
8. Gas Laws. 19. Ears and Sinuses
9. Dive Cylinders. 20. Buoyancy
10. Dive Planning. 21. Out-of-Air
11. Small Boat Diving.

Equipment costs mentioned below are estimates. Prices vary widely depending where you shop. 
Equipment and Costs 2003 (Try dive inn )
Club Subscription:  €350 (2003)
1. €92 goes to CFT. Affiliation, Quarterly Magazine, Insurance etc.
2. Training materials, Log Book, Tables
3. Unlimited diving all year round, including all boat expenses
4. Unlimited air fills, all year round.

Basic Equipment (this is required for pool training) 
1. Diving Mask. €25 + 3. Diving Fins €40 +
2. Snorkel €8 + 4. Bootees €30+

Open Water Equipment (this is required for sea training, Jan/Feb) 
1. Semi Dry Suit €260 +
2. Weight Belt + weights €30+

Scuba Equipment (required when needed, probably April/May) 
1. Dive Cylinder €170 + 3. Buoyancy Device €290 +
2. Regulator + SPG €290+
Total Equipment €1,100
1 Depth Gauge €35 3 Knife €20 +
2 Compass €30 4 Timer €20 +