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Winner of a Doras 3 Shamrock award

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Sunday Mass Times
(from 4 March 2001)
Day Time
Saturday (vigil) 6.30pm
Sunday 10.30am

Since Fr. Alan’s departure for Australia we have become a one priest parish.  It may take many months before we get a permanent curate. In the meantime we gratefully accept the help of the Holy Ghost Fathers from Templeogue.

Five years ago Fr. Pat discovered that he had osteo-arthritis. Up to now it hasn’t been too bad, but since Christmas it has got much worse and causes him severe pain. He is currently waiting in the queue for a hip-replacement operation.

In the light of this, it was felt necessary that we reduce the three Sunday Masses to two, namely 10.30am and 12.00pm. Following consultation with the congregations at all Masses on 17 and 18 February 2001, 98% were in favour of the change.

Holy Days
Day Time
Vigil 7.30pm
Holy day 9.15am

Weekday Masses
Day Time
Monday to Friday 9.15am
Saturday 10.00am
Bank Holidays 11.00am

Confessions: Saturday after 6.30pm Mass and on request.

Baptisms take place every Sunday at 1.30pm. At least two weeks’ notice must be given. Please call to Michael in the Parish Office to collect  a form. To ensure an intimate setting for your child’s Baptism and a dignified celebration, we limit the number of babies for Baptism to four.

Marriage: By arrangement with one of the priests. Each couple must notify their parish at least three months in advance. Three months notice must also be given to the State.


If you need to contact one of the parish staff urgently please ring the paging system at 203 6185