
Deep Cleaning/Rejuvenation Instructions

    1. Apply degreasing agent to the floor area, 1:3, agent to water.  Apply with a 4" paint brush, two tile courses at a time.  Allow 5 to 10 minutes for the chemical to activate.  Spatter with water should it dry out before this time has elapsed.  Scrub the floor with a deck scrubbing brush vigorously.  Mop up suds with towels or a sponge mop.  The tiles should show patchy areas, exposing the original surface of the tiles.

    2. Repeat the procedure for more stubborn spots, which didn’t come away the first time.

    3. Continue on to the next two courses of tiles.

    4. The following day, apply a solution of Turpentine/Linseed Oil 5:1 mix.  Apply with a 4" paint brush.  It should soak into the tiles after 5 minutes.  Any wet areas should be mopped up with towels, so as the whole floor is matt and not with glazed patches.  

    The following day apply Beeswax polish, leaving it to dry for 10 minutes before shining with a shoe-shine brush.


    1. Apply ‘Nitromors’ (all purpose paint remover) to the floor with a 4" paint brush, doing two courses of tiles and grout space at a time.

    2. Allow the Nitromors time to activate, approximately 10 minutes or longer.   Open all windows for ventilation and close doors to adjoining rooms.

    3. With a plastic Brillo Pad (industrial cleaning pad) scrub off the congealed Nitromors, rinsing out in a bucket of lukewarm water.  Wear rubber gloves.  Change water frequently.  Wipe tiles that are clean with a towel so that they dry quicker.  (Under no circumstances use a steel scraper or you will mark the tiles).

    4. Repeat steps1, 2 and 3 to the rest of the floor until the entire area has been cleaned.  Allow the floor 24 hours to dry.

    5. The next day, apply Santa Ana Brown sealer to the tiles and grout space with a 4" paint brush.  Allow 10 minutes to dry in.  Do two courses at a time.  Some areas will begin to dry in and others will remain wet.  Wipe up the entire area with a clean towel/rag, taking up the surplus brown sealer, and creating a matt finish to the tiles and grout space.  If they remained wet, the beeswax applied as a finish would be all sticky and impossible to apply).  Leave rags outside overnight to avoid self-combustion.

    NB  You can achieve a lighter look by using boiled linseed oil and following the instructions in paragraph 5.

    6. The next day, apply the Beeswax Polish to the tiles and Grout space.  Allow minimum of 10 minutes to harden.  Then shine up the tiles with the shining brush and repeat the procedure over the entire area.

    The floor is now finished.  Further applications of Beeswax will give added protection.  A tin of Beeswax should be kept at hand to remove scuff marks, chair marks etc on each tile.  The brown sealer can be used again to obliterate ship marks caused by falling objects, scratch marks etc.


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