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| Buffy | Xander | Willow | Riley | Spike | Giles
| "You're a vampire. Oh, I'm sorry- was that an offensive term? Should I say undead American?"![]() Buffy: Who are you? Angel: Let's just say a friend Buffy: Well maybe I don't want a friend! Angel: I didn't say I was yours Buffy: So, you like to party with the students. Isn't that kinda skanky? Buffy: To make you a vampire, they have to suck your blood and then you have to suck their blood. It's like a whole big sucking thing. Mostly, they're just gonna kill you Buffy: No, those weren't vampires. Those were just guys in thunder need of a facial. Or maybe they had rabies, it could have been rabies. And that guy turning to dust, just a trick of the light. That's excaltly what I said the first time I saw a vampire. Well, after I was done with# the screaming part Buffy: The test was positive- she's our Sabrina Giles: And as the Watcher, I forbid you! Buffy: And you'll be stopping me how? Owen: So where do you know Buffy from? Angel: Work Buffy: If the Apocalypse comes, beep me! Giles: 90% of the vampire slaying game is waiting Buffy: You couldn't have told me that 90% ago? Buffy: I know you're here and I know what you are Angel: Do you? I'm just an animal, right? Buffy: You're not an animal--animals I like Buffy: I invited you into my home, and you attacked my family Angel: Why not? I killed mine. I killed their friends and their freinds children for a hundred years. I offered ugly deaths to everyone I met, and I did it with a song in my heart Angel: The elders conjured up the perfect punishment for me: they restored my soul Buffy: What, they were all out of boils and blinding torment? Angel: I can walk like a man, but I'm not one. I wanted to kill you tonight Buffy: Go ahead Angel: ......... Buffy: Not as easy as it looks Buffy: So, this is a social call? it's kinda late.. or, well, it is for me, anyway. What is it for you, lunch-hour? Angel: It's not a social-call Buffy: Ah, so let me guess. That means grave danger. Gosh, it's good to be home Angel: I'm sorry, I wish I had better news Buffy: So, some of your cousins are in town for a family barbecue, and we're all on the menu Angel: I'm not gonna fight you Buffy: Come on. Kick my ass Angel: We need to distract the vampires. Buffy: Right Angel: What are you gonna do? Buffy: I'm gonna kill them all. That ought to distract them Angel: Is this a bad time? Buffy: Are you crazy? You don't just sneak up on people in a graveyard. You make noises when you walk. You stomp or yodel Angel: "Danced with" is a pretty loose term. "Made it With" might be a little closer. Buffy: Don't you think you're being a little unfair? It was one little dance, which I only did to make you crazy. By the way, behold my success. Angel: See? Whenever we fight, you always bring up the vampire thing Buffy: Well, I didn't come here to fight Stephan Vampire: Raaarrrggghhh!! Buffy: Oooh! Oh right, I did!! Angel: I think they kept some parts Buffy: Could this get yuckier? Willow: They probably kept the other parts to eat Buffy: Question answered Buffy: No. When you kiss me, I wanna die Angel: Buffy Buffy: Angel Xander: Xander Angel: I've had a demon inside me a couple hundred years...just waiting for a good fight Buffy: Winner and still champion Angel: Buffy- you scared me Buffy: Now you know what it feels like, Stealth Guy Buffy: Just stopping by for some quality time with Mr. Gordo Angel: Excuse me? Buffy: The pig Buffy: What's up? Angel: Nothing Buffy: Well you don't have a "nothing face". You have a "something" face. And you don't have to whisper. Mom's in LA till Thursday art...buying or something Angel: Then- why did you come in through the window Buffy: Habit Angel: I wanted to make sure you were okay. I had a bad feeling Buffy: There's a surprise. Angel comes with bad news Buffy: I just wish we could be regular kids Angel: I'll never be a kid Buffy: Okay then, a regular kid and her cradle-robbing creature-of-the-night boyfriend Angel: When was the last time you put on your skates? Buffy: 'Bout a couple of hundred demons ago Buffy: The Hellmouth presents Dead Guys on Ice. Not exactly the evening we