Below are included Awards which
have been awarded to our site, we are delighted to have received these Awards.
School site of the week October 2, 2001
Why did they win?
Start your exploration in the ABC of Portlaw section, written by sixth class. Each pupil was given a letter of the alphabet, and wrote something interesting about the area to do with this letter. Here you can discover under 'T' for example, that the Tallest Tree in Ireland can be found in nearby Lord Waterford's Estate. Or under 'L' that some Portlaw residents won £1.5 million on the Lotto! Maybe some of the local luck will rub off on you with this Lotto number picker. You can learn a lot about the area in the informative History section. The way this site has been created gives a great feel for the community of the area, as different articles have been written by a cross-section of people. News stories detailing life in Portlaw in 1848 were penned by students at the school, whilst this local newspaper article was written by an ex-pupil. Other contributions come from the Local History Group and Father Power. We also liked the Pupils' Work section, where every class in the school has its own mini-website, or 'virtual classroom.' This gives an opportunity to display some great schoolwork, and some other interesting things as well. For example there are pupil book reviews, a chance to find out about Kevin Koala, and a Did You Know? page.
Congratulations to Portlaw N.S. for creating a lively site with a real community feel!
Read about the ECO schools scheme here at Portlaw School. It is a Europe wide environmental award scheme. It helps schools to take environmental lessons from the classroom and apply them to the day to day running of the school. ECO schools involves all members of the school community working together to improve the schools' environmental performance Read about their Aussie travel
buddy and great online Projects by students. See interesting photos of the area
of Ireland. This is a school site not to miss!!
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