The Redemptorist house in Park St. was where Dunnes Store is now located. Redemptorist priests are known as missioners. They go all over the country to preach to people of different parishes. In 1976 the Redemptorists celebrated their jubilee of 100 years in Dundalk. That year also St. Josephs became a parish with its own parish priest who was Fr. Clancy. Every October there is a huge novena to St. Gerard Majella who was a Redemptorist brother in Italy. He died of T.B. when he was a young man. He is the patron saint of mothers. A lot of children born are given his name for example boys are called Gerard and girls are called Majellla. Thousands of people come to this popular novena every October. Long ago the Redemporists in Dundalk had their own farm and priests did a lot of work themselves. Meadow Grove, a local Estate is where their farm land was. It takes a man about seven years to become a Redemptorist priest. Two of those years are usually spent abroad doing missionary work in foreign Redemptorist houses. By Róisín |
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