There is no realm of influence that they do not touch upon. Once their
empires were political and geographical, sown through the character of
it's genealogical successors and force of arms but today, the form of Kingship
differs as greatly as their methods remained the same. Today their attention
has turned to finance, industry and government which have become the trademarks
of leadership and the tools to power in the modern world.
While it can be said that the Ventrue have had as hard a time adapting
to the fast growth of technology as any clan (some say more than most),
they are no strangers to making money from selling things, even if they
do not understand them. They are no strangers to giving or taking those
crafts necessary for societal survival. They are no strangers to manipulating
the world to do what it's told and like it.
Generations of nobility, aristocracy and entrepreneurs have been carefully cultivated to provide for one of the most advanced organisations in the world, whose roster includes a veritable who's who of history's greatest leaders, known and unknown. Without a doubt, the concentrated power of Clan Ventrue's will incarnate is legendary and it's collective empires are nothing short of staggering.
All Ventrue must know their lineage through Veddhartha, Enoch, and Caine. Likewise they should respect and show reverence to their ancestors, and to their elders.
All Ventrue are expected to help their clanmates in need. Although this is mostly known as providing safe haven whenever asked, it also consists of getting them out of trouble and assisting in acquiring influence. Even so, the Ventrue do not tolerate fools, and one who acts stupidly may find themselves all alone without help.
All Ventrue are expected to put the welfare of their clan above their own. However, most realise that by increasing and carefully protecting their influence they help themselves, and thus the clan as well. When dealing with resources, they should always be looking to gain more, but should be careful not to take them from their clanmates.
As with all Cainites, the elders do not often appear, but let their
will be known through their servants and Childer. The sixth and seventh
generations are secretive, but still appear with some frequency. They are
seen as the leaders of the clan, by most of the younger generations. The
Methuselahs, fourth and fifth gen, are almost never seen, but their descendants
claim to speak for them. However almost all Ventrue are very aware of the
reputations of these beings, and at least what names they claim to use.
The Ventrue are very proud of their lineages and not one is unable to trace
their blood back to Caine himself.
In so doing, they made their affairs open to all Ventrue and even to other Kindred. The orders became dominated by groups of powerful clan members rather than by solitary leaders. Additionally, as the clan took an interest in mortal businesses, the orders began to assume a corporate structure. By the late 1800's, a number of the orders had openly emerged as directorates, theoretically devoted to ensuring the success of all Ventrue and, through them, all vampires.
Now the clan has a directorate in almost every major city in the Western world. Some directorates may have only two or three members, but all serve the same purpose--ensuring that the clan's power and influence continue to spread. Directorates usually meet on the first Tuesday of every month, and every Ventrue in a given city is expected to attend. The Senior Board of Directors only rarely meets, but it's members stay in constant communication. "
-Ventrue Clanbook p.27
By the late 19th Century, The Directorate became the primary organisation
of the Clan of Kingship. Spurred on by necessity and invention, Nigel and
his Childe Noah of Doverspike, most recent Monarch of the Ventrue Clan,
developed the Ventrue Directorate into it's modern form. They titled this
incarnation Archangel Enterprises, Baphomet is the sister company to Archangel
in the British Isles.
Having existed in one fashion or another throughout the ages, it has evolved and adapted to the changing circumstances of the world around it with relatively little difficulty. Indeed, it continues to evolve and its ability for necessary reinvention as mankind reaches ever new heights of modern advances is almost in stark contrast to it's sometimes anachronistic Ventrue. Yet it is for this reason that the Directorate continues to survive and prosper, achieving more and more control as its evolution progresses. The techniques used by the Ventrue, passed down from generation to generation, to accumulate resources and power are centuries old and it's most ancient masters have had as much time perfecting it to be so.
Built upon layers and layers of Ventrue holdings and traditions of Noblise
Oblige, Baphomet and Archangel have become a juggernaut. The Directorate's
networks and the complex intricacies of it's machinations have developed
over the eons into a creation so seamless in it's operation, so instinctively
bent on growth and success that even those who are in it's employ often
remain ignorant of it's substance, form and function. Indeed, even among
the Kindred there is a sense of foreboding surrounding it's upper echelon.
This has led many, Kindred and Kine, to wonder about the forces that continue
to direct this apparent megacorporation and whispers are often heard speculating
upon the dark nature of it's ancient masters and their unfathomable agenda.
Originally, the Cheshire Building Society required each member to permanently loan a share of their influences into the project. However investing players (not all players invested for whatever reason) found it difficult to use their personal Influences whenever and however they wanted to as some, if not all, was invested into the Society.
For the purposes of story and playability in our Camarilla Global LARP, we have fleshed out the Directorate to encompass not only organisation but prestige and station as well. This method facilitates both players and storytellers alike.
Baphomet itself now exists as a pseudo-NPC entity unto itself and replaces the Cheshire Building Society. It represents the foundations of Ventrue culture and success. It reflects the personalities and the work of the hidden Clan Elders. It's mechanics and game effects will be moderated by the storytellers.
Centuries of Ventrue influence throughout the globe has tempered it into a machine so efficient, it can tend to day to day business (and often much more) virtually on it's own.