were aiming for.. Angel: You're in danger. You know what the ring means? Buffy: That I just killed a Superbowl champ? Buffy: So Mom's like "Do you think Ted will like this?" and "This is Ted's favourite show," and "Ted's teaching me computers" and "Ted said the funniest thing", and I'm like, "That's really great, Mom," and then she said I was being sarcastic, which I was, but I'm sorry if I don't talk about Ted all the time Angel: So you're gonna talk about something else at some point Angel: Kiss me Buffy: Finally, something I wanna do Buffy: I like seeing you first thing in the morning Angel: It's bedtime for me Buffy: Well, then I like seeing you at bedtime. Um, um,ha ....you-you know what I mean Angel: I think so. What do you mean Xander: Buffy, this is not the time to challenge Angel for the Ultimate Fighting Championship. He's at full strength. You're only half a Slayer Buffy: Yeah, but I'm still the Slayer. And as long as I am, Ngel's not going to kill anybody else. Angel: Oh, come on. Just one more Angel: Not feeling well, lover? Buffy: That helps Angel: Hello lover Buffy: After your immolation-o-gram? Come on, I had to show. Shouldn't you be out destroying the world right now, pulling the sword out of Al Franken or whatever his name is? Angel: You're the one thing in this dimension I will miss Buffy: This is a beautiful moment we're having. Can we please fight Angel: Gosh, I was hoping we could get back together. What do you think, do we have a shot? Buffy: --- Angel: All right, we'll fight Angel: Maybe I'll just go home, destroy the world Buffy: Yeah, I think Mr. pointy will have something to say about that Buffy: Hello Lover Angel: I don't have time for you Buffy: You don't have a lot of time left Angel: When my boy wakes up- you're going to Hell Buffy: Save me a seat Buffy: What are you? Some immortal demon sent down to even up the score between good and evil Whistler: Wow- good guess Buffy: Why don't you get off your immortal ass and try fighting evil once in a while, beause I am sick and tired of doing it myself Angel: It's late. How'd you get away? Buffy: It was easy. Started a fire in the prison laundry room. Rode out in the garbage truck Angel: I don't know Buffy: Shame on you Angel: i think I have what you're looking for Buffy: Great, just, wherever this was gift-wrapped, remind me not to shop there Angel: The Glove of Myhnegon Buffy: The world's ugliest fashion accessory Angel: Joyce, you can't trust him. Invite me in. You teach her and I'll cut your head off Spike: Yeah? You and what army? Buffy: That would be me Angel: I kept hoping maybe you'd come. My destiny Buffy: Is this a get-in-my-pants thing? You guys in Sunneydale talk like I'm the second coming Angel: What's the plan? Buffy: Don't fall on this Angel: I lov you. I try not to but I can't stop Buffy: Me too- I can't either Buffy: Okay, so I battle evil. But I don't really win. The bad keps coming back, and getting stronger. I'm like that kid in the story, the boy that stuck his finger in the duck. Angel: Dike- it's another word for dam Buffy: Oh. Okay, that story makes a lot more sense now Buffy: I have to go on one of my pointless patrols and react to some vampire Buffy: Actually, I do have a date. Older man. Very handsome. likes it when I call him Daddy Angel: Your father. It is your father, right? Buffy: Before I was the Slayer, I was...well I don't want to say shallow, but...let's say a certain person who will remain nameless, we'll just call her Spordelia, looked like a classical philosopher next t ome Buffy: You know, nothing's really gonna change. The important thing is that I kep up my birthday tradition of gut-wrenching, misery, and horror # Angel: Buffy, you don't have to worry about me Buffy: I just don't like to rub your nose in it. Suddenly wondering where that expression comes from Buffy: Don't forget to let the door hit you in ass on your way out of town Buffy: Did anybody besides Larry fit our werewolf profile? Willow: There is one name taht keeeps getting spit out. Aggressive behaviour, run-ins with authorities, about a screenful of violent incidents Buffy: Okay, most of those were not my fault! Somebody else started tem, I was just standing up for myself! Willow: They say it's a good idea to count to ten when you're angry Buffy: One....two......three........ Willow: I'll keep looking Buffy: Don't say anything incredibly interesting while I'm gone Wesley: Buffy, you will go to the Gleese Family crypt tonight and fetch the amulet Buffy: I will Wesley: Are you not used to being given orders? Buffy: Well, whenever Giles sends me on a mission he always says please and afterwards I get a cookie Buffy: Aren't you going to introduce me to your....Holy God, you're Willow Anya: You've never seen a demon Buffy: Uh, excuse me. Killing them professionally, four years running Buffy: I don't want any trouble. I just want to be left alone in a room with a chair and a fireplace and a tea cozy. I don't know even what a tea cosy is, but I want one Willow: Alright, I'll stop giving you a hard time, runaway Buffy: Will! Willow: I'm sorry, quitter Buffy: Whiner Willow: Bailer Buffy: Harpy Willow: Delinquent Buffy: Tramp Willow: Bad Seed Buffy: Witch Willow: Freak The First: The first evil. Beyond sin. Beyond death. I am the thing that the darkness fears. You will never see me but I am everywhere. Every being, every thought, every drop of hate---- Buffy: Alright, you're evil but do we have to chat about it all day? Buffy: You know. I just woke up and I looked in the mirror and thought,"Hey, what's with all the sin?"> I need to change. I'm dirty, I'm bad with the sex, and the envy, and the loud music us kids listen to nowadays. Oh, and I just suck at undercover Buffy: I'm rash and impulsive. It's a flaw Buffy: I'm gonna have a bump Xander: Uh....I'm gonna have a peninsula Xander: Can I just say gyeh? Buffy: I see your gyeh and raise you a nyuhuh Buffy: Cordelia, you mouth is open, sound is coming from it, this is never good Buffy: you know I always say- a day without an autopsy is like a day without sunshine Buffy: I figured there were all sorts of thing that vampires can't do. You know like work for the phone company or volunteer for the Red Cross or have little vampires Buffy: Yeah Giles wants to see it- he's in full research mode Buffy: It's just like the more I know, the more confused I get Giles: I believe that's called growing-up Buffy: Well I'd like to stop then okay? Cordy: You're really campaigning for Bitch of the Year, aren't you? Buffy: As defending champion- U nervous? Buffy: I've had it. Spike is going down. You can attack me, you can send assassins after me, that's fine. But nobody messes with my boyfriend. Willow: So, we're talking about a guy? Buffy: Not exactly a guy. For us to have a conversation about a guy, there'd have to be a guy for us to have a conversation about. Was that a sentence? Buffy: Being called an idiot tends to take people out of the dating mood. Xander: It actually kind of turns me on. Buffy: I fear you. Buffy: Cute guy. Teenager! Post-pubescent fantasies!! Buffy: I was brought up a proper lady. I wasn't meant to understand things. I'm just meant to look pretty, and then someone nice will marry me. Possibly a baron Buffy: So, you've been seeing a guy, but you don't know what he looks like. Okay, this is a puzzle. No, wait, I'm good at these. Does it involve a midget and a block of ice?! Buffy: Well, I'm not constantly monitoring his health, his moods, his blood pressure... Willow: 130 over 80 Buffy: You got it bad, girl! Buffy: But who am I kidding? Dates are things normal girls have. Girls who have time to think about nail polish and facials. You know what I think about? Ambush tactics. Beheading. Not exactly the stuff dreams are made of. Buffy: I suppose some girls might find him good-looking. If they have eyes. Okay, he's a honey! Buffy: All's well that ends with cute E.R. doctors, I always say Buffy: You're my friend! You're my Xander-shaped friend! Buffy: Yes, I lied, I'm a bad person, let's move on Buffy: You know, people underestimate the value of a good ramble Xander: Can you say "overreaction"?" Buffy: Can you say "sucking chest wound" Willow: It's too bad we can't take a look at the Watcher diaries, and read up on Angel. I'm sure it's full of fun facts to know and tell. Buffy: Yeah. It's too bad. That stuff is