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L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | W | TERMINATOR I'll be back... There is no fate but what we make for ourselves. - John Conner TIN CUP -[Roy MacAvoy]: When a defining moment comes along, you can either define the moment, or the moment can define you. -[Moreen]: I've got some extra money saved up, why don't we go somewhere special. -[Doctor Lady]: Exactly, that's what.. -[Roy]: Why? -[Moreen]: Well it's the Waffle House, and ... -[Roy]: I know it's the Waffle House. -[Mike]: I've been dreaming of waffles for (pause) eighteen-hundred miles. -[Bob]: Me too. -[Larry]: We had a waffle house like this in Midland. -[Hank]: Midland? It was Odessa. TOP GUN Maverick: This is what I call a target rich environment. Goose: You live your life between your legs, Mav. Maverick: Goose, even you could get laid in a place like this. Goose: I'm telling you, I'd be happy to find a girl who's talk dirty to me. Goose: O.K., I guess it's my turn, isn't it? Alright, the bet is twenty dollars. Maverick: Twenty dollars. Goose: Right, you have to have carnal knowledge of a lady this time, on the premises. Mav: On the premises. Goose: Come on Mav, a bet's a bet. Mav: I don't know, it just, uh...it just doesn't seem fair, for you I mean. But...uh...she's lost that loving feeling. Goose: She's lost...no she hasn't. Mav: Yes she has. Goose: She has not lost that lovin'... Mav: Goose, she's lost it. Goose: Mav, come on. I hate it when she does that...shit. Viper: Good morning, gentlemen, the temperature is 103 degrees. Goose: Holy shit, it's Viper! Maverick: Yeah, and I'll bet he's saying, "Holy shit, it's Maverick and Goose." Goose: Yeah, I'm sure he's saying that, Mav. Viper: In case some of you are wondering who the best is they are up here on this plaque. [turns to Maverick] Do you think your name will be on that plaque? Maverick: Yes sir. Viper: That's pretty arrogant considering the company here, don't you think? Maverick: Yes sir. Viper: I like that in a pilot. Discussing Maverick.] Viper: Let me ask you something, if you had to go into battle, would you want him on your side? Jester: I don't know, I just don't know Goose's wife: Hey Goose you big stud! Goose: That's me, honey. Goose's wife: Take me to bed or lose me forever. Goose: Show me the way home, honey. Slider: Goose who's butt did you kiss to get in here anyway? Goose: The list is long, but distinguished. Slider: Yeah, well so is my Johnson. Goose: The defense department regrets to inform you that your sons are dead because they were stupid. Iceman: The plaque for the alternates is down in the ladies room. Maverick: I think I'll go make a fool of myself with Goose. Hondo: Your ego is writing cheques your body can't cash. Maverick: I feel the need... Maverick and Goose: ...the need for speed! Maverick: You don't have time to think up there. If you think, you're dead. Hondo: And if you screw up just this much, you'll be flying a cargo plane full of rubber dog shit out of Hong Kong! Maverick: Yes sir! Iceman: You can be my wingman any time. Maverick: Bull$hit! You can be mine. Hondo: They gave you your choice of duty son, anything, anywhere. Do you believe that shit? Where do you think you wanna go? Maverick: I thought of being an instructor, sir. Hondo: Top Gun? Maverick: Yes, sir. Hondo: God help us. TOP SECRET Top Secret -[Hilary]:Who do you favor in the Virginia Slims Tournament -[Blindman]:In women's tennis, I always root against the heterosexual. TOY SOLDIERS Relax, Yogurt. It's not like we're going to defuse a bomb or something when you're in a basement with no windows, don't fart! TRAINSPOTTING Take the greatest orga$m you've ever had, multiply that by a thousand and you can't come close to it. Most people hate the English. I don't - they're just wankers. I havent felt that good since Archie Gemmill scored against Holland in 1978 It's $hite being scottish! We're the lowest of the f*cking low, the scum of the earth, the most wretched, servial, miserable, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. Some people hate the English. I don't. they're just wankers. We, on the other hand, are colonized by wankers. We can't even pick a decent culture to be colonized by. We ruled by the effete as$holes. It's a $hite state of affairs and all the fresh air in the world won't make any f*cking difference. I'd expect you to be a considerate lover, generous but firm. failure on your part to live up to these very reasonable expectations will result in swift resumption of out non-$ex situation. Right? Because shoplifting is theft, which is a crime, and despite what you may belive, there is no such entity as victimless crime. Most people hate the English. I don't - they're just wankers. All I'm trying to say is that The Name of the Rose was merely a blip on an otherwise uninterrupted downward trajectory. 1: would you care for an appetizer? 2: no thank you, I think I'll proceed directly to the intravaneous injection of hard drugs. what are my reasons? I don't have reasons. who needs reasons when you have her |