Newsletter - May 2000
Summer Camp
T he annual summer camp which is
held in the Junior School for the month of June will not take place this summer
due to the building work scheduled for that time. Access to the Junior School
will be very restricted during the summer months.
Mobile Phones
T he use of mobile phones by students is
completely forbidden in the Junior School. Students are not allowed to bring
phones to school under any circumstances. Where access to a phone is required,
students have the use of two pay phones in the Senior School, or alternatively,
they may place a call through Eileen (at reception), Ms. Burke or Fr.
Internet Address
D etails concerning St. Michael’s College
Junior School, Senior School, Past Pupils and Project 2000 may now be viewed on
the internet at:
Next year’s booklists and calendar of events will be available on this
webpage from 1st July 2000.
C ongratulations to the organisers of the
Telethon events which took place on Friday, 5th May. Coming so close to the
Easter break made it difficult for sufficient advertising to occur, however,
many classes marketed their own events extremely well and helped to raise a
grand total of £982.05. A special word of thanks to the following:
• 3rd Form 11 raised £270 by compiling a school magazine and selling copies
to all classes.
• 4th Form 1 under the direction of Cathal Turley organised a sports
afternoon and raised £682.05.
• 5th Form 1 raised £30 from their class table
Trocaire Boxes
M oney collected by the students of the
Junior School has been sent to Trocaire. Notification about the amount raised
will be sent to the school during the summer months.
Upcoming Events
First Holy
sacrament of First Holy Communion takes place for Second Form on Saturday, 13th
May at 12noon. Communicants are requested to be present in Merrion Road Church
at 11.45a.m.. Refreshments will be served after the ceremony in St. Michael’s
Assembly Hall to the Communicants’ families and friends. Second Form have
already been notified about details concerning uniform, rosettes and seating
arrangements for this special day.
T he school photographer (First Class
Photography) will take Communion and Confirmation photos on Tuesday, 16th May
during school time. Payment for individual photos is requested in advance,
however, this is completely refunded if photos are unsatisfactory. Group photos
will also be taken on this day, but not paid for until sample photos are sent to
the school. Please note that students not having their individual photo taken
are still requested to wear "Communion/Confirmation clothes" and rosettes to
school on this day for the group photo.
School Choir
T he First Holy Communion is the final
event of the year for the school choir and students are asked to arrive in full
uniform in Merrion Road Church on Saturday, 13th May at 11.40a.m. Choir boys
should be collected from the Reception area in the Senior School at 1.50p.m.
following their party. We, in St. Michael’s, are very grateful to Ms. Boden and
her 52 choir boys for their efforts and commitment during the school year. Many
events and ceremonies throughout the year were extra special because of their
Sport’s Day and Open Day
T his takes place on Wednesday, 17th May
weather permitting, from 12noon -3.00p.m. Parents welcome. Further details
concerning times of events and participants will be available shortly from Mr.
Knaggs. Every student will participate in two events. Please note that all
students will be requested to wear plain white shorts, plain white T-shirt and
plain white socks for Sport’s Day.
Chess Competition
T he Junior School chess team will take
part in the final of the ESB All-Ireland Chess Competition on Saturday, 20th May
in Leopardstown Race Course from 10.30a.m.- 5.00p.m. The team includes Darren
Burke, Simon Maguire, Tim Maher, Declan O’Neill and Peter Ryan. We wish the team
members the best of luck.
Leinster Tennis
B oth A and B school tennis teams beat St.
Colmcille’s (Kells) on Monday, 8th May in the Leinster Junior and Primary
Schools Tennis Competition. The A and B teams will play St. Mary’s (Rathmines)
and St. Oliver Plunkett’s (Malahide) respectively in the next round. Monday’s
successful teams, under the guidance of Fr. Little, included Andrew Cummiskey,
Tim Hurley, Conor Gleeson, Eoin O’Malley, David Andreason, Robert Shanley,
Vincent Coyle, Julian Mak, Conor Cleary, Conal MacMahon, Keith Cleary, Shane
O’Dwyer, Jonathan Blayney and Mark Bollard.