private. Willow: Also, Giles keeps them in his office, in his personal files. Buffy: Most importantly, it would be wrong Buffy: But it's not doable. I mean, making someone from scraps, actually making them live. Willow: If it is, my science project is definitely coming in second this year. Prin. Snyder: On the other hand, Sheila has never burned down a school building. Buffy: Well, that was never proven. The fire marshal said it could have been mice. Prin Synder: Mice. Buffy: Mice that were smoking? Buffy: I won't wear my button that says, "I'm a Slayer. Ask me how" Buffy: I don't take orders. I do things my way. Kendra: No wonder you died Buffy: Oh! I know this one: "Slaying entails certain sacrifices.. . blah blah bity blah. I'm so stuffy, give me a scone. Giles: It's as if you know me Buffy: I didn't say I'd never slay another vampire. It's not like I have all these fluffy bunny feelings for them, I'm just not going to get way extra-curricular with it Willow: There's a Slayer handbook? Buffy: Wait, handbook? What handbook? How come I don't have a handbook? Willow: Is there a t-shirt, too? 'Cause that would be cool Buffy: I mean, people are perfectly happy getting along, and then vampires come, and they run around and they kill people, and they take over your whole house and start making these stupid little mini-pizzas. Now where I like a mini-pizza, but I'm telling you... Giles: Buffy. I believe the sub-text here is rapidly becoming... text Giles: I've been indexing the Watcher diaries covering the last couple of centuries. You'd be amazed how numbingly pompous and long-winded some of these Watchers were. Buffy: Color me stunned Buffy: I hit him. Willow: With what? Buffy: A desk Buffy: Try it! Oz: Try what? Buffy: I'm sorry. Oz: I'm still not clear what I'm supposed to try. Buffy: Nothing. God, I'm sorry. Oz: That's a tense person. Buffy: Okay, I'll give you improved marks for that one. Ripping the throat out - it's a strong visual, it's not cryptic Buffy: Why go to all the trouble to dig up three girls only to chop them up and throw them away? It doesn't make any sense. Especially from a time management standpoint Buffy:There's one thing I really didn't factor into all this. You're a thundering loonie! Buffy: I didn't come here to fight! //thud// Ooh! Oh right, I did! Lyle: Well, ain't you just got the prettiest little neck I ever did see? Buffy: Boy, you guys really never come up with any new lines, do you? Lyle: This ain't over! Buffy: Oh, sure, they say they'll call Buffy: So are you going to kill me or are we just making small talk? Giles: They made their reputation by massacring an entire Mexican village in 1886. Buffy: Friendly little demons. Giles: That was before they became vampires. Buffy:Gee, I wish people wouldn't leave open graves lying around like this Buffy: The dead guy's all puddly now Buffy: Come on, we fight monsters, this is what we do. They show up, they scare us, I beat them up, and they go away Giles: Grave robbery? That's new. Interesting. Buffy: I know you meant to say gross and disturbing. Giles: Yes, yes, yes, of course. Terrible thing. Must put a stop to it. Damn it Xander: So, what's on tap tonight that's so important? Uprising? Prophesied ritual? Pre-ordained deathfest? Buffy: Ah, the old standards Buffy: We killed each other. It really promotes togetherness Buffy: ...he had this really, really thick neck, and all I had was this little, little exacto knife... you're _not_ loving this story> Buffy: I put my best friends in mortal danger on the second day of school. Giles: What are you going to do, crawl inside a cave for the rest of your life? Buffy: Would it have cable? Buffy: My spider sense is tingling. Giles: Your... spider sense? Buffy: Pop-culture reference. Sorry! Buffy: A cranky Slayer is a careless Slayer Buffy: Clark Kent has a job. I just want to go on a date Buffy: Excommunicated _and_ sent to Sunnydale. That's a guy big with the sinning Buffy: Now, this may sting a little just at first. But don't worry, that'll go away once the searing pain kicks in |Cast & Characters | Angel or Riley | Stunt Doubles | |Buffy & Angel Pics | Group & Misc Pics | |Sounds | Quotes | Spoilers | FAQs | |