Getting Married

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This page is to assist you in your preparations for marriage within the rites of the Catholic Church.

In order to prepare for your marriage we recommend that you book on a pre-marriage course. Make a reservation well in advance of your wedding. To do this please ‘phone:

Accord at 4784400 or:

Fr. Myles O’Reilly at Milltown Park, ph.2698411 or:

Pre-Marriage Courses at Mount Argus, ph. 4923165.

Couples feel a little lost when it comes to preparing a ceremony. Father Padraig McCarthy has published a book entitled A Wedding of Your Own, which is available in Veritas, Abbey Street, This booklet will help you select appropriate readings etc. for your ceremony. If you are compiling a booklet you should start preparing the ceremony at least three months in advance.

Three months notice is required in each parties home parish. The priest cannot fill out the necessary forms if notice is less than three months.

If you have been living in our new parish of Lucan South for more than six months the priests are obliged to process your Pre-Nuptial Enquiry Form. In order to do this we require.

A recently issued Baptism cert. i.e. issued within six months of your wedding date.

A Confirmation Certificate. (Check your Baptism Cert. as it may have a Confirmation entry in the appropriate place.)

If you have lived in any parish for a period of more than six months since the age of sixteen, a letter of freedom is required from each of those parishes. If you have lived abroad or in many different locations please see one of the priests.

Each party is bound by law to give three months notice of their intention to marry to the Civil Registrar. Forms are available from the Health Board.

We have had many inquiries regarding weddings abroad. Please ensure that if you intend to marry abroad that your marriage is recognised by both Church and State. For Church inquiries please contact one of your priests. For state inquiries please contact the Registrar of Civil Marriages at 6763218.

Many people are opting for a much simpler celebration of Marriage. The cost of the traditional wedding has escalated over the years. Father Pat is very happy to discuss your wedding plans and explore the many forms of Christian celebration of marriage with you at any time. If you are booking our Church please call to the sacristy and ensure that the correct day and time is entered.