Anniversary Mass
O n Monday, 22nd May the Junior School
pupils together with last year’s Sixth Form pupils will attend Mr. Brian
Mahoney’s first anniversary mass in the Sports Hall. Mr. Mahoney (our Sixth Form
teacher) died unexpectedly on the 23rd May last year aged 32. During the week
each class will organise their own class prayer service at which they will
remember Mr. Mahoney in their own special way. Full uniform to be worn by all
pupils on Monday, 22nd May.
T he annual Sixth Form Graduation Mass and
dinner for the students and parents of both Sixth Forms will take place on
Saturday, 27th May at 7.00p.m. in the Senior School Library. Students should
wear their "Confirmation clothes" on this evening. Further details concerning
arrangements have been distributed to the classes concerned.
School Tours

Class: Junior & Senior Infants
Venue: Lambert Puppet Theatre & The People’s Park, Dun
Date: Tuesday, 23rd May
Depart: 10.00a.m.
Return: 2.30p.m.
Cost: £8.00
Clothing: School tracksuit, plain white T-shirt, runners, jacket
(if needed).
Lunch: Bring packed lunch in disposable wrappers.
Class: First & Second Forms
Venue: Pine Forest Art & Craft Centre, Glencullen.
Date: Tuesday, 23rd May
Depart: 9.15a.m.
Return: 3.00p.m.
Cost: £9.00
Clothing: School tracksuit, plain white T-shirt, runners, jacket
(if needed).
Lunch: Bring packed lunch - no money required on trip.
Class: Third Forms 1 & 11
Venue: Dublin Zoo.
Date: Thursday, 25th May
Depart: 9.00a.m.
Return: 3.00p.m.
Cost: £7.50
Clothing: School uniform and blazer - jacket (if needed).
Lunch: Bring packed lunch - £2.00 maximum spending money.
Class: Fourth Forms 1 & 11
Venue: Bru na Boinne, Co. Meath.
Date: Tuesday, 23rd May
Depart: 9.00a.m.
Return: 3.30p.m.
Cost: £6.00
Clothing: School uniform and blazer - jacket (if needed).
Lunch: Bring packed lunch - £3.00 maximum spending money.
Class: Fifth Forms 1 & 11
Venue: Waterford Crystal & Splashworld
Date: Wednesday, 24th May
Depart: 8.50a.m.
Return: 7.00p.m.
Cost: £11.00
Clothing: School tracksuit, plain white T-shirt, runners.
Lunch: Bring packed lunch - £3.00 maximum spending
Class: Sixth Forms 1 & 11
Venue: Waterford Crystal & Splashworld
Date: Thursday, 25th May
Depart: 8.50a.m.
Return: 7.00p.m.
Cost: £11.00
Clothing: School tracksuit, plain white T-shirt, runners.
Lunch: Bring packed lunch - £3.00 maximum spending money.
End of
Year Details
I f you have misplaced any items
during the year please check the lost property press upstairs in the Junior
School before Monday, 28th May as any items remaining will be given to charity.
Once again we remind boys to have all personal belongings labelled clearly and
to include name tags on your list of items required for
Reports and Exams
S ummer Exams will begin around
Wednesday, 24th May and Report Sheets will be posted home during the summer
holidays. Please notify Ms. Burke of any recent changes of
Blazer Sale
A second-hand blazer sale will
take place in the Tuck Shop area on Monday, 29th May at 3.00p.m. Blazers for
this sale should be dry cleaned with the name and class of the student securely
pinned on the crest pocket.
They may be handed in to Ms. Burke on Friday, 26th or Monday, 29th
May. Blazers which remain unsold will be returned to the students the following
Finishing Dates
C hess: finishes on Thursday,
18th May
A rt Workshop: finishes on
Wednesday, 17th May
T ennis: finishes on Wednesday,
17th May
A fter-school supervision:
finishes on Wednesday, 17th May.
S chool closes on Friday, 2nd
June at 12noon for all classes.
Re-opening Date
A ll classes in the Junior
School will begin on Monday, 4th September 2000 and will finish at 12 noon on this day. The
teaching staff will commence on Tuesday, 29th August and will spend four
Inservice Days on the New Primary Curriculum which is being introduced to all
primary schools during the coming academic year.
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