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| Buffy | Xander | Willow | Riley | Spike | Giles
| "Why do I have to be bait? I'm always bait. Why can't Willow be bait? "![]() Cordy: Tell me about it- just look at you...and those clothes... where did U get those shoes Xander: You know what... this would work a lot better for me if you didn't talk Cordy: Well, it would work a lot better for me with the lights off Xander: Are U saying that U can't look at me when we.. do whatever it is we do? Cordy: No, it's not that I can't.. it's more I don't want to Cordy: Like that compares to kissing a guy who thinks the hoover technique is a big turn on. Cordy: Why do I have to be bait? I'm always bait. Why can't Willow be bait? Cordy: There are cockroaches in Mexico big enough to own property Cordy: Is Mr. I'm-the-lead-singer-I'm- so-great-I-don't-have-to-show-up-for-my-date -or-even-call going to be there? Oz: Yeah. You know, he's just going by Devon now. Cordy: Well, you can tell him that I don't care, and that I didn't even mention it, and that I didn't even see you, so that's just fine. Oz: So, what do I tell him? Cordy: Nothing. Geeze, get with the program! Cordy: I bet you'd let a girl go off to her doom all by herself. Xander: Not just any girl. You're special. Cordy: We're still all rooting for you on Saturday. I'd be there for you myself if I didn't have a leg wax. Angel: Cordelia told me the truth Xander: Ha- that's gotta be a first Angel: We found some of some Buffy: you mean, like, two of the three Angel: I mean, like, some of them. Like parts Cordy: It was horrible- Angel saved me from an arm Cordy: You guys... I just... hate you guys! The weirdest things always happen when you're around. Cordy: Why does everyone always yell my name? I'm not deaf, and I can take a hint. What's the hint? Cordy: Oh, he's a _vampire_. Of course! But the cuddly kind. Like a care bear, with fangs. Giles: Why should someone want to harm Cordelia? Willow: Maybe because they met her? Did *I* say that? Cordy: Well, evil just compounds evil, doesn't it? First, I'm sentenced to a computer tutorial on Saturday. Now I have to read some computer book. There are books on computers? Isn't the point of computers to replace books? Cordy: I don't think anyone should have to do anything educational in school if they don't want to. Cordy: Whatever is causing the Joan Collins 'tude, deal with it. Embrace the pain, spank your inner moppet, whatever, but get over it. Cordy: Gym was cancelled due to the extreme dead guy in the locker Cordy: I was totally beachless for a month and a half. No one suffered like I suffered Cordy: I don't get it. Buffy's the Slayer - shouldn't she have... Xander: What, a license to kill? Cordy: Well, not for fun. But she's like this Superman. Shouldn't there be different rules for her? Willow: Sure, in a fascist society. Cordy: Right! Why can't we have one of those? Cordy: Eww! Why is it that every conversation you people have has the word "corpse" in it? Cordy: I came over here to tell Buffy to stop this craziness and found you all unconscious.. again- how many times have you been knocked out anyway? I swear one of these times, you're gonna wake up in a coma Giles: Wake up in a ... oh nevermind Cordy: Buffy, love the hair. It just screams street urchin |Cast & Characters | Angel or Riley | Stunt Doubles | |Buffy & Angel Pics | Group & Misc Pics | |Sounds | Quotes | Spoilers | FAQs | |