Baphomet/Archangel is best viewed as representing the collective will of the Ventrue elders. It can also be seen as the outward mask that the Ventrue Directorate wears. Like all Ventrue, the Methuselahs control vast empires. They may occasionally help out their Childer, whether or not asked. They may likewise use it to punish their descendants. In truth, no one can begin to fathom what resources these elders control. It is known, that their influence can show up anywhere and anytime.
In mortal, Masquerade safe terms, Baphomet can be seen as a holding company with virtually hundreds of subsidiaries within it. Nearly every aspect of Ventrue enterprise has been threaded and subsumed to create a network so large and encompassing as to easily rival Clans, Conglomerates, Agencies and Methuselahs in both it's scope and impact.
Every Ventrue upon Acknowledgement is considered a part of Baphomet (and by extension Archangel) and it's inner workings as surely as they are acknowledged Childer of Veddhartha. No effort is needed on the part of the player to reflect this (it's simply part of your background) and no freebie points are used on character creation or experience expended (it is your bloodright). It can often be an enriching and excellent source of "down time" role-play to detail your character's exploits within it's structure. Whole sub-plots can revolve around inter-office politics, the handling of mortal affairs (no matter how seemingly innocuous), or anything else you and your storyteller can devise. Basically, any Clan sessions can be considered a Baphomet Directorate session.
Those who do not take part in Baphomet, may still be considered Ventrue,
but they may be eyed with some suspicion. They may feel that they can better
gain influence by acting on their own. Baphomet would tie them down to
a rigid way of doing things. However, they tend to receive the support
of other Ventrue less quickly if at all, and give it less quickly too.
(see The Atavists, Ventrue Clanbook p.27).
The ancient Elders of Baphomet/Archangel act from afar. The Influence actions taken by the Baphomet will come to be known as the presence and effect of those Elders that founded the Clan of Kings and their descendants. Its form and function to be completed and expanded on by the Childer of Veddhartha. The totality of which creates the societal norms, customs and organisation of the Clan Ventrue.
The base power of Baphomet can take actions just as PC's can with their own Influences, but that is the sum totality of the Ventrue Elders. It will not and cannot ever appear as one persona but as the combined action of many.
As Ventrue PCs rise in power and Influence, so too does their station in Baphomet as their power is a reflection of the Clan Ventrue. Baphomet is a reflection of them.
Ventrue PC's DO NOT have to loan Influences to Baphomet. Ventrue PC's hold and maintain all of their own Influence. For story purposes, it is assumed that but a shadow of that Influence, when not in use reflects a connection to the Baphomet network. It is the equivalent to one's Elders committing to an action and drawing upon their Childer for support. It is the status Quo. It is Clan Loyalty. It is Prestation and IC Prestige. It is co-operative success.
When a situation arises that a Ventrue needs the aid of their Clan's vast resources, they go to Baphomet. In essence, they seek out their Elders.
The Ventrue Storyteller (The Seneschal) is considered the Baphomet Storyteller. The Player should contact the Ventrue Storyteller. Only the Ventrue Storyteller can initiate a Baphomet action. They are in essence, the Elder NPCs. They then approve or disapprove the requests for Elder support based on various criteria. Character Performance, Lineage, level of successful activity, Generation, service to the Clan or other fiendish goals in the Elder's Jyhad.
If approved, the Ventrue Storyteller then goes to the local Domain ST (DST) for approval of an Influence action. The two should negotiate for effect subject to the promotion of story and Domain manageability. The Ventrue Storyteller is the final authority on a Baphomet action and the DST is final authority on its manifestation.
I realise that the scope of Baphomet and its potential coverage is a
large one. I am looking for more storytellers to come forward and aid in
the function of Baphomet (initially this will be the Clan Head(s)). While
all Ventrue will be afforded a position in Baphomet equal to their station
and interest in game, the actual out of game running of this background
will be handled by those Ventrue whose players are also storytellers. While
I realise and expect that many of you are responsible, Baphomet can be
abused in the wrong hands and only it's Storytellers are certified and
authorised to use this tool. Ideally, we would like them to fill up the
echelons of the Executive Officers (see below).
Players always have the option of also registering their Influences
with us. This provides me with the information necessary to throw Baphomet/Archangel
plot hooks your way and get you more involved in the Global LARP. This
information is only for our records. Your Influences will not be used without
your prior notification and express consent.
Each Director is responsible for the maintenance and growth of their individual assets on behalf of the Clan in that Domain. Directors answer to their Executive Junior Vice President superior in all things and are charged with supervising the mortals who act on behalf of the Clan and represent their interests. Thus even the lowest ranking Ventrue is a master in his own right, over the mortal world, if not yet the Kindred world.
We are attempting to fill positions from the top down. A rise in Clan Prestige results in a promotion and a loss of Clan Prestige usually results in a demotion.
Every Ventrue applying for a Directorate position must have a Ventrue SST approved Lineage thereby verifying their membership in the Clan of Kings.
Domains can choose to establish their local Directorate however they see fit using whatever method works for them, subject to the Hierarchy standard presented above.
An important point to note is that this document in no way replaces
the Ventrue Clanbook. It is designed specifically for our Camarilla LARP
as a Plotline supplement to it. We have designed it to not only cover Clan
structure over a large scale but also as a determinant of Clan status.
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