
With St. Patrick’s Day comes the annual end of season for the rugby in the
Junior School with the exception of early morning Tip Rugby. However, this year
while practices may have concluded, rugby was foremost in the minds of all
underage players, as they looked forward to seeing their heroes playing in the
J.C.T. Final in Lansdowne Road on Wednesday, 22nd March. Donned with
colour, full voices and pride, the boys, parents and friends of the Junior
School descended on Lansdowne Road to support and cheer on their team. However,
although it was not our day, the achievement of getting to a J.C.T Final proved
to be a wonderful occasion for all associated with St. Michael’s and we thank
the players and coaches for providing us with such a wonderful event.
Our U'11 and U'12 teams recently returned from a successful trip to
Cork. You can see pictures and reports of our trip here.

Of the two school chess teams which participated in the ESB All- Ireland
Chess Competition, one has qualified for the All-Ireland Final which takes place
on Saturday 20th May. We wish all players - Darren Burke, Simon Maguire,
Tim Maher, Declan O'Neill and Peter Ryan - the very best of luck. The
competitors were selected from the weekly Monday and Thursday chess classes
which take place from 3.00p.m.- 4.00p.m. for boys in Third to Sixth Forms.
Earlier this year a four-man chess team from the Junior School won the annual
A.I.J.S. Chess Competition.

The Junior School recently entered its U9, U10, U11 and U12 Swimming Teams in
the A.I.J.S. Swimming Gala that took place on Wednesday, 29th March
in St. James’ Gate, its purpose being to encourage participation and enjoyment
on the day. St. Michael’s is very proud of its swimmers who performed well in
the various individual and team events. All classes are currently involved
in the school's inter-class swimming gala which is run in association with
Sport's Day events.

In conjunction with a Leinster Cricket Union Development Officer, Mr. Knaggs
is currently introducing the Fifth and Sixth Formers to the basic skills and
rules of cricket. This team sport, which is played in the afternoons, is already
gathering a good following in the Junior School. Third and Fourth Forms have
also begun cricket as part of their P.E. programme before taking it up as an
extra-curricular activity.

Soccer replaces rugby as an extra-curricular activity in the final term for
boys in First to Sixth Forms and the inter-class Soccer Blitz is held during
this time.

Formal coaching takes place for Senior Infants, 2nd,
3rd and 4th Forms on Tuesday afternoons and for
4th, 5th and 6th Forms on Wednesday afternoons
from 3.00p.m. - 5.15p.m. under the auspices of Mr. Aidan Bradshaw.
In addition to the above, Fr. Little is currently running off
the very popular class tennis leagues during break times and after school.
Performance in these leagues largely indicates the players selected to represent
the school in the Leinster Competition, which takes place in the final term of
school. So far this year both A and B teams have been successful, away from
home, beating St.Colmcille's of Kells (5 matches to 1). In the next round,
the A team will play St.Mary's (Rathmines) while the B team is due to take on
St.Oliver Plunkett's (Malahide).
The Junior School has competed very successfully in this
Leinster Junior Schools’ Tennis League since it began in 1991, winning it on two
occasions and being finalists in two other years.
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